Hell's Handbook

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

After the Challenge on the Island of Mistakes, Su Jins perspective had changed dramatically. He slowly realized that if he wanted to eventually become a god, then he would have to also face much bloodshed. So, instead of being forced to face such situations, it was easier to take the initiative.

Mr. Su, I hope you can understand one thing its true that youre ranked at #91, but were not pushovers either. We wont allow you to tear us to pieces just like that. Satans expression was grim. He thought that Su Jin would obediently agree to their terms once he saw how many formidable owners there were here. He didnt expect Su Jin to immediately refuse.

We just need a test and well know if youre steel or if youre mud. Su Jin then said to Situ Jin, Get your fleet to move away. The further, the better.

Got it. Ill leave these people to you. Situ Jin wasnt worried about Su Jin. These guys looked fierce, but they werent good enough to kill Su Jin.

Situ Jin immediately instructed all the naval ships in the area to move as far away as possible, like what Su Jin said. The 21 owners here were all extremely formidable characters, so any fighting that arose wouldnt be any less than an actual tsunami.

Mr. Su, I would like to remind you one last time that Im also ranked among the top #100, so if you include the members standing behind me, Im afraid you dont stand a Before Satan could finish speaking, Su Jin cut him off.

So, you still think Im at #91. Its not your fault either, its been a long time since I made my ranking public, said Su Jin evenly. Look again. Whats my ranking?

Satan was stunned for a moment before he whipped out his Handbook to take a look. Cold sweat immediately started dripping from his forehead, because when Su Jins name reappeared in the ranking inside, he was no longer at #91. He was now at #7!

Youre youre #7?! How can this be? How? How could your ranking rise this quickly?! Satan couldnt believe his own eyes.

Ah, Ive been doing a bit more exercise lately! said Su Jin with a smile. Of course his ranking had risen quickly. Quite a bit of his previously sealed psychokinesis had leaked, which had increased the total amount he could use. Having Chimimoryo to assist him had also increased his capabilities. Furthermore, he had discovered a new potential in his psychokinesis during his battle with Abbas. All these aspects added to his overall prowess and therefore ranking.

The owners from the Dark Council were terrified beyond words. They had come in hope of forcing this man to become one of them, but now they were actually faced with a formidable owner almost on par with Shen Wu and Natasha.

Mr. Su, this this has been a misunderstanding Satans face twitched awkwardly a few times. Besides backing down, there was nothing else he could do.

A misunderstanding? Su Jin wasnt going to accept any explanation. It had been difficult enough for him to keep the anger and pain he felt down, and the Dark Council had chosen such a time to make things difficult for him. He was going to vent his frustrations out on them, as well as help the ordinary humans of the world get rid of a pile of troublemakers.

Run! Satan knew they were in trouble the minute he saw the expression on Su Jins face. The members of the Dark Council reacted very quickly, escaping in different directions within seconds. Some traveled on a beam of light, some grew wings, some transformed themselves into bats, and some leaped directly into the ocean.

Su Jin didnt bother chasing after them and just watched them run. A few minutes later, a silver glow flickered before a loud thunderous boom resounded. The members of the Dark Council who had tried to escape immediately came running back from the sky and the sea. Not a single one made it out. Their faces were pale as they stared in terror at Su Jin. They were all surrounded by a giant ball of psychokinesis.

The giant silver ball of psychokinesis was like a gigantic cage. Su Jin had set it up from the moment he arrived. The moment the Dark Council members tried to run, he started to shrink it toward himself. Psychokinesis was a lot more resilient than most Spirit Powers, and how resilient it was depended on the owner wielding it.

Su Jins psychokinesis was as resilient as the toughest thing in the world, so there was no way any of them were going to break through it.

Mr. Su, are you forcing us into a fight to the death?! roared Satan angrily. He knew that since backing down didnt work, then there was no room for any negotiation. Just like what Su Jin had said, only one of them could remain standing.

Like I said, only one of us will live to see tomorrow! Su Jin immediately flicked his fingers. Twenty Su Jins made from psychokinesis appeared in the ball of psychokinesis. Each of them carried a weapon that was also made from psychokinesis, including the boning knife, the Longbow of the Demon Lord, and Chimimoryo.

Satans heart was already in despair when he saw this, but he was an owner too, after all. Even if he had no hope of winning this battle, he wasnt going to go down without a fight. He roared and charged at Su Jin. Even if he had to die, he was going to make sure he got his blood all over Su Jin.

Dark Angel! bellowed Satan. A black pair of wings immediately grew from his back. Su Jin could feel a tremendous amount of indignation, hatred, and grief. That was a pair of wings made from vengeful souls.

