Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8166: The pinnacle of the thunder system - the true thunder body!

Chapter 8166: The pinnacle of the thunder system - the true thunder body!

Then, its encouragement and pull towards Taiyi Lingmu quickly disappeared.

The countless branches, dark green aura, and divine light of the eight-character magic formula hanging above Jiang Tian also returned to their original positions, returning to the area where the main body of the Taiyi Spirit Wood was located.

"Taiyi Lingmu, collect it!"

Jiang Tian didn't pay attention to the battle situation of the power of law, but immediately launched the summons with strong will. This time, Taiyi Lingmu did not hesitate at all, although its countless branches still showed instinctive nostalgia - before recycling it, they still wanted to swallow the last ray of wood power, but in the next moment they were destroyed by Taiyi Lingmu.

The powerful will recalled, like a turbulent blue tide, rolled back and disappeared, returning to the original body.


With a flash of dark green light, Taiyi Lingmu turned into a short stick and flew back to Jiang Tian, trying to fall into his hands.

Jiang Tian couldn't see it, and took it back to Zixuan Realm with just one thought.

Then look at the situation of the body of law again.

At this time, the top law of the wood system has become as good as a little sheep and no longer has any tendency to cause trouble.

The top law of the earth element has also completed its transformation, and of course it has achieved its first achievement since its transformation - harmonizing the four elements and suppressing the chaos of the wood element.

At this time, wood, earth, water, and fire have all completed their transformation and reached the pinnacle.

Among the five elements, only the laws of the metal system remain at the supreme level.

Where does gold come from?

Among the five elements, earth is the one that generates metal!

Who can give birth to earth?

The one who gives birth to earth is fire!

And the one who makes the fire is wood!

There was no need for any deliberate urging, or even any reminder, and it seemed to be repenting for the previous chaos - the peak law of the wood element suddenly broke out, and it took the initiative to approach the peak law of the fire element.

There is no misunderstanding. At this time, the top law of the wood system has lost its previous ambition to cause chaos.

It is just using its body of law to resolutely throw itself into the embrace of fire, and then use the fire to burn the wood and turn the wood into earth!


The ultimate fire element law will not be polite, it explodes in an instant, and swallows up the wood element law without rejecting anyone who comes.

It was incinerated in an instant, and the power of fire surged wildly, like a **** or a demon!

A large amount of ashes poured down and fell into the central soil.


The earth is shaking, the mountains are undulating, and suddenly a golden light penetrates the gap in the ground and shines in the sky!

Then gold emerged from the soil, and the dazzling golden light rose into the sky, like a golden rainstorm pouring into the western golden sky.

The rise of the supreme law of the metal system begins here!


The golden light suspended in the western sky collapsed into golden meteors falling into the central soil, and countless golden rays continued to fly into the sky from the earth.

The leap of the supreme law of the metal system is completed in this gorgeous and gorgeous way.

The land that had been cut with countless ravines suddenly had a flash of blue light!

The majestic power jumped out, turned into the water of laws with profound light, and escaped into the northern sky.

The top law of the water system was already intact, but it was replenished at this moment, causing huge waves to surge to the southeast.

As soon as this huge wave entered the southeast, it was transformed by some strange rules and turned into a dazzling green light!

There are countless green awns, connected into light, and gathered into clouds. It is the cloud of the ultimate law of the wood system!

The Wood Element Law, which once caused turmoil in the law, and then took the initiative to start the process of ascending to the Golden Element Law, has completed a cycle of reincarnation.

It is reborn and powerful as never before.


The power of the five elements circulates endlessly, each erupting with the dazzling brilliance belonging to the ultimate law.

The five elements are raised together, and the five dharmas are shining together!

Life goes on and on, over and over again!

After experiencing the crazy supplementation of Taiyi Lingmu and the turmoil of the laws, Jiang Tian finally ushered in the comprehensive transformation of the Five Elements Law system.

The five laws of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water have now reached their peak!


The ultimate law of the five elements is originally part of the body of the law.

When they completed their transformation, correspondingly, the Supreme Law of Wind System also began its transformation.

Wind and thunder belong to wood, and when water and fire meet, they become wind.

At this time, the wood element's peak law is swaying wantonly, and the two peak laws of water and fire collide with each other, stirring up a fierce wind of law, which is the wind of the peak law!

Different from the rotation of the Five Elements Law, it blew away the original Supreme Law of the Wind System with a crushing force and replaced it, completing the ultimate transformation.

Click, boom!

Thunder suddenly breaks out, dragons and snakes split the heaven and earth and swim, and the glorious sound resounds endlessly!

The supreme law of thunder began to rise, and the body of true thunder that Jiang Tian had developed for a long time also transformed rapidly at the same time.

Countless purple-gold thunder vines exploded out of the body, and purple-gold thunder formations rose and fell in the starry sky, flickering on and off, releasing the ultimate power of thunder.

With the development of the ultimate law of thunder system, all the released thunder power was rolled back crazily like a pilgrim.

But in a radius of a hundred feet outside Jiang Tian's body, everything was broken down into the most subtle lightning, which gathered into a trickle and poured into his body.


Just like the arrival of the God of Thunder, the ultimate law of thunder has completed its gorgeous transformation.

At the same time, the body of true thunder also jumped to another level, which is - the body of true thunder!

The seven laws of the Five Elements, Wind, and Thunder have been upgraded.

The two supreme laws of stars and void move accordingly!

The Supreme Law of the Void arrived last, driven by the power of thunder, fire, wind, and wood, and started its transformation before the Supreme Law of the Stars.

The journey to the next level is accomplished almost overnight!

Whether it is the Law of the Five Elements or the Law of the Void, they are all powers that Jiang Tian has controlled for a long time, and the process of transformation is unimpeded.

And it perfectly demonstrated the special power of the void, and it was completed in an instant.

The five elements, thunder, wind, and void, the eight ultimate laws are already in place!

So the ninth law, the Supreme Law of the Stars, also began its rise.

This law is inseparable from the Star Sword body, and its transformation is also highly valued by Jiang Tian.

Thanks to the support of the supreme laws of the earth system, the transformation of the supreme laws of the stars has not been significantly hindered.

During the transformation process, it began to feed back the Star Sword Body.

But until the transformation was completed and they all jumped to the peak of the stars, the transformation of the sword body that Jiang Tian expected did not appear.


At this time, Jiang Tian already possesses the nine ultimate laws of the five elements, wind, thunder, void, and stars.

The jump of the Star Law was also extremely smooth. He thought that the Star Sword Body would also adapt to the general trend and give him some surprising changes.

Unexpectedly, the feedback of the laws of the top of the stars failed to touch its mutation.

The transformation of the Star Sword Body will certainly not be simple, but it seems that it will not be so difficult?

Jiang Tian frowned and thought deeply, with all kinds of confusion in his heart.

The star sword core has been refined, and the star veins have been activated...wait!

Star Pulse? At this moment, he suddenly remembered that there were nine inner and outer star veins in his body, a total of 18 star veins.

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