Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8128: The first sect in Wanjiao - Lanhai Sect!

Chapter 8128: The first sect in Wanjiao - Lanhai Sect!

Several young warriors walked by him, talking animatedly.

These people include humans and sea people, and they seem to have a good relationship.

Similar situations were very rare in the previous interfaces.

For example, in the interface where Blue Ocean Trading Company is located, and in the Wanhai Realm, although the human race and the sea race can coexist harmoniously, they rarely have this kind of arm-in-arm harmony.

Obviously in this world of ten thousand reefs, the relationship between the human race and the sea race has reached a more harmonious level.

So much so that these young warriors can put aside their ethnic differences and become close friends. They even joked with each other without any scruples, such as "Our human race is not like your sea race, our heads are full of water", or "As long as our sea race overturns the waves, you humans will have no place to stand." , "Looking at the entire water planet domain, your human race's territory is just like our sea race's pet breeding ground." Jiang Tian was a bit stunned when he heard it. The joke was so over the top. He really wouldn't get angry and fight. ?


However, amidst such fierce and even tit-for-tat laughter and scolding, they still put their arms forward, laughing when they should laugh, scolding when they should, and continuing to tease when they should.

"Lan Hai Sect, the number one sect in the Wanjiao Realm!"

Such information appeared in Jiang Tian's mind.

After arriving at Ten Thousand Reef Realm and before going to the Xinghai Auction House, he had a general understanding of the martial arts situation here.

The name of this powerful force that occupies the top spot in the Ten Thousand Reefs World is somewhat familiar.

Hearing it again at this time, I couldn't help but wonder, what level is the great demon Lan Hai Sect is plotting? With the strength of this sect, they actually have to recruit people to surround and kill it? But I heard a human race young man sneer and say: "Come on, although the Lanhai Sect's strength is the best in our Ten Thousand Reefs world, it is not ranked at all in the entire water planet domain. When it comes to recruiting masters from the star domain, look at the surrounding ones. interface

Did the strong man respond? "

These words are clearly saying that Lan Haizong shouted loudly, but in fact it was just a bluff.

The so-called recruitment of strong men from the entire water planet domain is more like a cover. Apart from strengthening one's own momentum, it does not have much practical significance.

The only ones who really responded to the call were warriors from the Ten Thousand Reef Realm.

From the conversation between the two, Jiang Tian came to an inference - Lan Hai Sect should be a force dominated by the Hai Clan. There should also be human warriors, but they are obviously second, and even significantly weaker than the Hai Clan.

Otherwise, the human youth would not have such an almost mocking tone. "Speaking of which, Lan Hai Sect did this out of necessity." The young man from the Hai tribe next to him sighed helplessly, "After all, they have been fighting that big monster for nearly a hundred years, and countless talented masters in the sect have perished because of it. loss of

The tragedy is incalculable. "

"That's right! It's no exaggeration to say that the big demon almost single-handedly slowed down the growth of Lan Hai Sect and consumed more than 10% of its overall strength in the past hundred years..."

At this point, everyone stopped laughing and scolding, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious, even a little tragic.

Jiang Tianze felt secretly worried!

Sure enough, as he guessed, what Lan Hai Sect was preparing to deal with turned out to be an eternal monster.

To be able to continue to fight against this sect for a hundred years and weaken its power by more than 10% is already extremely terrifying.

How can the cruelty in this be described in just one or two sentences?

As the number one sect in the Ten Thousand Reefs World, the Lanhai Sect has an extraordinary foundation, with countless geniuses and masters within the sect.

Even if it's only 10%, it's probably more than a thousand!

And so many talented masters are even enough to support dozens of small and medium-sized forces.

And all these losses have been imposed on the Lanhai Sect family. It goes without saying that the pressure they have endured and the hatred accumulated over the past century have been put on them.

"It's a pity that they only recruit masters who are above the peak of the Origin Realm. Otherwise, I would also like to give it a try." The human youth said with regret on his face.

"With your little ability, haha, let's forget it, so as not to hold others back!" The young man from the Sea Tribe next to him mocked mercilessly.

"Who says it's not the case?" The human youth laughed self-deprecatingly, "But the reward offered by his family is really too tempting. Each item is a rare treasure that has been rare for thousands of years. It is said that... Grow materials!

"That kind of material? Could it be...hiss!"

A group of people looked at each other and suddenly became very secretive about this topic. They chatted among themselves in low voices and merged into the flow of people on the long street.

Jiang Tian's eyes gradually brightened.

What kind of material?

What else could be the material that makes the warriors of the Water Planet Domain so secretive?

It was most likely the material he was eager to find!

"Lan Hai Sect!"

Jiang Tian teleported and disappeared into the city.

The Lanhai Sect is not difficult to find. As the number one sect in the Ten Thousand Reefs Realm, it is located east of Xinghai City where the Xinghai Auction House is located.

Build a mountain gate at the easternmost edge of this land!

In fact, for the forces dominated by the Hai Clan, it doesn't matter whether there is a mountain gate or not.

Even if there is no land, there are countless ways to support the mountain gate.

And the Sea Clan's forces may not necessarily need a fixed mountain gate.

But because the human race accounts for nearly 40% of the power in this sect, the mountain gate has become a necessary existence.


A figure suddenly appeared in the void, it was Jiang Tian who teleported there.

He stood in the air and could see thousands of warriors gathering in front of the mountain gate of Lanhai Sect.

Each one tried their best to show off their powerful aura, and many people even got into conflicts because of this, and scenes of fighting occurred one after another.

Those who come are indeed at the peak of the Origin Realm, and there are also many who are at the Half-Step Eternal Realm.

Naturally, the true eternal realm cannot be recruited.

Such a being has become the top powerhouse in the plane and star field, and will never accept the signs of any force casually.

Naturally, there are experts in the Eternal Realm in Lanhai Sect, but they need to be in charge of this sect and cannot devote all their power to dealing with the big demon.

After all, the Ten Thousand Reefs Realm is huge, and the Water Planet Realm is even bigger. The threat from the Lan Hai Sect is not limited to just one Eternal Realm monster.

The top combat power is naturally used to guard against the most complex situations, and the sect remains stationary to prevent overthrow.

That great monster of the Eternal Realm is certainly unusual.

No matter how great the Lanhai Sect's foundation is, it is impossible to fight to the death with the pillar of the sect such as the Eternal Realm. Once something goes wrong, endless troubles will come to the door.

In fact, the history of this sect's battle with that big demon goes back far more than a hundred years.

It can be traced back to thousands of years ago. At that time, the big demon had not yet entered the eternal realm, but its power also greatly exceeded the ordinary origin realm. At that time, Lanhai Sect regarded it as an excellent whetstone, and often used it to train its disciples, cultivating batch after batch of talented masters.

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