Headed by a Snake

Chapter 773 Playing The Game

Benji grinned as he watched the elf squirm.

Even though the mage didn't know it yet, she was already out of options-- without hope.

The stupid b*tch even looked straight at the alleyway.

Earlier, he and Boss Porter scoped out the restaurant and the surroundings. The biggest reason they chose to engage was that they could cover the back exit-- the only logical place Coraline could run.

And if she tried to do just that... she'd probably piss herself when she ran into a man five times her size.

It'd probably be hi-f*ckin-larious, too.

The big behemoth, Doan, was waiting for her there... ready to stick something hard down her throat-- something with an edge on it.

That was how the Bone Rats operated. Smart. Logical. Once they got a contract... they only chose to play if they could win before any of the cards were dealt.

Then there was Porter, sitting and smiling... the calm hiding the shite-storm to come.

When he wasn't watched by anyone important, he took the mask off-- he showed his real face. He had this sleazy smile-- ugly with crooked teeth... something worn by fences and thieves that knew how to play the game... vets who've been playing it for longer than anyone could know.

It was a look that said... somethin' real bad was about to happen... to come along quietly. And if you didn't, you'd get f*cked you in holes you didn't even know you had.

Coraline shut her eyes and sighed, "Let me guess... you want me to follow you out back to that alleyway where you have more goons lying in wait."

Porter narrowed his eyes... "What'chu you talkin' about, girlie?"

Coraline lifted a lazy finger pointing to Benji, "According to him, anyroad."

"I didn't say SHITE!" Benji shouted, "I was with you the whole time, Porter. How could I have told her gods-damned anything!?"

"You just did," Coraline shrugged. "Also, you made it obvious from the way you kept looking."

"You're a gods-damned idiot, Benji," Porter seethed.

The elf leaned forward on the table, pouting her lips and looking... bored?

"Stars and stones, Mister Porter, I'm disappointed. When I read the file on the Bone Rat Gang, it made me think that the most famous Dark Guild in Whitehearth was made up of *professionals*."

"Tch," Porter sneered before shooting Benji a disapproving glare... "Well, good help's been hard to get as of recent. You mind comin' with us, Miss Mage? Don't wanna make a scene..."

"I would *love* to, Mister Porter," Coraline smiled politely. "Unfortunately, I don't think you have the capability."

She raised an open palm and made a sweeping motion, "We're in the middle of the city. Any way we go about this, we wouldn't go fifteen minutes before running into an adventuring group or a guard patrol. Also, my abilities are... a little loud-- but as you know my name, I'm sure you know that."

Benji narrowed his eyes.

Loud? A Bronze-Rank Mage could be loud?

He couldn't understand how a girl near half his size could have so much gods-damned confidence.

​ He didn't like the way the elf was talking... like she knew something they didn't. Worse, he didn't like the way Porter was starting to sweat... like he hadn't told the other rats just what they were getting into.

Porter raised his chin, "And if I have my little friend here put a knife in your spine?"

"Just gimme the word boss," Benji growled.

The fastest way to feel better about the situation was making the b*tch shut up... permanently.

"Then..." Coraline tilted her head,  "my fire elemental's contract would be released. The... *noise* will still attract all the aforementioned... and you and your Rats will suffer far worse than... *first-degree burns.*"

Benji released the hold on the hilt of his dagger. The thought of knifing her had suddenly become... not a good idea.

Porter's eye twitched... "So you heard us..."

Coraline wagged her finger. "You really shouldn't underestimate us 'knife-ears,' Mister Porter. Or-- come on... at least our ability to hear people talk across a single road..."

"Boss..." Benji put his hand on the Boss' shoulder.

It was a signal... his best attempt at advising his leader.

At the slightest hint of trouble, it was always more cost-effective to back out. Anyone sustaining injury... any sign of the guards catching wind of a crime, any gold or rep they'd get from completing a mission wasn't worth so much trouble.

And that Coraline... she was absolutely not the easy, piss-herself kind of mark the Rats were used to.

Porter brushed Benji's hand away... then he casually leaned to the side on his chair.

"Not good enough, Miss Mage. Our... associate's not the kind of guy I wanna offend. So... unless you wanna put everyone in this little restaurant here in danger, I kindly advise you to comply."

Benji felt his heart begin to race and his body temperature rise.

Porter wasn't bluffing-- not this time. That meant... the deal was serious. If the Mage wasn't going to give in... that meant there was going to be a fight on their hands. It meant they'd probably be evading the authorities for the next few bells...

It also meant... the coin reward for the contract was worth more than he was letting on.

"Really not in my best interests," Coraline leaned back and steepled her fingers. "Since we're having this conversation, it's obvious that your 'associate' wants me alive-- for whatever reason.

"But really..." She shook her head, "why the heck am I being targeted? I'm a researcher. I can literally share my knowledge with anyone. For free."

"Can't answer. Dunno, myself. We'll find out for you, girl, but..." Porter reached over, grabbing onto Coraline's wrist, "--you're comin' with us, whether you agree to it or not."

"Oh, is the game over?" Coraline frowned in disappointment. "Well, alright. I'm done stalling."

"Fer what?" Porter furrowed his brows, "If you think your elf-buddies can save you..."

Coraline smirked, "Not all my friends are elves, Mister Porter."

"Hey, girlfriennnd... Are these guys bothering yooouUU??"

Benji slowly turned to the voice... and looked up... then looked up even higher.

It was... a woman. A very... very big woman.

Seeing her made Benji nearly choke on his own saliva.

He'd never thought it before... and as a Bronze-Rank Dagger Rogue, it really hurt to think it-- but he wished he had a bigger knife.

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