Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 141: Disturbance After Death

Chapter 141: Disturbance After Death

When dawn broke, Lu Chen yawned and walked out the door, heading towards Liuxiang Orchard along with many other servant disciples. Along the way, he greeted many familiar faces, and a couple of closer acquaintances teased him, “Did you not sleep well last night?”

“Never enough sleep. Working every day is exhausting,” Lu Chen shook his head, sighing.

The other servant disciples nodded in agreement, as everyone seemed to share the same sentiment. It was no secret that the Kunlun Sect’s various rules exploited servant disciples to support those with better talents. However, despite this, the Kunlun Sect was still a reputable sect and would give servant disciples a glimmer of hope. If one had both luck and talent, there was indeed a chance to make something of oneself.

The hope was slim, but the allure of immortality was enough to make people willingly strive for it.

They chatted along the way, and by the time they reached Liuxiang Orchard, the sun had risen, casting its light over the vast medicinal garden. The breeze carried the unique fragrance of the orchard. The numerous servant disciples scattered like diligent bees to their designated spiritual fields, and Lu Chen made his way to the plot where the hawk fruit trees were planted.

Standing on the ridge of the field, Lu Chen couldn’t help but look up at the sky. The clear, bright sky promised a day of good weather.

Soon, everyone else arrived, and a while later, the two Golden Core cultivators, Yan Luo and Lin Sheng, showed up. Just as everyone was about to begin, Lin Sheng frowned and called out, “Wait a moment, we’re missing someone.”

Everyone stopped in surprise and turned to look.

Yan Luo was also a bit surprised. “Who would miss such a good opportunity? Who is it?” she asked.

Lin Sheng glanced at the name list in his hand and then looked at the servant disciples standing nearby, including Lu Chen. After a moment of contemplation, he said to Yan Luo, “There’s a disciple named He Changsheng who isn’t here.”

Yan Luo snorted. “The fool doesn’t know what’s good for him! Never mind, we can’t keep everyone waiting for him. Let’s start.”

Her reasoning was sound, and Lin Sheng had no objections. He ordered everyone to start tending to the hawk fruit trees, though he cast an irritated glance at the path. Yan Luo was in charge here, but he was the one who had selected these servant disciples. Now, He Changsheng was inexplicably absent, which felt like a slap in the face, even though Yan Luo hadn’t blamed him.

Lin Sheng decided that when He Changsheng showed up, he would give him a severe reprimand. As for choosing him for future opportunities, that was out of the question.

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Sheng’s face remained impassive as he watched the disciples busying themselves in the spiritual field.


Lin Sheng’s intention to harshly scold He Changsheng was never realized, as He Changsheng never appeared all morning. By noon, Lin Sheng’s face had darkened considerably, and everyone except Yan Luo had subtly distanced themselves from him.

Yan Luo glanced at him once more but didn’t say anything. Managing the servant disciples was Lin Sheng’s responsibility; she could comment casually but overstepping would be inappropriate.

After another half an hour, Lin Sheng could no longer contain his frustration. He called over a guard disciple and ordered him to fetch He Changsheng.

By now, Lin Sheng had resolved that if He Changsheng couldn’t provide a valid reason upon arrival, he would punish him on the spot and expel him from Liuxiang Orchard for his audacity.

The guard disciple left on his errand, and those around, including the busy servant disciples in the spiritual field, discreetly watched the situation unfold. Some remained expressionless, while others showed faint smiles, seemingly relieved to have one less competitor.

The gentle mountain wind blew through the orchard, and the sunlight from the sky seemed mild and gentle.

The commotion began about half an hour later, with noises coming from the direction of the grass garden. The distant clamor, mixed with a few shrill screams, grew louder as it approached Liuxiang Orchard.

Yan Luo and Lin Sheng, the highest cultivators present, were the first to notice something amiss and turned to look. Shortly after, the previously dispatched guard disciple rushed back, pale-faced, and collapsed in front of Lin Sheng, stammering in terror, “He… he… he’s dead!”


The news of He Changsheng’s sudden death spread quickly through Liuxiang Orchard. Initially, people were shocked and surprised, but soon many sensed something was seriously wrong.

