Hell's Handbook

Chapter 256: The Dark Council

Chapter 256: The Dark Council

Yun Han’s gaze was constantly void of emotion. Her eyes didn’t even flicker when she looked at Su Jin. Su Jin curiously tried to use his psychokinesis to find out what she was thinking about, but her eyes instantly widened just as his psychokinesis came close to her, as though she had been startled.

Everyone was alarmed by her change in expression and Yun Tianye started to gather his internal energy as he said to Su Jin, “Mr. Su, I’m afraid there’s someone nearby who intends to harm us.”

Su Jin felt a little embarrassed as he said, “No, no, I released some internal energy just now and it might have frightened her.”

He was really surprised. Yun Han turned out to be someone born with psychokinesis and it was at a pretty high level too. It was clear that she didn’t really know how to use it, but she had premonitions. She had sensed Su Jin’s psychokinesis approaching her, which was why she had reacted so violently.

Yun Tianye was still a little wary, but he did not pursue this matter. He then asked Su Jin, “Which school or clan are you from, Mr. Su?”

Su Jin waved his hand and laughed. “I’m not from any school or clan, I’ve just randomly learned stuff. I’ve also been hired by Miss Tang to come here, but your team will be the ones participating in the event, so I’m just here to watch.”

Even though Su Jin had described himself like a nobody, nobody in Yun Tianye’s group of five dared to view him the same way they did before. Nobody was going to make enemies with someone who could kill a grandmaster with just one finger.

The next few days was a time of relaxation for Su Jin and Kano Mai. Yun Tianye and his team were able to handle the International Mercenary Exchange by themselves. After all, Yun Tianye was a genuine grandmaster, so it was hard to find someone at the event who would be able to defeat him easily. There might have been some who thought of using some underhanded means to win, but after Su Jin had literally made the leader of the best mercenary army’s head explode with just one finger, nobody was going to be stupid enough to pull off such a stunt and get themselves killed the same way.

Before coming, Su Jin had promised Kano Mai that this would be a holiday, so he wasn’t going to go back on his word. The one thing that North Africa was full of was plenty of majestic and beautiful natural scenery.

But while they were busy touring the area, another group had arrived in North Africa.

The International Mercenary Exchange was being held in a small country in North Africa, and three people were now standing side by side in a public mortuary, exchanging words as they looked down at a white man’s dead body.

“Miss Tracy, can you tell us exactly what’s going on?” The man in a suit with Murray was getting impatient. Tracy had been standing here without moving for a long time and spent the time just staring at Keith’s cold corpse.

Tracy was a Caucasian woman who looked like she was in her twenties. Her makeup was immaculate and she was dressed in a blue floral dress and a large sun hat, which made her look more like a tourist.

“I believe Mr. Keith died at around 10:15 am,” said Tracy as she turned to look at the man in a suit.

He shrugged. “And so?”

“But that flight landed at 1:30 pm, and based on both eyewitness statements and footage from the surveillance cameras, Mr. Keith had gotten off the plane himself and went through immigration and security checks like everyone else,” Tracy continued.

Murray’s face was pale and had very severe dark rings around his eyes, so he looked like he wasn’t awake. But when he heard what Tracy said, he piped up, “Are you saying that… after Keith died, his corpse managed to walk out of the plane?”

“Yup. It sounds crazy, but that’s exactly what happened,” said Tracy with a nod.

Murray fell silent for a moment, then broke into a smile. “Who cares if it sounds crazy? So, what do you think could possibly make this happen?”

“There are many possibilities, especially if the other person is an owner. In fact… I found out that Mr. Keith’s twisted and empty brain has a record of containing a consciousness that doesn’t belong to him,” said Tracy with a faint smile as she touched Keith’s forehead.

“Oh? That’s a really good discovery. So, our enemy is someone with psychokinesis? I guess we can more or less confirm he’s probably a Handbook owner?” Murray clapped as a glint flashed in his eyes.

Tracy nodded. She took her phone out and fiddled with it for a while before showing Murray and the other man a photo. “I’ve checked through the information of everyone on board the same flight and a few have caught my attention. I believe one of them is the killer.”

Murray looked through the photos on her phone, which included Su Jin and his team of eight.

“Jack, I’ll leave this to you.” Murray threw the phone to the man in a suit. He rubbed his temples and said, “I really hate this part of the world. The sun here is way stronger than anywhere else. I need to go back and get a good nap. If you guys discover anything, let me know.”

“Sure. You’ve got both Miss Tracy and myself, so you can sleep without worrying.” Jack waved the phone in his hand and Murray nodded in response. He then transformed himself into a colony of bats and flew off at top speed.

