Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7990: The mysterious prisoner, the terrifying red pattern

Chapter 7990: The mysterious prisoner, the terrifying red pattern

But there is no doubt that this devouring has greatly increased his combat power, reaching an unprecedented height!

Jiang Tian used the law of stars to teleport back to the Xuanyuan branch.

This time, he discovered a wonderful use of the Star Law!

That is to ignore the void restrictions and jump directly between the stars!

As a result, the defensive array of Xuanyuan Branch became useless.

Jiang Tian activated the Star Law and teleported to the opponent's station.

Then he used the law of void to conceal himself, and swaggered to the Immortal Prisoner Pavilion in front of the dense patrolling warriors.

The prison where the mysterious "fire bloodline" is imprisoned is located on the third underground floor.

The most powerful elder in Prison Immortal Pavilion has a cultivation level in the late Origin Realm.

Guard at the entrance to the first floor of Prison Immortal Pavilion.

There are complicated restrictions on the three underground floors, and it is unrealistic to circumvent them.

The remaining remnants of Lihuo Immortal Palace have been taken to this place for detention.

As for whether he is locked up with the "fire bloodline", it is still unknown.

Since there is no way around the repressive elders of Prisoner Immortal Pavilion, we can only face them head on.

But taking action rashly and directly is obviously not safe enough.

That would attract a large number of Xuanyuan branch strong men to attack.

But this cannot be troubled by Jiang Tian!

He used several void barriers to cover the entire Prison Immortal Pavilion.

On the surface, there seems to be nothing unusual, and the warriors in Prison Immortal Pavilion will not be affected in any way when they go out.

But if someone from outside breaks in, they will be restrained by the void and moved to another place.

Such means, of course, cannot protect everything.

But Jiang Tian didn't need too long. As long as he broke into the prison on the third floor underground to find out what happened, he could leave immediately.

After setting up three layers of defense, Jiang Tian, with the blessing of the Void Law, went straight to the first floor hall of Prisoner Immortal Pavilion.

He didn't want to alert the elders guarding the pavilion, but the other party had already noticed something strange when he laid down the restriction of the Law of the Void.

"Your Excellency, you have a good method, but if you want to hide it from me, you are still a little behind."

At the entrance of Prison Immortal Pavilion, an old man in yellow robe stood with a sword across his face and spoke in a deep voice.

Now that he has been noticed, there is no need to hide.

Jiang Tian appeared directly and teleported to bully the opponent!

"Be bold!"

A fierce light suddenly appeared in the old man's eyes, and he swung his long knife to chop him.

The dragon pattern on the blade flows, as if a real dragon is sealed.

The moment he raised the sword, the violent power of the sword surged and overflowed like a torrent.

But his speed was still not faster than Jiang Tian!

Because Jiang Tian, who was walking towards him, had not disappeared yet, four Jiang Tian appeared on his left, right, front and back at the same time!

"Hiss! Not good!"

The old man's expression suddenly changed!

With his great strength, he couldn't tell the truth from the false for a moment.

When his mind wandered away, he discovered that the four of them were actually their true forms!


His heart was shaken, and he secretly cried out that something was wrong.

The next moment, four silver soul lights blasted into his divine sea at the same time.


The old man's body shook violently, and just as he started to roar, his head was chopped off by a sword light.



Purple light covered his body, and his blood-devouring talent instantly unfolded, and all of his blood essence entered Jiang Tian's body.


The urge to advance reappeared, stronger than before.

Jiang Tian forcibly suppressed the urge to advance and rushed directly into the hall.

"Who is coming..."


There were several Taichu realm warriors in the hall who had not yet recovered from their shock when they witnessed the death of the elder guarding the pavilion.

Until one person opened his mouth and exclaimed, but before he could finish speaking, these people were swallowed up by waves of power like water waves.

This is the fluctuation of the law of void!

It is equivalent to a series of small law fields, which directly obliterates them.

"Spirit-swallowing rat, break the ban!"

"Yes, Master!"


Silver light suddenly appeared, and the spirit-swallowing rat followed Jiang Tian's instructions and went straight into the third floor underground.

Go straight to the underground prison of Prison Immortal Pavilion!

Jiang Tian followed closely and came to the prison.

However, the situation underground in Prison Immortal Pavilion surprised him!

This place was not just a few prisons as he imagined, but as intricate as an underground maze.

In each cell, there are varying numbers of prisoners.

"Spiritual Mind, turn on!"


Jiang Tian didn't have time to search one by one. While putting away the spirit-swallowing rats, he let go of his mind and scanned the entire cage.

Trying to find the mysterious warrior with "fire bloodline".

But what depressed him was that all of these people had their cultivation levels restricted, and they couldn't detect the secrets of their bloodlines with just their spiritual thoughts.

Fortunately, he was relatively familiar with the auras of the five remnants of Lihuo Immortal Palace.

They quickly found where they were being held!


Jiang Tian teleported and came to a prison.

There are a total of six people locked inside, five of whom are the five remnants of Lihuo Immortal Palace.

The other person, presumably, is the mysterious "fire bloodline".

Jiang Tian teleported into the prison, and the five people in Lihuo Immortal Palace were trembling with fear, thinking that he was going to kill someone.

As a result, Jiang Tian ignored them.

He already possesses the Golden Crow bloodline, and after several supplements, his level is already quite high.

There is not much interest in the blood of these five people.

When he came to the "Fire Bloodline" who was huddled in the corner, he waved away his dirty and messy fire hair.

After taking a closer look, I couldn't help but be disappointed.

This fire bloodline is a strange middle-aged male cultivator.

Being a stranger to him, a certain suspense in his heart immediately dissipated.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, his eyes were fixed on the other person's forehead and did not move away for a long time.

"Who are you?"

The man showed no response, his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his mind, and it seemed as if he had not heard his inquiry at all.

Jiang Tian put his hands on his head and prepared to search for souls.

When he kept pressing the opponent's Tianling Gai with his palm, mysterious red lines suddenly appeared on the opponent's forehead, forcing him to retreat.

It even inspired the prison's defensive array.

"You still have such power despite being banned from cultivation?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

It's definitely not a weak force that can knock him back.

And this kind of power gave him a sense of dj vu.

He suddenly remembered the battle with the Taichu ancestral spirit when he attacked Taichu Immortal Palace.

At the same time, he also remembered the scene when he was in the sky-swallowing bag when fighting against Taichu Hai.

At that time, he used the red snow sword marrow to attack the rune barrier in the sky-swallowing bag, causing damage to the sword marrow itself, which has not been recovered to this day.

The red lines that popped up on this man's forehead just now gave him a similar feeling.

But the Taichu Divine Tree clan is of the tree bloodline.

The person in front of him is of fire bloodline.

Why do two completely different bloodlines give him similar feelings?

"Law Domain, open!"

The more this happens, the more anxious Jiang Tian is to find out the reason.

Among the five elements, water defeats fire. He directly opened the field of law and tried to use the powerful supreme law to suppress the opponent's fire spiritual power.

But what happened next shocked him!

The moment the law field touched the opponent, it collapsed on its own!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Then just use the supreme law of water to do the test again. The result was the same. His power of law could not suppress the fire spiritual power of the red lines on the opponent's forehead.

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