Hell's Handbook

Chapter 193: Killing With Psychokinesis

Chapter 193: Killing With Psychokinesis

The city was extremely quiet, and there was barely anybody in sight. Han Linmei gave Su Jin a large linen cloak and told Su Jin to wear it. In fact, every one of them was given one to wear.

“This is a city controlled by the cult and the cult wants everybody who lives in such a city to be a believer, or they will be killed. This linen cloak is a symbol of a believer,” explained Han Linmei to Su Jin softly.

Su Jin raised an eyebrow and whispered, “A linen cloak is enough to confirm one’s identity? Isn’t that a bit too simplistic?”

“Of course, the cloak isn’t the only thing. The cult also requires all their believers to tattoo the symbol of the cult on their faces, but it’s night time now, so if everyone just keeps their heads down, it should be fine,” said Li Jinpeng. He was quite upset for a long time after being defeated so soundly by Su Jin, but after he realized that there was really nothing between Su Jin and Han Linmei, he stopped feeling so depressed.

Su Jin nodded and put the cloak on quickly. Han Linmei proceeded to split the team into two. One team of five would remain in the outer area of the city. If the team inside ran into problems, this outer team was in charge of creating chaos so that the inner team could make their getaway. The inner team comprised Su Jin, Han Linmei, Li Jinpeng and two others. Their mission was to go deeper into the city and find Chu Yi.

“Mr. Su, this gentleman here is Han Jun. He’s an expert in explosives and he’s also a veteran. His Spirit Power is willpower,” Han Linmei introduced a man in his forties to Su Jin. This man was very disciplined in the way he moved.

“Mr. Han is from the army?” asked Su Jin.

Han Jun nodded and stuck one hand out. “I used to be part of the army but I’ve retired for a long time now. I learned about explosives from my time in the army.”

They shook hands, then Han Linmei proceeded to introduce the last member of the team to Su Jin. “This lady here is Lin Jiajia. She’s not a veteran, but she has an item that is very suitable for doing spying work.”

Lin Jiajia was very pretty and was even prettier than some celebrities. Her smile, in particular, was very mesmerizing. In a normal world, she would definitely be a rising star if she had a good management company to package and promote her.

She shook Su Jin’s hand as well, then took out a mask and put it on her face. Her face instantly looked identical to Su Jin’s.

Su Jin looked at the mask with some interest and saw that this mask was indeed able to replicate another person’s face in great detail, which wasn’t too bad. But it could only change one’s face and not one’s body, which made it inferior compared to Wu Chen’s Spirit Power. But it was good enough to fool someone in the darkness of night or under certain circumstances.

“Jiajia will lead the group. If we run into anybody from the cult, she will be in charge of handling them. Han Jun, you will be in charge of placing bombs along the way, Li Jinpeng will assist Mr. Su. Mr. Su, you just need to conserve your strength and get ready to fight later,” said Han Linmei.

Su Jin was agreeable with this arrangement. Everyone in the team was useful in their own way, and the only ones who could fight at close range were himself and Li Jinpeng. To be fair, Li Jinpeng wasn’t a bad fighter by any means, but he was definitely too weak to fight Chu Yi, whose internal energy made him stronger than most. In short, Su Jin was really the only hope the Resistance Army had to kill Chu Yi.

It was probably going to be difficult to defeat Chu Yi in a fight, but killing him was going to be much easier. The Demon Lord’s Longbow was enough to kill a demigod, never mind Chu Yi.

The group continued moving through the city. The streetlights were on, but there were very few people walking around. The few they saw were also dressed in a heavy linen cloak, walking along hurriedly by themselves.

Shortly after they had arrived at the inner part of the city, a group of people without that linen cloak appeared and stood in their way.

“Stop right there. Who are you people? Why are you still walking around at this hour?” There were seven of them in the group and they were clearly different from ordinary believers. Su Jin raised his eyebrow slightly. These seven people weren’t ordinary people. They were owners too.

Lin Jiajia immediately took a step forward and said reverently, “Esteemed sirs, we are devotees who went for a gathering with other devotees that ended rather late. We are now on our way home.”

“Lift your head up and let me take a look,” the leader of the group said to Lin Jiajia.

Lin Jiajia dared not delay and lifted her head to reveal her face. A strange symbol instantly appeared on her mask.

The group was blown away for a moment when they saw her face, because she was really very pretty. Han Linmei was quite pretty too, but her features weren’t as delicate as Lin Jiajia’s.

The leader nodded, then looked at the other four and said, “The rest of you, lift your heads too.”

