Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8120: Seeing the five elements for the first time

Chapter 8120: Seeing the five elements for the first time


The blue light rolled back into the hall and turned into a green figure that was half virtual and half real.

If Jiang Tian saw this scene, he would be extremely shocked.

Because this cyan figure is the eternal Qingshan who fought against him!

Less than half a day's journey from the five-planet domain, Qing Shiyong was killed by the "resurrected" toad star beast with the power of the entire star storm, and he came back to life!

What is the eternal realm?

The word "eternal" is enough to explain everything, and all other explanations are superfluous!

If a powerful person in the Eternal Realm could be killed so easily, it would not be called the Eternal Realm.

This is exactly why we have to experience eternal calamity before entering the eternal realm!

In the process of surviving the eternal calamity, the warriors at the peak of the Origin Realm will experience a devastating baptism.

Whether it is the body, blood, spiritual power, or the divine sea and the divine thoughts contained in the divine sea... everything that belongs to oneself must withstand this devastating test.

This is also the terrifying part of eternal calamity, and the real reason why countless geniuses talk about it!

Only by enduring this destructive baptism can we undergo qualitative transformation and achieve eternity in our own strength!

Once it reaches this level, it will be difficult for even a strong person of the same level to kill it.

It is almost impossible to be wiped out by warriors below your own level!

Therefore, Qingshan Yongyang seemed to have perished in the starburst, but he never really perished.

The blue light returning through the distant starry sky is his eternal soul.

And in this palace was the recovery back-up he had prepared for himself in advance.

Although the power of the Eternal Realm is powerful and almost immortal, it has not yet reached the level of the Immortal Realm.

As the saying goes, "Eternity may not be indestructible, but immortality is the true eternity"!

The Eternal Realm is just extremely difficult to kill, not impossible.

Once encountering a power that exceeds the limit, a strong person in the Eternal Realm will be unable to recover.

The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is for a strong person to gain strength. At this level, it is worth spending any price to keep some "resurrection" trump cards for themselves.

A solid backup plan is a must for almost every Eternal Realm.

In this palace, the preparations made by Qing Shi Yong at an unimaginable cost over the past thousand years have finally come into use today!

But as a strong person in the eternal realm, ordinary methods obviously cannot make him perfectly "resurrected".

These few half-step eternal realms can barely allow him to regain some strength. If he wants to return to the top, he needs more.

The green light gradually faded away, and the half-empty and half-real figure of the old man gradually solidified.

At this time, his strength is much higher than the half-step eternal realm, but he has only reached the threshold of the eternal realm, and his combat power is less than one-tenth of his peak state!

There are indeed many heavenly materials and earthly treasures prepared here, but even if they are all refined, they will not be able to bring him back to the top.

The cost of this operation was far beyond his imagination.

Therefore, it was necessary for him to seek compensation from the person who asked him to take action.


The old man in green shirt took one step forward, disappeared into the hall, and left this interface.

The direction ahead is the center of the plane.

After nearly half a day of star leaping, Jiang Tian finally arrived at the Five Planets Domain.

As soon as Fang entered this star field, he felt the strong power of the five elements rippling.

This is a dazzling star field, shrouded in five colors of green, red, yellow, white and black light.

In sight, there are five huge interfaces with the same color, forming a strange formation in the core area of the star field, rotating endlessly.

The earth-based interface exudes yellow brilliance and is located in the center, like the master of the five elements!

The white gold interface is on the left, the cyan wood interface is on the right, the black water interface is on the north, and the red fire interface is on the south.

The four elements of gold, wood, water, and fire together guard the Lord of the Five Elements.

That huge earth element interface is unifying the power of the five elements with powerful, honest, deep, and silent power.

The four elements of power, in which water and fire are insoluble and metal and wood are in conflict, coexist peacefully around it, forming a harmonious picture of the five elements shining together.

The dominance of the earth interface is unshakable and demonstrated to the extreme!

"What a master of the five elements!"

Jiang Tian's law body possesses nine supreme laws.

Among them is the Supreme Law of the Five Elements!

And when it comes to the laws of the earth system, it has an indescribable origin with him.

The source of the star sword body is the power of the stars.

The core, origin and essence of the power of the stars is the power of the earth element.

Lets not talk about the distant ones, lets talk about recent experiences.

The giant earth monster he encountered in that earth interface was a powerful existence close to the realm of eternity.

Through that opportunity, he experienced the baptism of the prelude to the eternal catastrophe, and had a vague image of the eternal catastrophe.

At the same time, we also take this opportunity to promote the growth of our own earth system laws.

Although he still hasn't gotten rid of the supreme level, he has reached a subtle node.

Therefore, when he arrived at the outskirts of the Five Planets Domain, he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy from such a distance.

The vast earth element interface seemed to be welcoming him as the Lord of the Five Elements, as the master of this star field, with the interface of the four elements of red, white, gold and blue!

It is indescribably spectacular and of incredible beauty.

Even though Jiang Tian had seen the vast star pillars, traveled across the galaxy, and felt the fierceness of many star storms, he still had to sigh when he saw this scene.

"What a five-planet domain, what a master of the five elements!"

Jiang Tian was deeply moved, his thoughts rising and falling like waves.

At the beginning of martial arts practice, and for a long time after that, earth spiritual power was the most easily ignored force. Because it looks too mediocre, neither as bright and warm as fire, nor as green and vibrant as wood, nor as strong, sharp, and radiant as gold, nor as surging and powerful as water. Nothing can be overcome


It seems to have no characteristics, so it can only face contempt and bear the accusation of "mediocre, ordinary, dull, clumsy".

So much so that warriors who major in this kind of power often give people the same impression.

Mediocre, clumsy, slow, and dull. Regardless of talent, qualifications, understanding, or progress, he lags behind his fellow warriors in all aspects.

It seems that they were born to be at the bottom, to show off the dazzling brilliance of their peers, and are destined to be stepped on by countless people.

This was Jiang Tians most impressive experience in his early years of practice!

But here in the Five Planets Domain, everything seems to be different! The light of the earth element interface is still not so dazzling, but it firmly occupies the central position, integrating the four phenomena with its majestic and heavy power. It is silent and forbearing but sticks there day after day, fulfilling its role as the five elements. Lord's

Honorable duty! Silence and forbearance are sometimes a kind of dignity and silent majesty.

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