Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8096: Eternal Realm Power

Chapter 8096: Eternal Realm Power

The law of stars was like a big net, covering them. At the same time, a figure in gray robe suddenly appeared.

There is no way to see how to take action. The bodies of these dozen strong men with half-step eternity realm and peak origin realm cultivation instantly disintegrated, as if they were annihilated by the star storm.

Their hard-earned rewards and their storage rings were rolled up by the old man in gray robes and carried away.


The starlight suddenly converged, and everything just now seemed to be just an illusion, or just like a certain starlight that suddenly flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Star power surged in the gray-robed old man's body, which was a special power derived from his bloodline inheritance.

As a master of the Star Clan bloodline, his understanding and control of the laws of the stars far exceed those of ordinary people, and he has some special means to pursue his goals.

The aura left behind by Jiang Tian Xingyue was almost imperceptible to others, and even impossible to capture.

But to the gray-robed old man with Star Clan bloodline, it was as clear as a beacon in the starry sky!

Especially after two fights, he was already extremely familiar with Jiang Tian's aura.

Even with your eyes closed, you can feel it in the starry sky.

He walked forward in the starry sky at a speed that was not inferior to Jiang Tian, chasing beacons one by one.

The lesson of his last setback also made him cautious.

This time, he was not acting alone, but also found helperstwo Star Clan powerhouses whose cultivation levels were not inferior to his!

It is already difficult for one person to defeat Jiang Tian, but the two of them have little suspense.

And he found two powerful helpers at once, and the three of them surrounded him, just to eliminate all suspense and prevent Jiang Tian from having any chance of escaping.

This time, he is determined to win!


The Star Law was activated rapidly, and the gray-robed old man followed the beacon, getting closer and closer to Jiang Tian.

At the edge of the plane fair, there is a huge star fragment floating quietly.

It's about half the size of a small interface.

But under the many restrictions, it is invisible to the eyes and spiritual thoughts.

In such a mysterious place, there is a strong man hiding.

It's not entirely true that he is hiding in it.

Because a powerful person like him in the eternal realm doesn't actually have to avoid anyone.

Except for the terrifying existence in the Immortal Realm, no one can make him hide deliberately.

The reason why he "hides" here is actually because he is afraid that his too strong aura will disturb others and thus affect the apparent balance of the plane.

At this moment, a message appeared in front of him, ignoring the obstruction of the magic circle.

The old man in green suddenly opened his deep eyes and pointed at the message.


The message exploded into two small, star-studded characters.

It felt like another strong man was saying something to him expressionlessly.

These two little words are - captured alive!


The strong man in green clothes closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them, his whole person had suddenly disappeared from where he was.

No one knew that at the edge of the Plane Fair, hidden among the unknown star fragments in the starry sky, there was a powerful person at the level of the Eternal Realm who quietly left.

Where he went and what he did, no one knew.

It seems that some people and some things never existed in this world.

Its going and coming, hiding and appearing, will not affect the original rules and operation of this world.

It's just that some people and some things are destined to change due to his actions.

"Damn octopus, can you go faster?"

"Stinky toad! You're obviously the one holding me back, but you still dare to accuse the toad first?"

In the vast starry sky, two strange lights and shadows moved forward rapidly while intertwining with each other.

They looked like two clusters of starlight, or two stars emitting a faint golden light, stumbling and colliding all the way.

But in fact, it was two star beasts that were traveling in a certain direction at a terrifying speed.

"That kid is very fast. If he doesn't move faster, he might be thrown away!"

"Tsk! No matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than us. Besides, he doesn't know that we are chasing him. Sooner or later we will catch up. Even if he is allowed to run, can he still escape this big plane?"

The words of the octopus beast and the toad beast were filled with incomparable confidence, and they had no fear at all that they were intruders.

At this time, Jiang Tian did not know that he had been enveloped in many crises.

Whether it was three powerful men from the Star Clan, an unknown powerful person from the Eternal Realm, or two extraterrestrial alien beasts that invaded across the border, this was a situation he had never faced before.

At this time, he was making continuous leaps towards the five-planet domain.

Although the star jump speed is fast, the distance between the five planetary domains is quite far.

According to the situation of the old man surnamed Mo, who is searching for souls, the distance from the Plane Circle to the Five Planets Domain is almost as far as crossing one thousandth of the eternal plane.

One thousandth seems small to the eternal plane, but it is very large to Jiang Tian.

This kind of journey has even exceeded the sum of all the journeys he has taken since he set foot in martial arts, and may even add several multiples.

But for Jiang Tian today, it is not out of reach.

Although he does not have the powerful escape weapon like Taichu Star Gate, Xingyue also allows him to have a speed that others can't match, and almost infinitely expands the boundaries of what he can reach.

As long as there is enough time, traveling throughout the great plane is not a dream.

But aimless travel obviously meant nothing to him. If he was just traveling for the sake of traveling, it would be better to go to Empress Fuyao and use the Taichu Star Gate to cross the great plane from all directions in a short period of time with a far greater efficiency than Star Leap. This would actually be of no benefit to his practice. most

More can only expand his horizons, nothing more.

Star jump, star jump!

The Supreme Law of the Stars kept urging Jiang Tian to move forward on the grand scale of the starry sky.

In less than half a day, he had already covered the total distance traveled in his entire martial arts career.

But it is only about one-fifth of the distance from the five-planet domain.

Imagination is one thing, but experiencing it is another.

The distance of the Five Planets Realm seemed to be lengthened again and again by the long journey. As calm as he was, he also felt monotonous and boring during this kind of journey.

"The eternal plane is so grand, what about the plane where the stars and beasts are located?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

So far, his journey in the eternal plane is far less than one thousandth of the total range of this plane.

And how grand would it be to be able to invade this plane with alien beasts from the stars?

Although he doesn't understand that plane, he roughly thinks it shouldn't be smaller than the eternal plane, right?

As Jiang Tian was thinking like this, the laws of the stars had taken him forward hundreds of interfaces and traveled countless billions of miles.

The speed of Star Leap is very astonishing and can even be considered terrifying. But compared with Taichu Star Gate, it is still inferior.

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