Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 151: Slaughter

Chapter 151: Slaughter

Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk and saw her gloomy expression. "Did I miss something?" he asked.

"I let the main culprit escape," Leafwhisk gritted her teeth. "That bastard had a Protective Talisman; if I wasn't so careless, I would have killed him."

Ayaan frowned when he heard that the main villain escaped with his life. However, he couldn't blame Leafwhisk for that, could he?

"It isn't your fault. Anyways, no matter where he is, I will slaughter him. No one could live after harming my family." Coldness flashed inside his eyes, as he remembered their evil scheme.

Leafwhisk sighed, and felt little better, that Ayaan didn't blame her for Victor's escape. After that, she and Rebecca told him the entire story, and everything about Victor said. The more Ayaan heard, the more determined he became to kill this bastard.

Afterwards, he turned towards the people who had been hanging in the air or those who were stuck in between the tree roots. He didn't bother with anyone, he went towards Trista impassively. 

Trista looked frightened and started to plead, "Ayaan no M-Mr Ayaan, please, forgive me. I will become your slave; I will serve you as you want. You can use my body as you want. You can see how beautiful I am, my techniques on the bed are not something anyone could compare. Please, forgive me, and I will serve you every night."

Everyone looked at her as if they were struck by lightning. Someone who previously acted so pure and so innocent was this kind of woman. No matter who they were, people of the Inn, or people of the city, Rebecca, Leafwhisk or even Ayaan, No one ever thought she was such a woman. 

Suddenly, Ayaan stopped, losing any previous interest he had in her. He shook his head and looked towards Leafwhisk, "finish them, and make sure to torture her before killing."

"No, no, no. Please, forgive me! Please!"


No matter how they pleaded, the tree roots penetrated through their chests as if it were nothing but butter or bread. The blood spilt over the ground as if raining, spreading its stench over the city. The clouds looked dull at the moment, the sky gave a gloomy feeling. In this world, there was no worth of life. You will live if you have the strength, and you will die with the will of stronger. Such was the truth, cruel, merciless, uncaring.

"Ahhh!... Ahhh!"

Screams echoed as he walked towards the Inn, and when he reached in front of the people from the Inn, his eyes turned cold. His eyes turned dark black and a black sphere formed on his right hand. The darkness covered everyone from the inn, obscuring any sunlight.

"Wha-what is this?!" the Inn owner screamed in horror as he saw the darkness falling in front of his eyes. He couldn't see anything, nor other people. 

"Did you think you will live a happy life after scheming against me and my women? Didn't you think what would happen if we survived?" when the terror-filled their hearts, a cold voice echoed inside their heads.

"Sir, we were forced. We had no choice. They threatened to kill our family." The Inn owner pleaded, still unable to see anything.

"Ohh, they threatened to kill your family?" Ayaan sounded surprised.

"Yes, yes, they said they will kill our wives and children if we don't do as they told us to do." Inn owner replied hurriedly.

"Is that so? Then you are saying that you were right to betray your customer because your family was in danger. With that logic, I am also justified to kill whoever schemed against my family." Ayaan replied and two eyes appeared in the darkness. One green and one pitch black, strangely even in this darkness his dark eye could be seen without any problem. It was as if the darkness was the servant while his dark eye was the owner. Of course, the owner will be more authoritative and noticeable than the servant.

After his two eyes, his entire body revealed. He extended his hand in front of him, and all the darkness started to gather on his hand, forming a black dark-sabre. The sabre was plain, there was no engraving over on it. It was the sabre the sabre formed by darkness.

"Please, listen to me brother: we have family, our children are waiting for us."


Alas, before he could even finish his sentence, the dark sabre drilled his chest. His eyes became dull, his face filled with regret, he looked towards the sky, as if looking at the face of his daughter and wife. The drop of tear fell from his eye, and he lost his life with open eyes. With a thud, his body fell on the ground.

After that, Ayaan didn't let anyone plead and separated their heads from bodies one by one. There might be some innocent people, and Ayaan knew there were innocent people. However, he would never let anyone live after trying to hurt his women, his family, his friends.

Therefore, they had to die, even hundreds of thousands of innocents were to die with them. So what? It was their fault to choose the wrong master, that's why they died wrongly. If one day Ayaan had to face such a scenario, he would also not complain, nor he would have a face to complain. But until then, anyone who made him their enemy had to tremble in fear.

Slowly the darkness disappeared, revealing Ayaan underneath, and the corpses of tens of peoples.

"Ahhh!" those weak-willed people saw the blood and guts on the ground and screamed in terror. Some even fell unconscious. Ayaan didn't bother to spare them a glance, he looked towards Leafwhisk, Rebecca and then, towards Trista. She had turned nothing but a dried corpse, no life could be felt. Though Leafwhisk killed even more than Ayaan, she didn't spilt blood like him. Her killing was graceful like her. Her tree sucked all the life energy out of everyone, including Trista. Ayaan could still see the mournful frozen expression on Trista's face. 

Leafwhiks and Rebecca hurried towards Ayaan with Akash, the little guy felt nauseous, as he saw the guts all over the ground. However, his will has improved after travelling through the Death Desert. Therefore, he could barely control himself from vomiting. It was rather admirable for such a boy to be so strong willed.

"Don't you think that was too much?" complained Leafwhisk when she saw all the dead bodies on the ground. There were many innocent people among them, after all.

"I don't think that I did anything wrong. They tried to harm me and my women, and for that, they had to die. Should I let those people go, just because some of them were innocent? Don't you think this is a joke? Do you think those innocent people didn't have a clue what was happening?" Ayaan replied sharply and went towards the room where Noor and Isobel were sleeping.

"Aii he is just in a bad mood," Rebecca comforted Leafwhisk. "He must be feeling frustrated because he failed to notice the scheme before time, and let Noor and Isobel become victims."

"You don't need to comfort me. I wasn't lecturing him for killing those people. I have seen much more blood than you can ever imagine," Leafwhisk shook her head. "I just wanted the sample of those drugs they have given us and Ayaan. I thought after killing those morons I will be able to get it from the people of the inn. However, just as I killed those people, Ayaan slaughtered the owner of the inn and its servants."

Rebecca looked at the lady with a weird face. Just now, she thought that she was feeling sad because so many innocents died; however, she was just thinking about that stupid drug, 'How unfeeling.'

"Isn't your herbal skills way beyond this world? why would you care about those drugs?" asked Rebecca, looking at Leafwhisk in confusion.

"What do you know? I had to cross an entire forest just to find a Demon Hunter Flower, and that isn't even classified as a low-grade herb in the higher world. Do you think I will be able to find herbs that are the same quality as the higher world? Herbs of this world are different from higher words. There might be herbs in this world that are considered very precious, nothing but useless grass in the upper realm. Therefore, I want to research the herbs of this world. Though we will leave this world in a year or two, more knowledge won't hurt."

Rebecca nodded in understanding. This was the lower world where the spirit energy was lacking, and that's this world couldn't produce precious herbs like the higher world, and if this world had energy as dense as the higher world they won't even need more than a year to ascend. Just a month would suffice, even if they were cultivated in the barren land.

"Ohh, what technique Ayaan used just now? Let's go ask him," Leafwhiks said as she went after Ayaan.

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