“I’m always so amazed when I see Mr. Murray display his abilities,” Tracy said to Jack with a smile.

Jack chuckled. “You don’t have to be envious of him. Psychokinesis owners like yourself are the ones who should be envied. Murray… well, he just got lucky during one of the Challenges and was able to transform himself into another type of living creature, that’s all.”

“Psychokinesis owners… there are a number of owners who get this power, but not everyone can get it to a high level. There’s a good reason why some consider psychokinesis a useless sort of Spirit Power after all,” said Tracy with a sad laugh.

Jack nodded in agreement. Psychokinetic Spirit Power was often called a useless Spirit Power because it was so difficult to raise it. Many Handbook owners were given this Spirit Power, but most of them gave it up in the end. Very few were able to reach the next level and use it to increase their fighting abilities.

“I heard that there’s an owner from China named Xu Ran. His psychokinesis is at some insane level and he’s also a top ranking owner among all owners,” said Jack in response to Tracy’s remark. He had heard of Xu Ran before.

Tracy’s eyes lit up. She had Psychokinetic Spirit Power and knew better than Jack how difficult it was to bring it to the next level. Yet, the legendary Xu Ran had managed to do so. She had never seen Xu Ran before, but she had a deep impression of him. You could even say that Xu Ran was like her idol.

“Damn it! Some of the passengers you suspect are from China! Since the person we’re looking for is an owner with psychokinesis, do you think… could it be Xu Ran?” Jack suddenly straightened up and asked Tracy.

Tracy blinked a few times as she realized that this could be a possibility. She took the phone back from Jack and looked through all the photos again, before finally stopping at a photo of Su Jin.


“From what I’ve heard, Xu Ran looks like he’s in his twenties… could this be him?” murmured Tracy as she continued staring at Su Jin’s photo.

“Shit! What if it’s really Xu Ran? What are we going to do?” Jack felt rather frustrated now. The Dark Council was a powerful organization, but there were still some people out there they could not afford to offend. The legendary owner with psychokinesis who ranked among the top spots in the owner ranking, Xu Ran, was one of those people.

“I’m hoping it’s him, actually.” A smile spread across Tracy’s lips. She gently touched the photo of Su Jin with her slim fingers and said quietly, “I’ve been hoping to meet you for a very long time now. If I can kill you… I’d be able to make a breakthrough with my psychokinesis, right?”

Jack stared at Tracy like she had lost her mind.

She stared back at him and scoffed. “You think I’m insane, don’t you?”

“Well, if you’re serious about trying to kill Xu Ran, then yes, I think you’re insane,” said Jack with a look of disbelief on his face. “He’s a master in psychokinesis and he’s way more advanced than you are in this aspect. How in the world are you going to kill him?”

“I have psychokinesis too. As a fellow owner with psychokinesis, I know their weaknesses better, so I’d know how to kill him better too.” There was a crazed and delirious look in her eyes as she squeezed her legs together subconsciously, seemingly turned on by this idea.

Jack wasn’t charmed by her behavior at all. He really, really hoped that the person they were looking for wasn’t actually Xu Ran. Otherwise, the Dark Council wasn’t just going to lose Keith, but the three of them as well.

Meanwhile, Su Jin and Kano Mai had just returned from a day of sightseeing and saw Yun Tianye with his disciples and Thomas. They all seemed to be in high spirits.

“How did the Exchange go?” asked Su Jin as he opened a bottle of mineral water and threw one to Kano Mai as well.

Thomas was full of excitement as he said, “Mr. Su, you really should have gone to take a look this morning! Mr. Yun was totally the star of the show and defeated a dozen challengers in a row! That was crazy! Also, some ladies among the mercenaries went crazy for him!”

Yun Tianye’s face turned completely red when Thomas mentioned this, because that was exactly what happened. When he was done with all his opponents, ladies from several different countries had pounced on him and wished they could drag him into their own rooms so that they could see for themselves how this not very muscular Chinese man could be this formidable.

His disciples chuckled silently to themselves by the side. This was the first time they saw their teacher at such a loss. The way he ended up running away from them for dear life looked nothing like his usual grandmaster self.

As they chatted and laughed, the doorbell suddenly started ringing. Wei Wu opened the door to find Black Leopard standing outside.

“Black Leopard? What’s the matter?” asked Thomas when he saw who it was.

Black Leopard nodded slightly at him, then said to Su Jin, “Mr. Su, Firebird has discovered that there is a group of Caucasian men and women who have been trying to investigate you. As part of the organizing team for this event, I felt that it was necessary to inform you about this.”

“Oh? Do you know who these people are?” asked Su Jin curiously.

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