Hell's Handbook

Chapter 305: Become A Slave

Chapter 305: Become A Slave

The five worshippers of the Demon Lord surrounded Miyamoto Tooru, then clapped their hands. A boning knife appeared in the air. Their leader grabbed hold of the knife and swung it, killing the other four instantly.

Miyamoto Tooru looked a little surprised, as though he didnt expect anybody in this group to kill his own companions. But the four worshippers who were killed turned into wisps of black mist that gathered on the blade of the boning knife.

Bloody Sakura Sword, youre probably the most formidable thing on this island besides Chimimoryo, but the boning knife given to us by our god is not weak either. Id like to find out today if youre stronger or if my gods boning knife is stronger! said the only worshipper left as he held the knife up.

Miyamoto Tooru was about to speak when he felt his body shake violently. The blood red color of his eyes deepened and he said, If the god who gave you the knife were to attack me with that knife, Id have no choice but to retreat. But you? Dream on!

Even though it looked like Miyamoto Tooru was the one speaking, the worshipper knew that the one actually controlling this body was the sword the man was holding.

Im not going down without a fight! There was a maniacal look in the worshippers eyes. He was a worshipper of the Demon Lord, a goddess with no boundaries and no regard for anything in the world, so he was no different.

Clang! The sound of the knife hitting something resounded as he used it to cut through the trees surrounding them. Those ancient trees were so wide it would have taken several people to stand around their trunks and hug them. Yet, they all broke with ease and exploded in the air.

What a low level move! Miyamoto Tooru scoffed. He brandished his sword and a red beam flew out, blocking any impact the boning knife had. None of it even got close to him.

The worshipper was a little stunned. He was indignant, but he had to admit that after the Bloody Sakura Sword took over this ordinary humans body, it was able to wield a strength much greater than his.

My four brothers have already sacrificed themselves, so no matter what I have to do this for the sake of the almighty Demon Lord! The worshipper let out a maniacal roar, then charged at Miyamoto Tooru with his knife held high.

You fool! The difference in our prowess is so great! Did you think you could overcome it by just being unafraid to die?! Miyamoto Tooru smiled mirthlessly as he ran toward the worshipper with his sword. The two blades collided in the middle of an empty field.

CLANG! In the instant the two blades collided, a force field exploded, turning all the trees and everything else into ash. The worshipper exploded as well, leaving only the boning knife floating in the air. But before the knife could land on the ground, a crack appeared in the air and took it away.

Miyamoto Tooru looked at the lump of flesh that was once the worshipper and scoffed. So, its not that youre unafraid of death. You have a body that cannot die and itll come back to life eventually!

The remains of the worshipper was slowly writhing on the ground, which was a sign that this body could regenerate itself. He could make sure this fellow couldnt regenerate, but that would require a lot of time.

Damn it, this bodys only wish is to seek revenge. If I dont let him have his way, Im afraid hell give me trouble next time. Miyamoto Tooru shook his head in annoyance, then ignored the worshipper who was slowly regenerating and ran toward where the members of Team Boning Knife had gone.

While running, Miyamoto Tooru had regained some of his senses, and the blood red color in his eyes had faded significantly. The Bloody Sakura Sword had temporarily returned control of the body to him.

Thank you, Master! Miyamoto Tooru thanked the sword respectfully and the sword hummed in response.

With the help of the sword, Miyamoto Tooru was able to run extremely quickly. He was a grandmaster too, so regardless of who he ran into first, they were going to die.

In no time, Miyamoto Tooru could sense someone running away ahead of him. He had an excited grin on his face as he suddenly increased his speed and caught up with that person. That person turned out to be Kano Mai.

When Kano Mai saw that he had caught up with her, she had a look of despair in her eyes. Given the circumstances, there was no way she was getting out of this alive. There was no way she could defeat him.

Well, are you prepared to give up and wait for death to befall you? Miyamoto Tooru smiled frostily at her. Actually, the person he hated the most wasnt Su Jin. It was Kano Mai.

He always felt that it started with Kano Mais rejection of his advances, and worse still, she brought Su Jin along to humiliate him. She was the cause of everything. If not for her, he would still be the super genius of the Miyamoto family who enjoyed a life of his own, unlike how he now had to worry about dying in a Challenge once a month.

Kano Mai took a deep breath. She knew that Miyamoto Tooru really hated her. And perhaps he wasnt wrong to do so. If not for her, none of this would have happened to him. But Miyamoto Tooru wasnt the only victim, and it wasnt as if he didnt have the choice to withdraw. He had chosen to fight Su Jin to the death.

