Headed by a Snake

Chapter 891 Burying The Dead

With the help of Beatrice and Ellie... and the Ebon Mask tribe, really-- Coraline had defeated a Gold-Rank opponent.

Granted, she had literally taken a mortal injury... but she was going to survive it because *ancient magic.*

That angel person... he thought she was Sir Tycon.

As weird as it sounded... that made sense. The first time Coraline had met Beatrice properly, she took the humanoid form of the strongest person she knew...

Once Coraline used the Ebon Mask long enough to heal, Beatrice still insisted on protecting her.

...which was really sweet.

Beatrice turned into... essentially a set of armor-- but set to attack-mode? And the form she took... was the armor Sir Tychon wore back in Whitehearth.


Coraline was silently thankful that the angel guy was too stupid to hit her spine.

...Honestly, the Ebon Mask was probably capable of healing that too.

If that happened, though, she'd have complained that 'ancient magic' was way too overpowered.

​ Granted... the mask, in general, was an absurd cheat.

...Beatrice, too. Even though she was essentially a newborn fire elemental, Coraline had the strongest familiar in the Sapphire Tower.

...And they never would have met if not for Baron Tycondrius of Charm.

...and his sidekick-- Lone Shadowdark... who was also technically still her boyfriend.


"C'mon, Beatrice," Coraline stood up, "Let's check on Ellie."

The little fire elemental turned from her raging burn-freaking-everything-flame back into her compact, four-winged faerie-ball.

Whenever she got to burn something, she was always super-obedient.

Twirling her fingers, Coraline dispelled the ⌈Fire Shield⌋ covering her bestie.

It looked like the healing potions Ellie brought had shattered... but Coraline had some vials on her person.

She opened one and brought it close to her best friend's mouth, "Drink slowly."

"...Ugh," Ellie winced as she swallowed-- "It's like... diced strawberries mixed with animal fat... mixed with baby spit."

Coraline felt her eyebrow twitch. She had added a reagent or three to increase the potency.

Magic potions weren't *supposed* to taste good.

"It... can't taste *that* bad."

"Coraline... babe," Elle grimaced, "it's... it's horrible."

The tall woman sat up, crossing her arms to cover her normal-relative-to-her-height but otherwise massive set of breasts... "I... thanks for saving me... erm... mysterious masked hero."

"You already said my name once," Coraline laughed meekly, "Sorry that I'm not your boyfriend."

She was too tired to be upset... even at that person.

"Y...yeah," Ellie sighed, strands of her messy blonde hair covering her eyes... "I just... I really thought... he'd come, y'know?"

"Well..." Coraline grit her teeth, "Let's kick his butt when he gets back, then."


...That sounded like a conversation-ender, if Coraline had ever heard one.

She looked to the horizon and a beam of deep orange cut its way through the sky.

Dawn. Everyone was still on the island, fighting... regardless of how many bells it had been.

Coraline sighed. The passage of time was cruel.

"Let's get you a new shirt, Ellie. Soon everyone's going to be able to see your ba-donk-a-donk's in the morning sun."

"Th-thanks, Coraline..."

Ellie hugged her knees, her face scarlet.

Coraline turned and walked off... her eyes scanning the battlefield for a fallen Cultist or Coral Boy with... a reasonably intact under-tunic.

She couldn't imagine what was going through her best friend's head. Fear? Uncertainty? Regret?

Coraline had her own reasons for coming to Moon Crescent Isle... rock-solid reasons that she would defy gods for.

Ellie... had a mercenary contract, sure... and she had an affectionate relationship with Sir Tycon.

But... was that enough for her? To stand against angels? Against gods? Against the worst kind of scum to walk the Realm?

The sound of heavy boots approached, slogging through the mud and wet sand.

"Hey," Coraline waved, "Seaman Spike, you came."

A squad of eight Coral Boys held their weapons close, keeping wary of their surroundings. They were still in a combat zone, after all.

Their squad leader, a Coral Boy with notably spikier shoulders than his peers took a step forward.

"Oy, girlie. We'z came as soon'z we saw da signal."

Coraline nodded...

They came quick enough... but the enemy was too strong.

It was good that they only just arrived. She had no doubt that they would have fought valiantly... just like Barrel Boy and his squad did.

...Coraline furrowed her brows.

Only eight was fine... that was more than enough, but she expected at least someone... higher ranked.

Petty Officer Bob, Stickyfingers, Catshit, and Doc... where were they?

The island perimeter had already been swept clean of enemy patrols...

Was it possible... that they were all together?

...And for what purpose?

"Seaman Spike... where are the others?"

"Dey'z said dey got business ta take care of, girlie," Spike answered with an arrogant sneer.

The light coming out of Beatrice turned from gentle embers to bone-melting white.

She hadn't had enough to burn.

Spike coughed into his big rocky fist, "Ay uh... an' we'z mean 'at wiv all due respect, lass."

"Did Tychon come with you guys?"

Coraline raised an eyebrow. She and the Coral Boys turned to see Ellie emerging from the tree line, covering herself with her arms.

"Da Bosun?" Spike glanced to his squad, "'Aven't seen him. Prolly wiv da Cap'n, yeah?"

"Yeh, pro'lly."

"'Aven't seen him."

"Da Bosun goes where he pleases."

Ellie's face fell...

She... was really disappointed that Tycon didn't come for her.

He was on a mission, though... which meant he was probably at the center of Moon Crescent Isle.

It made absolutely zero sense for him to come back for Ellie. She was the final line of defense... and dozens of Coral Boys and a badass Arcanist to keep her out of trouble.

And... even though Coraline hadn't seen Ishmael in a while, he was probably around, protecting them from the shadows.

"Mizz Elfie," Seaman Spike tilted his chin up, "We'z ain't seein' Barrel Boy's squad."

"The enemy... has been taken care of..." Coraline sighed, "Spike, I'll need your help recovering any Coral Boys that can be saved..."

"Aye," Spike gave a lazy salute before turning to his squad, "You 'eard her, boyz."

"And for anyone in your squad that's good at looting, Ellie needs a new shirt."


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