Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8163: Confrontation or submission?

Chapter 8163: Confrontation or submission?

"Taiyi Lingmu, collect it!"

Jiang Tian had a thought in his mind and wanted to take back the Taiyi Spirit Wood.

But something unexpected happened to him!

Taiyi Lingmu did not immediately respond to his call and shrink its branches to return to control. Instead, under the call and pull of the ultimate law of wood and the power of wood, it only struggled briefly and sank into the status quo.

The situation is more complicated than expected!

Jiang Tian became even more angry.

The top law of the wood system and the Taiyi Spiritual Wood are two powers that should be completely controlled by them. The former has a backlash, while the latter has an ambiguous attitude, making mistakes and pretending to be stupid.

Do you really think that his will is just decoration?

"Star Sword Body, open!"

"Star Sword Domain, rising!"

"Red Snow Sword Marrow, now!"

"Giant Demon Hand Bone, come!"

Boom, boom!

The power of fire alone is obviously unable to change the situation.

Jiang Tian decisively activated the Star Sword Body and unfolded the Supreme Law of the Stars.

At the same time, he enveloped himself with the Star Sword Domain.

Countless purple starlights suddenly erupted, like stars holding the moon, reflecting him into a supreme star.

The Scarlet Snow Sword Marrow was also summoned by him. Although the scar on this sword, which was almost a magic weapon, had not healed, it could no longer hide its edge at this critical moment.

The power of the sword marrow surges and feeds back the Star Sword Domain.

The source of the power of the Star Sword Body and Sword Domain is the power of the stars, or in other words, the Supreme Law of the Stars that has been achieved through several transformations.

The core essence of the power of the stars is based on the power of the earth element as its origin and foundation.

But the reason why the Star Sword Body is a "sword body" is because it integrates super strong sword intent based on the power of the stars.

The sword master kills, it is the weapon of a gentleman, and it is also the weapon of the emperor!

The master kills the attackers, and so does the metal power!

Since the birth of Chixue Sword Marrow, it has devoured countless famous swords, ancient swords, heavy treasures and magic weapon fragments containing powerful sword intent, and its power goes without saying.

With its blessing, the power of the Star Sword Domain has reached the ultimate level that Jiang Tian can exert.

At the same time, Jiang Tian once again clamored for the supreme law of the gold system, and joined forces with the power of the fire system to jointly launch a counterattack against the supreme law of the wood system!


Then the golden light exploded, and the flames burned wildly. The two powers of gold and fire were pushed to the extreme by him, and for a moment, the offensive of the wood element's peak law came to a standstill.

The situation seems to be at a stalemate. But Jiang Tian understands that this stalemate is destined not to last long. At the edge of the Jupiter domain where the power of wood is permeated, the top laws of the wood system have the help of Taiyi Lingmu, a super "ally". He wants to Its not difficult to take the initiative


But before the wood system's peak law could launch a counterattack, Jiang Tian took the initiative to activate the power of his bloodline.


Accompanied by a violent dragon roar, the terrifying bloodline will of the Barbarian Blood Dragon suddenly broke out.

This is the will that is enough to control Jiang Tian's entire practice system. It is his own most powerful inner power, bar none!

Its appearance seems to be to solve its own dilemma.

But the top law of the wood system did not show much fear.

Because its initiative lies not only in the level advantage of the Supreme Law, but also in the "home field" advantage that runs through and is rooted in Jiang Tian's entire practice system.

Where does it come from?

It is one of the five supreme laws derived from the body of laws!

Although it jumped to the level of the ultimate law, it is still not a purely independent existence. It has always been "integrated" with Jiang Tian and is part of Jiang Tian's powerful power.

From this point of view, it is integrated with all kinds of forces, Jiang Tian himself and even his will. It is an inseparable ally and the most closely united.

Therefore, it can unleash its power unscrupulously without having to worry too much about Jiang Tian's suppression.

Because today, it is the most powerful force in Jiang Tian's body, no one else!

The suppression from the power of blood only lasted for a few breaths before he began to fall into the dilemma of subsequent weakness.

Such suppression cannot extinguish the backlash of the Wood Element's ultimate law.

But Jiang Tian didn't seem to be too surprised.

In the few breaths in which the bloodline will unfolded, in this short gap, he made a move that should surprise the supreme law of the wood system, and even himself - the supreme law of the water system rose!


The top law of the wood element suddenly became so momentarily stagnant.

As if surprised by Jiang Tian's actions, the Supreme Law of Water will only increase its power. Jiang Tian clearly knows this, so why not only not suppress it, but also actively activate it?

Could it be that you have realized that the overall situation is unstoppable, so you have changed your mind and chosen to obey the will of the ultimate law of the wood system, and lead it to a new path dominated by the power of the wood system?

In just an instant, the supreme law of wood respondedit accepted the supreme law of water with the most generous and eager attitude!

Just now, this power was still causing chaos in Jiang Tian's body, causing the law to agitate, allowing Jiang Tian to feel the unique will of the power of Mu Xing.

But now, Jiang Tian has chosen to use this power to embrace the ultimate law of the wood system, and it will inevitably help this law become more powerful.


The arm cannot twist the thigh, the situation is stronger than the person.

If Jiang Tian doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he will surely suffer an even stronger backlash, thus jeopardizing his own path.

It is a wise move to give up the struggle and embrace the call and guidance of the supreme law of the wood system!

This is the best choice for a truly peerless monster!

As the only dominant force leading this change, it will release its full power and show its full potential, making Jiang Tian understand that this is definitely the most correct and regret-free choice.

It will not make Jiang Tian regret it, it will lead Jiang Tian to unprecedented glory dominated by the power of the wood element!


The moment the supreme law of the water element is integrated, the power of the supreme law of the wood element opens its arms and warmly accepts it, and rises sharply under the nourishment of the former.

Within the scope of the top power of the wood system, it has reached a higher level!

This is unparalleled strength, this is supreme pleasure, this is the ultimate release, this is a display of generosity!

The ultimate power of the wood element crazily absorbs the nourishment of the supreme law of the water element, and also gives generous feedback to this "enthusiastic little brother".

Water can produce wood, and wood can be stored in water, which can also be fed back easily.

Putting aside everything else, these two forces alone can achieve a perfect cycle.

Therefore, with the generous feedback of the supreme law of the wood system, the supreme law of the water system began a magnificent transformation!

Boom, boom!

Mysterious light burst out all over Jiang Tian's body, and the Supreme Law of Water System transformed rapidly at this moment, leaping towards the pinnacle Law with little hindrance.

The transforming power is swimming wildly in the body of law, like the Yangtze River rushing, the turbulent river, the violent torrents that shake the world, and the huge waves that cloud the sky! The ultimate law of the wood system was also rewarded in this process, and it gave more and more rewards in return.

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