Its just death, really. But did you think your unhappiness is really because of me? Kano Mai didnt think she was going to survive, so she gave up trying. But she hoped to stall Miyamoto Tooru for as long as she could, hoping to gain more time for the rest of her team to escape. Even an extra minute would help.

Miyamoto Tooru did not speak. He merely gripped his sword a little more tightly and glared even more aggressively at Kano Mai.

Miyamoto Tooru, ask your conscience! If you werent greedy for the wealth and status of the Kano family, would things really have turned out this way? asked Kano Mai in a grim voice.

Miyamoto Tooru frowned a little as he snorted. I admit that I did covet you, but was that wrong of me? The strongest ought to have the best.

The strongest? Kano Mai suddenly burst out laughing. You think youre strong? If this Challenge hadnt suppressed our powers, Jin wouldnt be the only one in the team who would be able to kill you.

That has nothing to do with me! Kano Mai, I know what youre trying to do. I know youre trying to stall for time! said Miyamoto Tooru icily as he raised his sword. Im sorry, I still have other people to kill, so I dont have the time to chat with you. With that, he brought his sword down.

Just then, two figures shot out from the side. Ye Yun kicked Miyamoto Tooru in the back. She wasnt as formidable as he was, but she was at master level herself. This sudden, unexpected attack made Miyamoto Tooru lose his balance slightly.

Meanwhile, the other figure punched Miyamoto Tooru in the ribs. This punch was as powerful as an explosion, and thats because Chu Yi had consumed a super strength pill before delivering it.

Sis Mai, are you alright? Chu Yis body was trembling slightly. That was a sign that his body had delivered an attack too much for it to handle. But if he wanted to rescue Kano Mai, he didnt have any other choice.

What are both of you doing here? Kano Mai was stunned. She didnt expect Ye Yun and Chu Yi to appear. She was very touched, but not the slightest bit happy. Because that meant that she wasnt the only one who was going to die all three of them were doomed now.

HA! Youve actually come to me instead! How foolish! Miyamoto Tooru stretched his limbs and felt perfectly fine. If Chu Yi and Ye Yuns blows had landed on an ordinary person, that person would be broken by now. But he felt like he had merely been tickled.

I dont care about that whatever sword youre holding! I wont let you bully my Sister Mai! Chu Yi swung his fists angrily.

Oh? I wont bully her then, Ill just bully you. He delivered a kick without using any of the strength that the Bloody Sakura Sword gave him. He used his own ability and strength as a grandmaster to attack Chu Yi because he felt that doing so made him more excited. He was going to torture the members of Team Boning Knife and make Su Jin wallow in misery!

Meanwhile, Su Jin had stopped running. He sat down cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes. He knew that it was pointless to keep running. Everyone was going to end up dying at Miyamoto Toorus hands that way. If he wanted to turn the tables, there was only one way to do that.

Dont you yearn for life? Dont you also want to leave the Island of Mistakes? Also, I know about how youve been hoping to use psychokinesis to train yourself up! So, come to me! I can give you everything, as long as you lend me your power! Su Jin did not say any of this out loud. He just kept calling out in his mind. He wasnt sure if this was going to work, but he had to try.

One minute passed, then two, then three Su Jins calls seemed useless and he was about to give up when he felt a voice enter his consciousness.

He didnt even dare to breathe too loudly. He listened carefully to the voice and was finally able to hear what it was saying.

If you want my power, you still have to pay the price. I want your body and I want you to become my slave!

Thats what you want? Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said without hesitation, Ill give it all to you!


Immediately after that, a beam of light shot toward him and floated in the air in front of Su Jin. That was a longbow, that was Chimimoryo, one of the most formidable characters on the island!

Su Jin took hold of Chimimoryo and energy surged into his consciousness. He knew that energy was from Chimimoryo. It was taking hold of his body.

A few moments later, Su Jins eyes opened again. His eyes were no longer separated into black and white sections but just one cloudy color.

Bloody Sakura Sword, huh. Su Jin stretched his arms, then shot into the sky and made his way toward where Miyamoto Tooru was.

By this time, Chu Yi had lost his four limbs and lay on the ground like a gunnysack. Ye Yuns face was covered in blood as well. Until now, Miyamoto Tooru had not used the power of the Bloody Sakura Sword and was fighting them with nothing else but his prowess as a grandmaster. And in the end the difference between them and Miyamoto Tooru was simply too great for them to overcome. Regardless of whether it was master level Ye Yun or medically strengthened Chu Yi, they couldnt fight back at all.

Alright now, Im done playing with you guys. Its time to die! Miyamoto Tooru had a relaxed smile on his face as he raised his sword and aimed at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun closed her eyes and was prepared to die, but suddenly, a pillar of grayish mist flew in from afar, blocking the Bloody Sakura Swords attack.

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