Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 979: First Encounter in the Fallen World.

Chapter 979: First Encounter in the Fallen World.

Yasenia asked Alaia to do a World Scan, and after a while, Alaia muttered. "There is something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Yasenia asked while moving over, and Alaia pointed at a large part of the World. "Here, there are no energy signatures. That's not normal, even in a Fallen World." 

Valeria agreed with that statement. "Areas that are without any energy in large words are for two reasons. The first reason is that something is absorbing the energy of that area, leaving it dark. However, if that were the case, we would have a very bright energy reading at the center of that area." Valeria pointed at the large dark spot and commented. "There is nothing."

Yasenia guessed. "Is the second option that something is hiding from scans?"

Valeria nodded. "Probably a powerful formation." Valeria then frowned. "I think this palace has a few Transcendent Level people. Yasenia, you must be extra careful and be prepared to use Life Saving Treasures at all times." 

The dragoness crossed her arms and observed the dark spot in the three-dimensional world map. "What can I do?"

The maids looked at Yasenia and saw that she was really struggling to come up with an answer. Alaia asked. "What's wrong, Young Miss?"

Yasenia sighed and said. "I am too beautiful. How do other beautiful people walk around in places where there are people stronger than them?"

Kali, Valeria, and the maids understood and looked at the dragoness up and down. She was wearing her usual gorgeous blue dress with empyrean images. Her seductive figure showed enough flesh to look alluring while covering enough to avoid vulgarness. She had a beauty that eclipsed the Sun and the Moon while being as charming as a sea nymph. 

Valeria looked at Yasenia and smiled a bit sadly. 'Her beauty is both a blessing and a curse.' 

Kali suggested. "How about you use transformation skills or make-up?"

The dragoness looked at Kali and shook her head. "No. I don't want to know how to hide. I can do that without much effort, to be honest. I want to know how I can walk around while being myself without needing to worry that I will be kidnapped the next second and used as a sex toy."

Valeria commented. "Since time immemorial, beauties have had tragic fates. Most of them have three outcomes. One, they become creatures that no one can underestimate and are strong enough to protect themselves. Two, they find a family and are protected by those who love them. Three, they fail in their path to rise."

Yasenia tilted her head, and Valeria smiled. "Males are the same." Yasenia blinked and asked. "Hm?"

Valeria raised her eyebrow. "Do you think that powerful and lustful women don't exist? Or… Powerful and lustful men that like men?" 

Yasenia blinked. "I know. That's why I ask how beautiful people do it. I didn't say beautiful women, did I?"

Everyone else paused and realized that she had indeed said people. Yasenia smiled. "I understand that the problem is the most prevalent in the female population, but I am neither. I just wanted to know what they did to reach the untouchable status." 

Valeria laughed softly. "My bad." Then, she looked at Yasenia and smiled widely. "Well, they did it by force most of the time. Showing that they are not to be underestimated even if they are physically weaker. Showing that if they messed with them, they would regret it."

The dragoness got thoughtful, and her lost gaze sharpened. "Aha." Then, she regained her usual smile and said. "Land in the outskirts. We'll continue the rest of the journey by foot."

Kali looked at Yasenia and realized that she wasn't doing anything else. She asked, a bit nervous. "U-Um, you aren't changing?"

Yasenia raised her beautiful and straight eyebrow. "Change? Why should I, Honey?"

Kali blinked repeatedly, but knowing that her lover had an idea, she stood by her side. Yasenia laughed softly. "You can always ask, Kali. I will explain it."

Kali smiled. "No need to. I trust you."

The dragoness used her tail to smack Kali's butt and leaned her mouth by Kali's fox ear's side. "Those butt slaps didn't really feel like so~."

Kali blushed, thinking of that situation. The sight of Yasenia's body jiggling was so stimulating that they ended up on the bed ten times before she could finish the promised number of slaps.

"Maids, find a town near that area without energy signals, and we'll go from there!"


After the warship landed, Yasenia said. "Change to your official battle robes and have your weapons at ready. Kali, be by my side. Valeria, do as you please."

Valeria blinked and decided to hide inside Kali's soul.

Yasenia looked at the town in the distance and said. "Mount your flying treasures." She summoned Draconic Heart and jumped forward, landing on it and easily stabilizing mid-air.

When everyone was on their flying treasures, she waved her hand and stored the flying ship. "Let's go."

After accelerating, they streaked through the sky, and soon, they arrived at the nearest town. Yasenia landed on the ground and stored Draconic Heart, the rest following her steps. 

Yasenia looked forward and realized that the architecture of this place was quite similar to that of Distancia. However, instead of being constructed from Living Earth, it was done with proper materials. 

There were tall walls surrounding the city or town ahead of them, but they weren't too tall. Enough to protect from very low-level cultivators and mortals. 

