Headed by a Snake

Chapter 771 Real Mage

Coraline pursed her lips in worry. There was a huge risk in her telling Elle Baron Tychon's secrets.

It wasn't a logical worry-- but it was something she somehow just... understood.

She was a pretty important person. She was part of the prestigious Sapphire Tower, headed by Archmage Bella Sapphira. And besides that, she was a friend to House Highblade, a coalition of families that produced the best Elven Blademasters in the Realm.

However... Coraline had never been the target of... that person's ire.

Sir Tychon... the leader of Sol Invictus.

"Ohhh~" Elle raised her eyebrows. "That... makes a lot of sense, actually."

"Um," Coraline squinted her eyes, "Why aren't you surprised? That was supposed to be incredibly surprising."

"Well... none of my friends are human," Elle shrugged. "I mean-- before meeting Tychon, it was just you and Gaheris."

Coraline stood up, her chair screeching against the outdoor tile, "B-but he's a literal SNAKE!!"

One of the waiters approached their table, "Ladies, please pardon the interruption but... we have other guests."

"S-sorry! Sorry," Coraline sat back down and lowered her head... "Sorry..."

"Coraline..." Elle cooed, "It'll be fine."

"Won't be fine," Coraline said breathily, "He's a snake! Snakes are eeevil."

"I'm beginning to think you're purposely trying to find fault in my boyfriend."

"Okay! Okay," Coraline crossed her arms. "There's nothing wrong with being a snake."

"That is... literally opposite of what you just said," Elle blew a lock of blonde hair away from her eyes.

"Okay. Right. I don't know why I said it," Coraline puffed up her left cheek... "Maybe I'm just jealous. But... but only a little."

"Don't be," Elle put on a stern face as she reached over to take Coraline's hand in hers, "We'll save Mister Lone, Coraline. I have faith in you."

Coraline dropped her head as she stared at her empty plate... "Yeah... It's just been... really hard, Ellie..."

"AwwwwwWW!" Elle's voice rose in pitch as she placed Coraline's hand over her heart, "Poor baby. Don't cry. Mama Ellie's here."

"Okay. I'm okay," Coraline tugged at her hand-- but Elle was as strong as she looked, "Quiiiiit. Keep doing that and I'll cry for real..."

Finally Elle released her grip, "So what's the plan?"

Coraline sighed as she patted the bag hanging from the back of her seat, "I summarized all my notes. Once I check out Whitehearth's main library, I'll double-check a few things... but I'm pretty sure the Tree God lives somewhere near here..."

Elle raised her left arm and patted her heavy gauntlet-- the key she used to summon Divine Armor Gaheris, "Alright! I'm coming with you."

"To the library or to the Sanctuary of the Tree God?"

"Um," Elle tilted her head, "Both?"

"Well, you better!" Coraline raised her very-arrogant Elven nose, "After all, I'm pretty much the one responsible for you hooking up with Tychon."

"Right," Elle nodded. "Thank you, Coraline... from the bottom of my heart."

Coraline felt heat rising to the surface of her cheeks... and not because she was contracted to a fire elemental.

⊰ like apples ⊱

Beatrice was sitting on the stone plate at the side of the table, still enjoying her stone cup.

She had developed a newly found fondness for apple juice.

Coraline was absolutely blessed by the fates to have such loyal companions...

Anyroad-- it was really no wonder that Sir Tychon's snake heart was charmed by the woman in front of her. And it seemed that Beatrice seemed to like him a lot, too...

Bleigh. No. That was a dangerous road of thought. The last thing Coraline wanted to do was give up and join Tychon's harem.

She was an elf. And a Circle-Mage! And... and--

"And y'know..." Coraline coughed, turning away, "I'm... older than you. So... so I'm gonna pay for the meal, too."

"You're so sweet," Elle smiled... "Alright, I'm gonna go wash my hands before we go."

Coraline narrowed her eyes as she turned to a nearby Elven waiter, "(Friend, bring me the check. Do not let my companion pay, as my honor is being questioned.)"

The elf inclined his head, "(Lady Heartsong, if you'll allow *us* the honor, House Highblade will cover the tab.)"

"(No need,)" Coraline shook her head. "(I'll have an associate take care of it.)"

"I'm not winning this one, am I?" Elle sighed as she put her wallet away.

"Nope," Coraline smirked. "Now, hurry up and pee. I need to read all of the books."


Benji lifted his hood just enough to see the elf sitting outside the restaurant across the street.

"That the girl, boss? Blonde? Green eyes? Nice tits."

"You got a chub over 'at kinda knife-eared whore, Benji?" The fat man muttered. "How 'bout you shut the f*ck up, kid?"

Benji could smell Doan even though he was sitting over five fulms away. He rightfully belonged in one of the city's drains with all the best of the city's smells... but he was pretty damn handy with the steel.

...That and he'd probably clog up the whole sewer system.

"You ain't the boss of me, fatty," Benji grumbled.

"Yeah, but I am, f*ckwads," Porter said while tipping his hat upward.

The actual boss of the Bone Rat Gang was leaning against the wall, watching carefully as the only guard on the street passed them by. It was always a pain for Benji to avoid looking suspicious... but Boss Porter was always the best at it. Even the way he positioned himself hid the two-handed sword on his back from casual view.

The sly dog went as far as nodding at the guard as the guy came close, "G'afternoon, Officer."

"I don't got any change," The guard shook his head, not stopping.

Whitehearth's finest.

Anyroad, that was par for the course for Boss Porter. He was gods-damned invisible, even though everyone that belonged to the underground knew how bloody his hands actually were.

"Thanks anyroad," Porter shrugged. "Thanks for keepin' the streets safe, Sir."

The guard didn't reply as he walked off, finally turning around a corner.

Benji sighed in relief as he took his hand off the dagger hidden under his cloak.

With the copper-badge gone... the whole crew could go about their business uninterrupted.

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