Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8181: Break three formations with one finger

Chapter 8181: Break three formations with one finger

Based on his current combat power and his assessment of the opponent's upper limit of strength, he also made a calm and decisive judgment.

"The eight eternal realms are ready to fight!"


Star leap unfolds!

Jiang Tian disappeared over Cangyuan Realm, and when he appeared again, he had already appeared in the central stronghold of Yi Nian City.

"Who is coming?"

"If you dare to break into the Alliance of Light stronghold, you are seeking death!"

As soon as Jiang Tianfang appeared, he was surrounded by dozens of half-step eternal realm experts.

He was not afraid of this and didn't even bother to say a word.

These people can be destroyed easily, and it is difficult for him to detect them.

Only the master of the stronghold in the eternal realm can fight with him.

If the five eternal realms take action at the same time, it may put a lot of pressure on him, but that's all.

With the Light of the Tail of Disaster, he can easily defeat his opponent. Even without the Light of the Tail of Disaster, there are many ways to suppress the opponent with his current state.

"Back off!"

An angry shout suddenly sounded, coming from the main hall of the stronghold here.

One of the three Eternal Realm Palace Masters suddenly spoke up.

"You must be the strong man who attacked the stronghold of Tianshu City in the Qingguang Realm?"

"Exactly." Jiang Tian responded lightly.

"Hmph! You just committed a crime in Tianshu City and came here again. I have to say, you are really brave!"

After hearing this, the faces of the half-step eternal realm experts in the stronghold suddenly changed.

Although what happened in Qingguang Realm Tianshu City just happened not long ago, the news has been passed to Yi Nian City and even the entire Alliance of Light through a powerful intelligence network. They have all heard that a mysterious strong man with an unknown identity broke into the stronghold of Tianshu City in the Qingguang Realm, killed three Eternal Realm Palace Masters, and obliterated all more than a hundred Half-Step Eternal Realm supervisors, taking away the place. Hundreds of newly seized

The five elements of the film are refined from the wood.

And those who achieve such a feat are said to be only in the late stage of the Origin Realm!

The details of the intelligence transmitted showed that the opponent still made a breakthrough from the middle stage of the Origin Realm.

This is really appalling!

How could a warrior from the Origin Realm counterattack a powerful person from the Eternal Realm so easily?

Even if the three palace masters at the Tianshu City stronghold in the Qingguang Realm are not the top beings in the eternal realm, they should not be killed so easily by the other party.

But no matter what, it is an undoubted fact that the other party can easily obliterate the half-step eternity realm.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come to Yi Nian City in such a short period of time and stand boldly in this core stronghold. "Your Excellency, the background of the Light Alliance, should be clear that those who oppose us will never end well. It is not easy for you to practice. I am willing to give you a chance, as long as you hand over the hundreds of pieces that were taken away from the stronghold of Tianshu City. Big Five Elements Xinmu

Refining, I may consider letting you go! "

"Lord Hall Master?!"

After hearing this, many supervisors were shocked.

Can people who are enemies of the Alliance of Light be spared?

This is unprecedented!

But more people reacted quickly. This was obviously the palace master's delaying strategy.

The purpose is to force the other party to hand over the hundreds of pieces of the Great Five Elements Wood for refining, and then surround and kill them.


How could someone who offended the Alliance of Light be let go and have a good ending?

Now that the other party has broken in here, there is absolutely no possibility of leaving alive.

"Hundreds of tablets?!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sneer.

In the stronghold of Tianshu City, he killed three Eternal Realm Palace Masters and only got 170 pieces of materials.

In less than half an hour, it reached Yi Nian City and turned into hundreds of pieces.

It's an exaggeration!

It is not difficult to see from this that there must be some shady secrets within the Alliance of Light.

Someone used the incident in the Tianshu City stronghold as an excuse to embezzle hundreds of pieces of the Great Five Elements Xinmu for refining!

The other party took the opportunity to enrich himself and then put the blame on his head.

He really couldn't explain the key point, but there was no need to explain it.

It doesn't matter if it's a hundred tablets or a thousand tablets. Given the strength of the Light Alliance's control over the Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence, even contaminating only a few tablets is a serious crime.

So for Jiang Tian, there is actually no difference whether he takes the blame or not.

"Your Majesty thinks so highly of me, how can I let you down?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

Since the other party said that he took hundreds of pieces, he must take hundreds of pieces, and he must not take the blame for nothing.

In fact, his minimum dosage is more than a thousand tablets.

If we take into account losses and surpluses as well as future reserves, I am afraid that ten thousand pieces is not too many.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to obtain so much material in a short period of time.

Even if the palace masters of each stronghold have some private goods in their hands, it is impossible to reach such a quantity and scale.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

The voice of the Eternal Realm Palace Master became colder and full of killing intent.

As soon as he finished speaking, three eternal realm wills enveloped Jiang Tian at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

Amid the violent roars, the three Eternal Realm Palace Masters each unleashed their ultimate combat power and surrounded Jiang Tian with a restraining array.

"The Cage of Wooden Lines, Town!"

"Aoki Star Barrier, imprison!"

"Five Elements Star Destroying Formation, kill!"

! .

Three levels of restraint formations, one for suppression, one for confinement, and one for attack and killing.

They are all well-known formations within the Alliance of Light.

The first two take the power of Mu Xing as the core, and use the power of Mu Xing that fills this star field to envelope Jiang Tian.

The latter used the powerful power of the five elements to erupt with a star-wiping power in an attempt to suppress it.

Such a powerful method, even if a strong person in the eternal realm is imprisoned, he must be extremely passive and either die or be injured.

Even if Jiang Tian has the ability to cross levels and kill the Eternal Realm, he may not be able to escape.

But what surprised the three Eternal Realm Palace Masters was that the other party did not hide at all and allowed the three forbidden magic circles to cover them.

The three of them looked at each other in astonishment.

Is he really not afraid of death?

Or is it already so powerful that it can completely ignore these three methods?


Even if he is at the same level as the Eternal Realm, he would not dare to be so disrespectful, let alone the Origin Realm?

The next moment, they saw Jiang Tian's methods.

The star annihilation finger suddenly clicked, and white light exploded like stars.

Boom boom boom!

The light of trouble pierced through the three-layer magic circle in one fell swoop, and Jiang Tian's figure disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of a palace master.


Not one palace master, but three palace masters!

Jiang Tian, who was in the late stage of the Origin Realm, transformed into nine clones and appeared in front of the three Eternal Realm Palace Masters at the same time, attacking and killing them with heavy hands!

"As expected!"

Although the three Eternal Realm Palace Masters were shocked, they were not confused.

The three restrictions just now will not be all they rely on. Although the incident at Tianshu City's stronghold occurred less than half an hour ago, the Light Alliance's powerful intelligence network had already responded extremely quickly in Tianshu City - searching for all the Eternal Realm powers in the city and everything about that incident. Witnesses were severely interrogated, interrogated, and even used soul searching methods within a certain range to obtain as much information about Jiang Tian as possible.

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