At the entrance, there was a queue filled with caravans of all sorts. Some carried goods, others carried people, and others carried beasts. A few dozen of them were waiting, and some others were arriving. 

Yasenia observed the people and hummed. 'Humans and Beast Humans. There are human and beast human slaves as well. It seems to be a heterogeneous world. That's interesting…' Then, she looked at their clothes. 'Cultivators are using the usual cultivation robes, quite torn down clothes on non-cultivators. They are different from Distancia's and closer to Sky Continent's mortal clothes. The faces of the people are not exactly happy, and the place overall has a piercing stench. Not a good place, it seems. We should get directions and get out.'

"Oh, Ladies, are you new around here?"

Yasenia looked over to see a group of smiling people walking over. She quickly realized that they were all in the Spiritual King, third, Body Realm and spoke, her voice carrying part of her cultivation base. "Is that the tone you carry when speaking to seniors?"

Before they could even realize it, their bodies were slammed against the hard soil, forcing them to kowtow in front of Yasenia. All of them felt their stomach drop as their bodies started sweating in pure fear. 

"V-Venerable immortal! Mercy!"

Yasenia scoffed and waved her hand, sending a wave of spiritual pressure that forcefully lifted them up. "Speak." 

The man at the helm almost pissed himself when looking at Yasenia's golden-slit eyes. At first, he approached because of the otherworldly beauty of the dragon woman, but now he felt like cursing his past self. 

He rubbed his hands out of nervousness. However, he was quick-witted, so his words flowed out uninterrupted. "S-Senior, I haven't seen you around, so I thought you were new and wanted to offer guidance." 

Yasenia looked at him, slowly increasing the pressure, and asked. "What were your intentions? I don't want lies."

The man laughed awkwardly. "I couldn't help but be mesmerized by Senior's unique beauty, so I wanted to try my luck and approach." 

The dragoness raised her eyebrow. "Truthful. At least you have a spine not to hide your dirty thoughts behind a facade. Sure, I need a guide either way. Walk in front of me."

The man gulped and wanted to ask if he could not do it because he was scared enough that he almost pissed himself. However, how could he say, "I don't want to do it," to the creature that made him kneel with just her words? 

"It will be my pleasure."

Yasenia waited until the group of 20 men and women walked in front of her and spoke. "Walk. I will ask questions. I want truthful answers even if you think the answer would offend me. I hate someone lying to me more than the lecherous gazes I usually receive. Also, I am very good at telling lies from the truth. If you lie to me once, you die. Understood?"

The man answered, his back soaked in cold sweat. "Understood."

Yasenia asked. "What's the name of the town in front of us?"

The man answered concisely. "It is the [Desolaro City], Senior." 

The dragoness hummed. "Do I need to wait in the queue?"

The man struggled for a few seconds, and the dragoness warned. "The truth won't offend me. Speak."

The man coughed. "The City Lord is very adamant that people enter through the gate. He hates it when others don't respect that, and I've seen him killing people for that. I suggest Senior to follow the rules if you want the least trouble."

Yasenia hummed. "I see." The dragoness continued interrogating. "What do you practice?" 

The group of twenty were confused, and Yasenia asked. "What path of energy do you practice?" 

The man answered, unsure. "Um… Does Senior mean what is the name of my cultivation technique? Sorry, I do not understand the question."

Yasenia looked at him closely and could feel that he was being truthful. As a dragon, her sense of telling the truth from lies was extremely sharp. Without holding back, she bluntly asked. "Do you practice Body, Spiritual, or Soul Cultivation?"

The twenty people that were listening were stunned, and the man asked. "T-There is more than one cultivation path?"

Still being blunt, Yasenia answered. "Many. I am curious which one you practice. Your aura feels like Body Cultivation, but it is a bit different." 

The man answered, still confused. "Um… The Body Cultivation I practice is called [Bloody Skin Iron Body]. I don't know if Senior knows about it."

Yasenia looked at his back and smirked. 'Oho~, the first person I encounter is a Demonic Body Cultivator? It might be quite common around here.'

Keeping the high and mighty tone, the dragoness continued to squeeze information out of him. "Is Demonic Cultivation more common than Orthodox practices?" 

The man laughed. "Well, I would say 50/50. Some people still believe in morals and practice a more orthodox way, even in our forsaken world. Meanwhile, there are people like me who let go and decided to practice whatever they found appealing."

Yasenia was surprised and curious about that answer, so she asked. "Are you not afraid that I am one of those orthodox people and that I will kill you?"

The man turned around and looked at Yasenia. "Senior doesn't seem to be from this place or even our world, so I am not." 

Yasenia didn't bother hiding it. It was no secret. "You are sharp. However, if you end up knowing too much, you might get hurt." She warned. "Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong, Junior."

The man grinned. "Yes, Senior." 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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