Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7973: Starlight dyes the sea

Chapter 7973: Starlight dyes the sea

"The star sword body rises!"


Jiang Tian used all his strength to activate the star sword body and released the purple starlight with all his strength. He closed his eyes slightly and concentrated on perception.

Fuyao stood in front of the star gate, silently watching this strange evolution.

The original silver area was constantly being eroded by the purple starlight, and the proportions were quickly changed, but it was still not completely reversed.

Because compared to the entire silver star sea, the purple starlight released by Jiang Tian was still too little.

Roughly speaking, less than one thousandth of that.

But even this purple starlight, less than one thousandth of it, can cause turmoil in the entire silver star sea.

And this turmoil is getting more and more intense, even causing violent waves in the sea of stars.

Eventually, it evolved into a giant wave in the sea of stars!

Buzz, rumble!

The giant waves of the sea of stars overlapped by silver and purple showed a huge momentum. At this time, the silver and purple brilliance became more and more dazzling, and it was already difficult to distinguish them from each other.

It seemed that this sea of stars was pure silver, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed to turn into pure purple.

There is purple in the silver, and there is silver in the purple. The purple and silver are mixed together, which is both real and illusory.

Empress Fuyao couldn't help but wonder, facing such a violent star sea wave, would Jiang Tian be injured by the backlash?

Of course, she did not doubt that Jiang Tian had the ability to escape unscathed.

After all, the source of this huge wave in the star sea is himself. Before the situation gets out of control, he should wake up in time and then withdraw and return.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian seemed completely unaware of the potential danger of the huge waves in the Star Sea.

It is still urging the star sword body to continuously release purple starlight.

These starlights are naturally the Star Sword Intent bred by the Star Sword Body.

It seems endless, countless.

And as the purple starlight continued to shine out, the color of the entire sea of stars gradually deepened.

At some point, the silver color that was originally dominant gradually began to fall behind.

And Purple, who was originally at a disadvantage, actually started to take the initiative!

"Oh?" Empress Fuyao was surprised.

She originally thought that Jiang Tian was in the sea of stars, just felt its magnificence and vastness for a moment, and then returned.

But he didn't expect that he would actually activate the star sword body to dye this silver sea of stars into a purple sea.

Although this is extremely astonishing, compared to the vastness of the entire silver star sea, Jiang Tian's power alone seems to be a little weak.

But he doesn't seem to want to stop there.

Can he really do it?

"The star sword body will rise again!"

Jiang Tian's roar came from the sea of stars, mixed with the huge waves of the sea of stars, and exploded with great momentum.

The release of the purple starlight has come to an end, and the potential of the star sword body has reached its limit.

And the silver in this sea of stars has only just been put at a disadvantage.

As if sensing that Jiang Tian's offensive had slowed down, the silver light in the sea of stars began to counterattack.

The situation instantly reversed, and the purple star sea was put at a disadvantage. The original owner of this star sea, Silver Light, returned to the dominant position.

Then layers of silver waves swept inwards, trying to suppress the purple star sea's offensive in one fell swoop.

At this juncture, Jiang Tian had already felt the pain of reaching the limit of his strength.

Facing the Silver Star Sea's counterattack, the Star Sword Body, which had already reached its peak, was unable to respond powerfully.

But he had a strong intuition that it was necessary to break this limit and gain some kind of benefit from it.

And he is never willing to give up.

But the Star Sword body has reached its limit. Facing the counterattack of the Silver Star Sea, what other means can he have to compete with it?

After all, the silver star sea is the normal state, and the ubiquitous silver star light is the master here.

As an outsider, he was able to cause violent fluctuations in the star sea, which was already a feat.

Wanting to fight against it seems to be a bit ridiculous in everyone's eyes.

But Jiang Tian never thinks so!

Because he was in it, facing the impact of countless waves of the star sea, he had already felt some extremely mysterious power washing and baptizing his sword body, his body, blood, spiritual power, and everything else.

This is an opportunity that cannot be missed, and it would definitely be a huge regret if we left it right now.

Even if I come back later, I am afraid it will be difficult to obtain such mysterious effects as now.

The next moment, the Star Sword Body reached its ultimate level.

After releasing the last purple star, it came to a standstill.

As expected, next, he will face the craziest counterattack from Silver Star Sea, and he will have no power to resist.

He could only allow the huge waves of the silver star sea to force the purple starlight back into his body layer upon layer.

Let everything return to its original state.

He, a tourist who went to test the waters in the sea of stars, will leave this tourist place that is famous for its wonders with a harvest that is better than nothing.

"No! In addition to the Star Sword Body, I have other means. I am not at a loss!"

Jiang Tian's heart burst out with unyielding will.

His eyes opened sharply, and his energy shone brightly!

The Star Sword Body was a body with a rare talent for swordsmanship that could only be found in a hundred thousand years.

And after several transformations since then, until now, it has probably reached a level that is rare to see in a million years.

But in the final analysis, this is just a gifted body.

And he doesn't only have the star sword body.

The body of a true dragon, the body of laws, and the body of true thunder are all powerful physiques that are not weaker than the star sword body!

Is there really nothing we can do?

of course not!

The body of a true dragon is a physical body supported by blood, and the body of a true thunder is a body gifted with thunder.

It seems that it is difficult to do anything with the turbulence of the star sea in front of you.

But his body of laws is different!


Lightning flashed in his mind, and Jiang Tian tried his best to let go of his spiritual thoughts and reach those areas that the purple stars could not reach, or that had been reached but were counterattacked by the silver stars.

As expected!

His spiritual thoughts are far larger than the area touched by the purple starlight, and are ten times or even a hundred times larger.

A mere invisible divine thought can span ten to a hundred times the limit of the purple starlight in an instant.

This means that his star sword body is actually still very weak, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

It's just that now, he can't stop the counterattack of Silver Star Sea by relying on his spiritual thoughts alone.


Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Jiang Tian began to activate the body of law.

"The Law of the Void, rise!"


The Law of the Void created thick ripples that continued to extend, trying to stop the counterattacking silver stars.

But he soon discovered that there was no point in doing so.

This sea of silver stars is not some silver dust.

Instead, there are countless silver stars, large and small, and star fragments.

They are not just points of light emitting silvery light, but actual stars.

The huge waves in the star sea before were just a contest far away in the void.

And if these stars really come crashing down, even if there are ten and a hundred Jiangtians, they may not be able to withstand them.

But in fact, there is no need to wait for him to be crushed, Empress Fuyao will eagerly pull him out of this sea of stars. You might even snap at him, scold him for not knowing how to live or die, and almost lose your life.

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