Headed by a Snake

Chapter 294 Scuzz

A large Centurion in heavy-armor approached Tycondrius and Zenon, larger-around but not quite as tall as the Librarian. The man's armor carried scuffs and scars from old battles-- a great deal more weathered than Zenon's own. A few achievement medals and decorations on the fellow's armor, too, made the Librarian's look... empty.

⟬ Bronze-Rank Human Champion. ⟭

The man's voice echoed in his full-helmet "Brother-Librarian..."

He spun his gauntleted finger casually, then pointed it behind him, "I need the toilets scuzzed."

​ Tycon was unfamiliar with the word... but considering the context, it sounded... demeaning. The Centurion was asking Zenon to... clean? ...Or maybe Tycon was privy to a secret, holy ritual-- the blessings of the sacred piss-pots.

Zenon smiled with chagrin, "Brother-Centurion, I... The Archbishop has tasked me with escorting this adventurer on his quest. Right now, I belong to his guild and not the Caeruleum temples."

He was? Tycon was pleasantly surprised by the admission, as he'd thought Centurion Skyreaper would be acting as an independent advisor. He wasn't planning on mistreating the help, but that the Iron-Ranker would heed his battle commands? Tycon grew more confident in facing the challenges ahead.

"Oh, is that right?" The Centurion mused. "Then I'll have you mop the vestibules before you leave."

The Centurion turned on his heel and walked off with heavy metal steps... Tycon expected some sort of... congratulations or... at least concern from Zenon's associate.

Archbishop Natalya had said that Zenon's rank was that of Centurion... yet with Skyreaper's armor compared to the other Centurion's, there seemed to be a clear difference in status.

He was glad that his own Decanus armor was hidden underneath his cloak. The rude Centurion might have ordered him around, as well.

"Zenon," Tycon pursed his lips... "Is this normal?"

"Whaaat?" The Librarian smiled. Compared to his earlier expressions, Tycon judged the current one to be lacking. The smile didn't reach his eyes, "Yeah-nahhhh."

Tycon narrowed his eyes, "Which is it?"

Zenon took a deep breath and released a tired sigh, "Just-- just give me a few moments, Tycon."

Tycon followed Centurion Skyreaper, watching as the tall, mustachioed gentleman retrieved a bucket and mop. He offered to assist, but Zenon insisted on doing it alone. He had a particular 'system' for mopping.

...He did. And he was very good at it... but deep in the pit of his heart, Tycon felt that a Centurion should not be cleaning common areas... alone. None of the temple's clergy assisted him-- they were busy cleaning other areas. Tycon also noted that no one of Decanus or higher rank was doing any cleaning, at all.

Was this why Natalya was so eager to let Zenon go? For him to gain a few battle scars on his armor? Tycon was unsure...

The treatment of Zenon Skyreaper, however, was causing him to grow irritated.

"I hope that was okay, Tycon," Zenon spoke with uncertainty as he mopped. "That I'll fall under your command as a member of your guild?"

"That's perfectly acceptable," Tycon nodded. "By my honor, I will never give you an order that would prove harmful for your faith or the followers of which. That is the only type of order you may disobey."

Zenon was a noble Tyrion Centurion... mopping the entrance hall like a recruit. He was a gods-damned joke-- or in his case, maybe a Flamescarred one. Tycon offered his words to display his sincerity, to alleviate Zenon's spirits. He rated at least that much respect.

The Librarian nodded as he worked, "Thank you for that. I wasn't worried, but it's pretty nice to have it spoken aloud."

He wasn't worried? Tycon pursed his lips. Did Zenon... know he was a non-human? No, he must have... but did he, though?

Tycon pushed back his doubts and wore a serious expression, "Centurion Zenon Skyreaper, welcome to Sol Invictus."


Zenon emptied his mop bucket outside the temple, then set that and the mop against the building wall, "Alright, I'm done. Let's get out of here before I get asked to do anything else."

Tycon still felt a nagging irritation, "Would you like me to... teach that Centurion a lesson?"

He had more than a few abilities and skills to wreak subtle vengeance... Stealing or sabotaging some of the fellow's personal items would be simple for him, especially since he'd recently ranked up to Gold.

The tall man chuckled, "Haha, no. We are all of the same faith, Tycon."

The two walked in silence, Tycon contemplating the situation.

After a short while, Zenon continued, "Anyroad, spilling that guy's entrails onto the temple floors would be a pain to clean. And then the adepts would have a horrible time removing the standing candelabra I shove up his arse."

Tycon used an inordinately large amount of focus for his face to not change in expression, "I understand. For the good of the Church, then."

"For the good of the Church," Zenon nodded. "Where to next, Brother?"

Tycon returned his best 'amicable' smile, "I have one more companion that I need to send home."

"Oh, right. So you came to Caeruleum with that person and your daughter, right?" Zenon's own smile had returned. "I went to the same school she did and I turned out fine."

Tycon tried not to read too much into that statement, "Right. Also, a third companion is being sent to... what did the Archbishop say... Turrim Orientem?"

Zenon visibly flinched, "Ooooooh....."

He sucked in air through his teeth, "That... won't be a fun time."

Tycon took a breath and averted his gaze. That reaction was not at all promising, "I don't suppose you've been there, as well, Centurion?"

"Turrim Orientem is a prison containing the most violent criminals in Tyrion. A large number of them have enough political strength to not be outright-executed-- and those people essentially lead big prison gangs."

Zenon bared his teeth in a grimace, "I uh... I hope he's strong."

Well... Tycon considered that to be overall good news. He was worried that Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark, would grow weaker while incarcerated. But with this knowledge...

"He'll be fine," Tycon smiled politely. "Do you know how to get to the Broken Drum from here?"

"Of course," Zenon chuckled. "They can't be beat."

Tycon's smile fell into a grimace, "So I've heard."

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