Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8140: Doppelgänger injured

Chapter 8140: Doppelgänger injured

Chapter 8140 The clone was injured

But he suddenly discovered that the big demon was not in a hurry to devour more than a hundred people. Instead, it was still urging the tentacles to attack the warriors above the sea.

Looking across the sea, there are pieces of blood mist exploding from time to time, which are fallen warriors one by one.

But most of the blood mist was swallowed up by this monster in the air.

In the sky above the sea, covered by clouds, more than a dozen Lanhai Sect elders, led by the red-armed old man, could not see their nervous expressions at this moment. Instead, they were all watching calmly.

Some people stood with their hands behind their backs, while others crossed their arms and stood in the air, with ambiguous expressions and strange eyes.

"Can it work this time?"

"I think it's about the same. After all, these people are the top beings below the Eternal Realm. Looking at the entire Reef Realm, there is no better nourishment than this..."

The conversation between the elders was filled with a strange atmosphere.

"It took a thousand years, five generations of sect leaders, and countless people's efforts. It cannot be wasted!"

Seeing that the plan was about to be realized perfectly, the red-armed old man looked at the sea and sky with great ambition.

That's right!

The so-called hunting operation, the so-called great demon who has been fighting with the Lanhai Sect for thousands of years, is just a cover!

The true identity of this big demon is actually the sect-protecting spirit beast secretly raised by Lanhai Sect!

However, only the previous sect leaders and core elders of Lan Hai Sect knew about this matter.

Moreover, everyone involved in this matter has made a blood oath not to reveal anything to anyone who has nothing to do with it!

For thousands of years, batches of warriors from the Lanhai Sect have indeed fought against it, and many elders and countless disciples have indeed lost their lives at its hands, and then became the nourishment of this monster, helping it to continue to grow.

It's just that those who died never knew the secret behind it, let alone suspected anything.

Maybe someone noticed something was wrong, but it was solved secretly.

In short, for thousands of years, Lan Haizong's plan has been carried out in a grand and step-by-step manner.

Until a hundred years ago, this big demon successfully survived the prelude to eternal catastrophe, and its strength had been greatly improved.


It has not truly entered the Eternal Realm, but its strength is indeed superior to anyone in the Half-Step Eternal Realm.

In order to eliminate doubts and give a more reasonable explanation, the Lanhai Sect declared: The old enemy, the great demon, who had been fighting with them for thousands of years, had entered eternity at that time!

After all, no one would risk death by going to the deep sea for verification.

The Lanhai Sect says eternity, that is eternity.

There are thousands of years of history behind this to prove it, and the blood and lives of countless elders and disciples of Lanhai Sect are guaranteed. Could it be wrong?

At this moment, watching the warriors below fall one after another, and the big demon getting more and more nourishment, the red-armed old man seemed to have seen the spectacular scene of the big demon truly breaking through eternity.

With this demon's astonishing talent, once it crosses that boundary, it will be difficult to find an opponent in the Eternal Realm, not to mention the entire Water Planet Realm!

Specific to the details of this operation, the reason why the proportion of those three hundred Lan Hai Sect disciples who died was significantly lower than that of the recruited casual cultivators was not a deliberate arrangement.

First of all, these talented masters are backed by the sect, have strong background support, and have a grand path to look forward to.

In the face of the test of life and death, most of them cherish their lives more than those casual cultivators who have gone through countless lives and deaths to get to where they are today.

Secondly, they are all geniuses who are at the peak of the Origin Realm and half-step into the Eternal Realm. One step further can lead to eternity.

Once you reach the eternal realm, the entire cultivation system will undergo a qualitative change, and the path will open a new curtain.

If he died at this time, on the eve of eternity, it would be a regrettable thing no matter what.

In addition, before setting off, the elders warned them to fight if they could, but not to fight to the death if they could not, so the chance of their demise was naturally smaller.

Under the water!

Jiang Tian's spiritual power sent a message to awaken Huang Jutao, but the other party showed no response.

These more than a hundred warriors imprisoned by "bubbles" seemed to be the food stored by the big demon, which might be eaten at any time when it comes back.

This must change!

It is obviously impossible to wake up Huang Jutao in this state.

Jiang Tian made a decision instantly.

Activate the supreme law of the water system to summon a huge undercurrent in the deep sea below the big demon, preparing to use it to attack the big demon, and then take the opportunity to rescue these trapped people.

But the big demon's reaction was beyond his expectation, and he had noticed it in advance.

Two giant dragon-like tentacles rotated and thrust downward, resolving the undercurrent from a hundred feet away!

At the same time, its body standing upright in the sea suddenly turned sideways!

At this moment, Jiang Tian could clearly see the whole face of this big demon.

It was actually a giant sea monster with a whale body and a chapter tail!

Its body is more than a thousand feet long, and its dragon-like tentacles are all its tail whiskers.

Its head has been hidden in the deep sea, and so far it has not been directly attacked.

Just by urging his tail whiskers to attack, he crushed and killed more than 400 warriors.

What's more, the strength is terrifying!

At the same time, what Jiang Tian was worried about was happening!

The big demon was facing his tail, and its tentacles began to squirm, which was a sign that it was about to eat.

Strong murderous intent filled the entire water area, and Jiang Tian knew he could not wait any longer!


Boom boom boom boom!

Hundreds of figures suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian's giant star meteor instant killing formation violently attacked hundreds of tentacles that were about to move.

Then the figure flew quickly, appeared in front of more than a hundred imprisoned "bubbles", and waved his palm.

This palm contains the two supreme laws of water and space. It easily breaks the "bubble" restriction and teleports the awakening warriors to the top of the sea.

Including Huang Jutao, more than a hundred people left the dangerous waters.

Jiang Tian himself did not leave.

Puff puff puff puff!

One after another tentacles struck violently, and at least a dozen Xingyun clones were caught and crushed.

But at the same time, the remaining ninety or so clones all disappeared.

Finally, Jiang Tian turned into the only one and appeared in the water thousands of feet away.

At this time, Jiang Tian's eyelids were twitching wildly, and his face was full of fear!

This was the first time since he had mastered the Xingyun Instant Kill Technique that his opponent had destroyed his clones, and more than ten times at a time.

There is no other reason, just because the opponent is too strong!

Although it was far from fatal, it still cost him a little.

At this moment, his body was in severe pain, his blood was churning, his bloodline and spiritual power were also violently turbulent, and his breath was obviously declining.

It's just that the amplitude is not too big, and it has little impact on his combat power!

But this gave him a wake-up call - the Starfall Instant Kill Formation was not foolproof when faced with an extremely powerful opponent!

This is truly an unprecedented experience, and for him, it has indescribable benefits!

You know, even if Qing Shi Eternal, although he had more than a hundred clones imprisoned at one time, he had not really killed any of them.

But this great demon, who seems to have not passed through the eternal calamity, is able to do this, and his strength is really terrifying.

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