“I don’t think that’s… necessary?” Lin Jiajia’s heart started to palpitate in fear. Without the aid of something like her mask, her comrades would be exposed if they were to lift their heads. She laughed quietly and said to the leader, “Sir, these friends of mine are rather… ugly looking and I’m afraid that looking at them might give you nightmares. I think you’d better not look at them.”

“Oh? We’ll not look at them then. We’ll just enjoy your company then, pretty girl,” said the leader as he grabbed hold of Lin Jiajia’s arm with a lecherous smile on his face.

Lin Jiajia immediately panicked. Li Jinpeng pressed his hand against his chest where he kept his Handbook and got ready to fight. Han Linmei and Han Jun had clenched fists as well.

“If they want to look at our faces, they can go ahead and do that,” said Su Jin suddenly.

Everyone froze and cursed inwardly at Su Jin for ruining their plans. They were prepared to launch an attack on these people while they were distracted by Lin Jiajia. But now that Su Jin had suddenly spoken, the group’s attention was on them and it was going to be too hard to make an attack. The other party had seven members and since they could walk around without a linen cloak, it meant that they were owners belonging to the cult. They could probably win a fight against these seven, but the commotion would draw the attention of others from the cult.

Meanwhile, Su Jin had already taken a step forward and pushed his hood back to reveal his face. Han Linmei and the rest paled and wanted to launch an attack, only to find that they couldn’t move at all.

“Well? No problem, right?” said Su Jin to the other group.

The seven of them looked at Su Jin and nodded, then said to the remaining three, “All of you, raise your heads too!”

The other three were still stunned from being unable to move when their necks started moving upwards against their will to reveal their faces.

The group of seven checked their faces, then nodded before saying to Lin Jiajia, “You were right. Your friends are really fucking ugly!”

All of them were surprised. Their faces had been revealed, yet the other party had not instantly tried to kill them. What was going on?

“Can we go now?” Su Jin put a hand on Lin Jiajia’s arm to pull her back.

“As devotees of the cult, you are obliged to serve us. All of you can leave, except this woman,” said the leader.

Lin Jiajia paled and immediately tried to pull her arm out of the leader’s grasp. She gave Su Jin a pleading look. The owners in this cult were extremely wicked people. If she had to leave with them, she would meet an end worse than death.

Han Linmei and the rest were equally upset. They didn’t want to let these people take Lin Jiajia away either, but they couldn’t move their bodies at all, so they couldn’t even put up a fight.

Su Jin frowned and sighed. “I wanted to settle this peacefully, but it seems like that’s not possible. In that case… all of you can meet your maker.”

“Wait, what?” The group of seven were enraged, but before they could do anything, their eyes widened and they fell to the ground with a loud thud.

After that, all of them realized they could move again and figured that it was Su Jin who had done something earlier. Han Jun checked the group of seven and said in shock to the rest, “They’re all dead.”

All four of them were in shock. What in the world just happened? How did these owners just drop dead?

“Mr. Su, this was your doing right? You were the one who made us lift our heads and you were also the one who killed these owners, right?” said Han Linmei.

Su Jin nodded but did not elaborate further. “Let’s clean this place up and move on.”

Han Linmei nodded and started helping to clear the dead bodies. They were excited but scared at the same time, because Su Jin was more powerful than they had imagined. If Su Jin suddenly turned against them, they would end up like these owners.

Actually, what Su Jin did earlier was very simple. He had used his psychokinesis to affect the vision of the seven owners. So, not only did Su Jin and the rest look like they had the symbol of the cult on their faces, but they also looked terribly ugly.

And if Su Jin had been allowed to handle this matter from the beginning, things could have been settled in a much easier manner. He could have used his psychokinesis to affect those owners such that they couldn’t see his group at all. Unfortunately, Lin Jiajia had responded to their call and started talking to them, so it was difficult for Su Jin to do anything without looking suspicious. It would be worse if the other party sensed something amiss and attracted the attention of other owners belonging to the cult.

As for how the seven of them had dropped dead, that was even simpler. Su Jin’s psychokinesis had cut off the nerves to their brain. It was hard to do this to veterans, but it was easy to do this to ordinary owners, except that it consumed quite a bit of his energy as well. If he didn’t have to settle this matter as quickly as possible without raising a commotion, he would rather settle this matter with his fists.

After Li Jinpeng and Han Jun had dragged the seven corpses to a dark small alley, they went on their way and quickly found themselves in front of a skyscraper.

“Mr. Su, if our intel is correct, Mr. Chu is staying on the top floor of this building. However, there are a large number of owners who stay here too. We need to find a way to get past them,” said Han Linmei.

Su Jin nodded. “I can affect the vision of ordinary owners so they won’t be able to see us. But if we run into veterans, I’m afraid we’ll have to fight.”

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