The Kunlun Sect dispatched numerous people to seal off the area, forbidding anyone from approaching He Changsheng’s house. Lin Sheng and Yan Luo, who had been the first to arrive at the scene, never emerged from the house.

## Chapter 141: Disturbance After Death

By the afternoon, the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Hundred Herbs Hall, Qian Deng and Ming Zhu, arrived with grave expressions and entered the house. Later, as dusk approached, amidst countless curious and watchful eyes, the Kunlun Sect’s Sect Leader, Xian Yue Zhenren, also arrived with a stern face.

It seemed as though a storm was brewing over the vast Kunlun Sect.


Various rumors began circulating wildly throughout the Kunlun Sect. Questions arose about what exactly happened in that house, why a normally inconspicuous servant disciple suddenly died so tragically, and why it attracted the attention of so many powerful higher-level cultivators. Numerous versions of the story emerged.

Some said the servant disciple was overexploited, suffering unbearable hardship and seeing no future, which led him to despair and commit suicide.

Others dismissed this, sneering that it was clear that the disciple had been severely oppressed recently and couldn’t withstand it. As for who was responsible, well, there were only a few bold and ruthless families in the Kunlun Sect—one could speculate. Some people were known for their repugnant deeds, and they might face retribution.

Another claim, spoken with conviction, described the scene in the house as extremely gruesome, with blood everywhere, making it resemble a hell on earth.

Someone asked how one could end up with so much blood in a room from suicide, leading to a flurry of wild speculations.

By evening, the news became clearer. There had indeed been a murder, and the victim was He Changsheng.

He Changsheng had died in a horrific manner.

However, details of the exact nature of his death remained elusive. Those who had not entered the house could not describe the situation, while those who had were unwilling to speak. The most they would say, under duress, was that it was “terrible.”

As night fell, the Kunlun Sect had sealed off an area of several dozen yards around the house. All other servant disciples residing nearby were questioned thoroughly and relocated. Thus, the area, once bustling, had turned eerily silent.


Lu Chen lived far from the scene and was unaffected, with no one coming to question him. As night fell, he stayed alone in his room, with Ah Tu lying on his lap as he began to unwrap the bandages.

The bloodied white cloths were discarded to reveal the severe wounds. Ah Tu occasionally twitched in pain but mostly endured quietly, lying obediently.

Some wounds were almost healed, so Lu Chen left them alone and only changed the bandages on the most severe wounds. It seemed that less than half of Ah Tu’s body was still wrapped, and it looked somewhat better than before.

Yet, Ah Tu appeared even more pitiful now. With only one eye and half a tail, it limped more noticeably. Its face was marred with frightening scars, adding an aura of menace that made it seem more ferocious.

“It’s almost healed,” Lu Chen said, examining the scarred black dog, and gently patted its head.

Ah Tu responded with a wag of its tail, though it was a bit comical and awkward with its half-tail. Lu Chen sighed and smiled, “Be careful when you go out to play once you’re better.”

In Ah Tu’s single eye, a faint green light flashed, and it rested its head on Lu Chen’s knee, snuggling quietly. Unseen by Lu Chen, beneath that green glow was a very faint hint of black, swaying gently.

Lu Chen looked out the window into the vast, dark night. His expression was equally indifferent. After a moment, he waved his hand, and the candlelight in the room dimmed.

“Sleep now. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.”


The next day, the weather was still good.

The sun hung high in the sky, with clear and cloudy conditions, bright and clear.

However, a shadow had already cast itself over the Kunlun Sect. The updated news revealed that the death of He Changsheng, who had met such a tragic end, might have been the work of the demonic sect from the Three Realms.

This was the first time in decades that the demonic sect had dared to kill so brazenly on Kunlun Mountain, openly declaring their identity.

This certainly slapped Kunlun Sect’s face, inciting immense anger from Xian Yue Zhenren and others. While dealing with He Changsheng’s affairs, Xian Yue also harshly reprimanded those in charge of the mountain patrols.

When the head of the Kunlun Sect’s “Heavenly Soldiers Hall,” Du Kong Zhenren, was summoned to Xian Yue, he saw several usually high-ranking Golden Core cultivators leaving in a disheveled and pale state. Xian Yue still seemed enraged, his face dark, and he only nodded to Du Kong Zhenren before directly asking, “What’s the status of your disciple, He Yi?”

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