Headed by a Snake

Chapter 291 Favor Of The Church

Tycondrius sipped his wine quietly, allowing Natalya to process the information. He had previously learned the details of Maximus' demise through the first-hand account of Sol Invictus member Dragan Ashlord. He relayed that information to the Archbishop, truthfully and without embellishment-- though he utilized much more polite diction than originally presented.

"You tell me that Sanctum Parmularius Maximus found an honorable death..." The Archbishop shut her eyes in contemplation, "He served well..."

A frown crossed her lips, "Did he tell you why he left the Holy Country?"

"He did not," Tycon narrowed his eyes. "I thought it odd, but Sol Invictus, as an adventurer guild does not ask those kinds of questions."

Natalya ground her teeth, "Of course, all you adventurers think about is--"

"--Only that he acts with honor." Tycon glared. He had no compunctions in interrupting the conversation to ensure Natalya Crucis did not cross his bottom line, "And that is something, Lady Crucis, that I will not allow you to question."

The Archbishop swallowed her words, nodding in annoyed acceptance, "Many of his orders near the end of his Tyrion service were questionably bereft of such a luxury."

Tycon took a deep breath, "Then... the reason he sought out Sol Invictus?"

"...Likely to regain that honor lost," Natalya said solemnly. "After his Arena days, he joined the military... and this was the time shortly after the Snake Cult wars... He served... as an Avenger."

An Avenger? That somewhat explained the man's obsession with serving under a guild with an honorable background. However...

Tycon steepled his fingers and leaned forward, "Lady Crucis, I had thought Avenger's work was a lifelong occupation."

"It is. After Maximus took an injury that dropped his ranking to Iron, he was discharged as a personal request. Even as weakened as he was, he defeated all of the Assassins I sent."

Tycon frowned and spoke solemnly, "You mean 'the Church sent.'"

"I know what I said, Prince." Natalya scowled. "You, of all people, know how my organization works, so don't you dare act surprised."

She rolled her eyes and refilled her wine glass, "And anyroad, this whole place is sheathed in a ⌈Zone of Truth⌋, and your shite news has caused me to babble national secrets by mistake."

She sighed in frustration, gnashing her teeth, "By my hand, Maximus was attached to the Avengers and forced to trade his warrior's honor for the honor of preserving the Church's integrity and reputation.

"You lost a friend and ally." Natalya took in a deep breath through her nostrils... After exhaling, her voice softened... "I, on the other hand, allowed a national hero to grow disillusioned with his cause and die far from his home."

Tycon remained silent. He was no longer upset about the Church's kill-the-defectors policy. Thinking logically, it was likely by Natalya's order that the Tyrions *only* sent so many Assassins.

The Archbishop sat back in her chair and crossed her arms, "You've returned news of Maximus' death. He died honorably and against the enemies of humankind. He will be honored as a Saint, remembered for his glory. For this, the Church shall grant you a boon."

The Church of the Eternal Flame would offer Tycondrius, a nonhuman, a boon? That would be sacrilege. It was probably a trap, something that would cause him to be indebted to their cause. Tycon already had a ridiculous Realm-spanning quest from a monstrous Queen-- he had no desire to serve a faceless organization on the side.

"What the Church can provide me with, Archbishop..." Tycon leaned back to match the Archbishop's posture, "--is a quest, the purpose of which, is to mend relations between the Queen of Stone and... you."

"Fine." The Archbishop shook her head and shrugged, "There's a noble daughter from a fallen house, a young girl named Athena. Take care of her."

"Avenger work? You would have me kill a child?" Tycon glared in disbelief, "Is your opinion of me really so low?"

"Yes, it is." Natalya returned the glare, "But in this case, I misspoke. I do not want Athena killed. Her house has fallen out of favor, both in public and amongst her noble peers. I want her family name strengthened and her honor restored."

She took a slow, steady pull from her wine cup... "She is a good child... and does not deserve what befell her family."

The order was complex and open-ended, but Tycon expected a bothersome trial of this level. He would strive to complete the mission in such a way that the Archbishop would be unable to doubt his sincerity... And even if she still did-- humans were an untrustworthy lot, after all... as long as he completed the quest to his own high expectations, he would meet Rylania's conditions, regardless of Natalya's judgment.

"I accept." Tycon nodded firmly, "I need one of my companions released from your prisons."

The woman laughed, "Mister Lone? I've heard. I will have him sent to Turrim Orientem until we see results."

"You don't trust me, Archbishop?" Tycon raised an eyebrow, "On a professional level?"

"I'm fairly certain you know that I do not."

...Asking for Lone was worth a try. Tycon hoped the facility transfer was a good thing.

He shrugged, "Very well. Provide me with the young lady's details and I shall be on my way."

"Oh, I will~" Natalya's voice lilted playfully, "--After you ask for a real boon, Prince."

It was Tycon's turn to be incredulous, "You can't be serious, Lady Crucis."

He crossed his arms, trying to make sense of the woman's insistence.

"No, I am." Archbishop Natalya Crucis confirmed, "You gave Maximus what I could not-- the honor that he sought. As it is, I owe *you* a favor. Please understand that I am disgusted by your presence and find you loathsome company."

Tycon was very handsome. He was quite confident in that regard. Natalya must have been talking about his general presence as a nonhuman.

"I want someone resurrected."

The Archbishop narrowed her eyes.

"Absolutely not," She said with finality.

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