Su Jin flipped his palm and Chimimoryo appeared in his hand. He whispered, This should be a tasty meal for you. He pulled the bowstring back slightly, and an evil spirit made from black mist appeared immediately. That was one way Chimimoryo presented itself.

Once the bowstring was released, the evil spirit whooshed out. It made Satan suddenly feel like turning and making a run for it. He could sense that his wings were actually afraid of this evil spirit.

Kill it!! The black angel wings were Satans treasure, so once he gave the command, the wings went head to head with Chimimoryo.

But the ending did not turn out like those in fairytales, where the weak wins against the strong. Chimimoryos black mist instantly enveloped Satan, and he disappeared instantly before he could even let out a shriek.

Su Jin released the bowstring, then proceeded to watch the battle from the sidelines. He watched as his 20 clones fought the members of the Dark Council. The members were slowly weakened over time as they fought on.

These members were very formidable and were high ranking owners, so they managed to fight the clones for a relatively long period of time, bringing utter chaos to N Ocean. But they were humans at the end of the day. And as long as they were humans, they could be injured, and once they were injured, they were weakened, and they would eventually die.

But Su Jins clones could not get hurt, could not die, did not fear anything, and carried out Su Jins commands without question. Su Jin told them to kill these members, so thats what they did.

In no time, the clones had killed nearly half the members. Murray, Jack, and Tracy were still barely hanging on, not because they were more powerful than the other owners, but because Su Jin was keeping them for last.

Weve got to kill him first, or were all going to end up dead! There was a fierce glint in Murrays eyes as he clawed at the clone he was fighting to push it aside, then flew straight for Su Jin.

The faces of the other Dark Council members lit up when they saw that Murray had made a dash for Su Jin. To them, the fact that Su Jin was watching on without doing anything showed that he was too complacent. Su Jin would never expect that Murray would actually still find the strength to attack him at this juncture.


Murrays punch landed squarely on Su Jins chest, and his expression immediately turned to one of horror. Su Jin looked at him quietly and said, Youre kinda stupid, arent you? After the last battle, didnt you already realize that my body is not my weakness at all?

Murray smiled sadly. Su Jin was right. Back in Africa, Su Jin had thrashed them so badly that they had to flee for their lives. This time, he had been stupid enough to attempt a close range combat again. He was very stupid indeed.

The other members of the Dark Council had looks of despair on their faces. The punch that Murray had thrown was their last hope, but that wasnt enough to make Su Jin even dodge.

Two of Su Jins psychokinesis clones appeared behind Murray, and two boning knives were aimed at Murrays neck. The force of their arms thrusting the knife was so great, Murray could feel the wind it stirred up.

If you dont kill us, we could still be useful to you! said Murray suddenly just before the knives struck him.

A silver glint flashed in Su Jins eyes. The two clones had disappeared the moment the knife had come within millimeters of Murrays neck and returned to Su Jins consciousness.

What do you mean by that? asked Su Jin.

The Dark Council controls the underworld in the western hemisphere. While its true that weve enslaved ordinary humans for our own pleasure, at the same time, weve brought order to the underworld. If we all die here today, then the underworld will definitely be thrown into utter chaos. I can see that youre not like us and youre not willing to hurt his world, so please let us off. Murrays heart was beating very quickly. He had no idea if he could persuade Su Jin with these words, but that was the only hope any of them had right now.

Su Jin tapped the bridge of his nose. He had a much kinder attitude toward the world and he wasnt a very barbaric person to begin with. Moreover, he wanted to revive his teammates so that they could continue to live in this world in peace and security. If he allowed chaos to reign in the western hemisphere, the world was going to be a much darker place to live in.

What youve said makes some sense, but I know some Handbook owners myself and I could get my own friends to take over. It might get messy for a while, but at least I know I can trust them. Dont you think so? replied Su Jin calmly.

Murray glanced at the owners behind him, then suddenly bowed low before Su Jin. I, Murray, am willing to become your servant. I pledge my allegiance to you from today onward, and if I go back on my word, I shall be punished for the rest of my life!

Su Jin was stunned for a moment as he saw Murray retrieve his Handbook, then tear off the page with his own name on it and hand it to Su Jin.

This represents my sincerity! Murray said to Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled. This fellow was a decisive one. The first page of every owners Handbook was printed with the owners name. If this page was destroyed, then the owner would also die. But as long as it remained inside the Handbook, this page was very safe, unless the owner tore it out themselves. Such an instance was called pledging ones allegiance to another owner in other words, once Su Jin accepted this page, then as long as Murray did anything that displeased him, he could end Murrays life with very little effort.

After Murray had done that, all the other surviving members of the Dark Council tore the page with their name on it and bowed to Su Jin.

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