Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8035: nourish

Chapter 8035: nourish

Chapter 8035 Nourishment

Fortunately, this was the case, otherwise he might have been crushed or had no choice but to retreat.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Jiang Tian waved the Taiyi Spirit Wood again.

Bang bang bang!

Dark green "divine whips" shine in the starry sky.

The fragments of the monster's body exploded one after another and were swallowed by him.

The giant monster knew something was wrong, so he gave up the attack and started to dodge.

From then on, the situation began to turn!

Jiang Tian took the initiative.

The pressure in the starry sky caused by the giant monster had already subsided sharply when its body exploded into pieces.

Now this starry sky has become a wrestling field between Jiang Tian and the giant monster!

"Star Law, open!"


Jiang Tian activated the Star Law and continued to launch the Star Leap.

At the same time, he quickly swung the Taiyi Spirit Wood, destroying more than a dozen giant monster fragments one after another. He had no time to swallow them, so he continued to attack the remaining targets.

The giant monster was completely frightened and did not dare to confront him again.

Because if you continue like this, you will only be eaten up by him.

Then the dozens of remaining body segments reunited and became a new complete body.

It's just that the reassembled giant monster is only two-thirds of its original size.

The remaining nearly one-third of the demon body fragments have become Jiang Tian's nourishment.


But it didn't dare to stay, nor did it dare to fight anymore. It left a malicious look in its eyes, turned around and ran away wildly.

Jiang Tian wanted to chase him, but felt his right hand sink.

Taiyi Lingmu seemed to be pulled by some force and wanted to fly out.

"what happened?"

Jiang Tian glanced around, but didn't see anything lurking strange, and couldn't help but frown.

In the blink of an eye, he understood that this was the reaction of Taiyi Lingmu's eagerness to supplement.

As the giant demon escaped, a large amount of earth essence remained in this starry sky.

There are star fragments, earth spiritual power storms and thunder storms... all of which are rare earth essences.

Taiyi Lingmu, as an innate sacred tree and a magical existence belonging to the wood spirit genus, naturally does not want to miss out on these nourishments.


Jiang Tian simply let go and let the Taiyi Lingmu swallow him up.

As for the giant monster, he no longer cared much.

Although it was a pity to let him escape, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of such a monster insect with low intelligence.

For him, perhaps the greatest significance of this special experience was that it allowed him to feel the horror of eternal catastrophe in advance.

He witnessed the efforts and struggles of a level 24 peak monster, as well as its extreme caution and determination.

However, how can the eternal calamity be so easy to resist?

Even if it is just a prelude, it makes this giant monster extremely embarrassed.

Even without his interference and destruction, it is still unknown whether it could succeed in the end.

But now, these unknowns have been divided between him and Taiyiling Papaya, becoming the nourishment of one person and one tree!


The dark green divine light filled the void, turned into a huge cloud, and rolled back with a huge amount of earth element essence, which was swallowed up in a moment!

After finishing supplementing, the countless dark green branches of Taiyi Lingmu began to shrink, and the dark green clouds that filled the void began to roll back, and instantly turned into dark green short sticks and flew into Jiang Tian's hands.

Looking closely, the five young green leaves on the top of the stick are obviously darker in color and larger in size.

The cane that was wrapped around the top of the spiritual tree also became noticeably thicker and larger. Originally it was only wrapped around the top once, but now it has been wrapped around three times.

The lines on the surface of the stick are becoming more and more three-dimensional, like natural dark green runes, giving people an elusive and mysterious feeling!

Witnessing the various changes in the Taiyi Lingmu, Jiang Tian couldn't help but think of the heaven-searing demonic hand of the Taichu Demonic Vine.

Taiyi Lingmu and Taichu Demonic Vine are both the three innate sacred trees. The latter grows the Heaven-Removing Demonic Hand, which is powerful enough to easily defeat the pseudo-seventh-level Demon Ancestor.

What will be born from these changes in the former?

Jiang Tian is still not sure about this issue. After all, this change is slightly slower than the Taichu Demon Vine.

Although the Taiyi Spirit Wood was obtained earlier, the road to recovery is obviously more difficult than the Taichu Demon Vine.

But I think the mysterious existence bred from Taiyi Lingmu, which is also one of the three innate sacred trees, will never be weaker than the latter.

This made Jiang Tian extremely looking forward to it. He wished that time would fly by and now he would reach the maturity stage of Taiyi Lingmu. Take a look at what incredible existence these five green leaves and the cane wrapped around the stick would give birth to!

But he obviously doesn't have the power to turn the wheel of time. Even if he has awakened the law of time, that power is extremely weak.

He has not even seen the legendary river of time, let alone the wheel of time that dominates all the forces in the world.

In his opinion, the existence of the Great Wheel of Time may be more mysterious and unpredictable than the power of the Great Dao.

At the very least, it exists side by side with the power of the great avenue.

Because time itself is the Tao!

But now, he has only initially come into contact with the tiniest part of this power, and even this tiniest part has not yet been fully understood.

So, all we can do is wait!

Jiang Tian put away the Taiyi Lingmu and suppressed the ups and downs in his heart.

To be honest, the escape of the giant earth monster was a bit beyond his initial expectations.

When he first came to this earth interface and discovered this giant monster, he felt disapproving for a while.

I thought that even if there would be some twists and turns, I would be able to finally kill him with the pressure of the supreme Savage Blood Dragon bloodline.

This is not the case!

This giant monster, this giant monster that had not even passed through the eternal catastrophe, was facing the pressure of the prelude to the eternal catastrophe, and fought fiercely with him one after another.

Although he won, the giant monster also managed to escape. Although he paid a considerable price, it was not a complete failure.

Because there are dangerous and unpredictable variables in the eternal calamity, even without his interference, whether it can succeed is a matter of two opinions.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, silently laughing at himself.

What would have been the result if this giant monster had not challenged the eternal calamity and had not been suppressed by the power of the prelude?

Even if he uses the Taiyi Spirit Wood, can he successfully suppress the opponent?

There is obviously no answer to this question for the time being.

Taiyi Lingmu has changed significantly after taking this supplement, which is the most gratifying thing for him.

Looking back at himself, Jiang Tian's eyes also lit up!

In the short period of time after encountering the gray-robed old man, he first went into seclusion in the inner realm of the Purple Mysterious Realm, where he significantly improved the laws of the earth element and the star killing.

Now in the confrontation with the giant monster, the supreme law has made greater progress.

Their cultivation and combat power have reached the highest point in their personal history!

But what surprised him was that after all this devouring and replenishing, his bloodline spiritual power did not change much.

It's just gone from the original 30% to the current 40%, which is still far, far away from advancement.

"I have comprehended twice and transformed the law twice. The state is almost motionless. It is really difficult to improve the original state!"

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