Headed by a Snake

Chapter 262 Hidden Motives

The following sun, Tycondrius geared for utility instead of for rank-and-file combat. He wore a shortbow on his back, a quiver, and two short Tyrion swords.

He held one of the blades out towards Fortuna.

⟬ Fortuna, Gold-Rank Half-Elf Healer. ⟭

"Eternal Flame, light our path..." She whispered, tapping the flat of the blade with her nail, "⌈Emberglow.⌋"

Tycon examined his blade-- Fortuna's magic had imparted a brilliant silver glow upon it. Nodding, he sheathed the weapon-- reducing the light to a dim radiance, barely better than candlelight. With the increased vision of his bloodline, that was all he needed to see in the dark.

"My thanks, Fortuna," Tycon nodded.

"I didn't do it for you!!" The half-elf squawked.

Tycon grimaced, looking at the sheathed, glowing sword in his hand... Fortuna literally enchanted an object, knowing it was going to be used by him.

Or did she mean something else? ...But what?

Tycon's mouth twitched and he shook his head, "I don't understand. What exactly do you mean?"

"I mean-- argh!! Go! Just go!!" The girl turned him around and shoved his back.

Confused, Tycon gave a final glance behind him.

Their paltry tent group was made up of nine humans, one of them a half-elf. Two Bronze-Ranks, Six Iron-Ranks, and a single Gold-Rank.

Prior to the Manticore attack, the forward group was composed of only Iron-Rank and higher. Replacing the injured and dead, even two Bronze-Rank Decani were volunteered for the duty... the unlucky bastards.

The Iron-Ranks were Holy Avenger Justus, Champion Sixtus, and Fighter Cyrac. Then, there were three Iron-Rank Warriors that were little better than the Bronze-Rank Spear Fighter and Legionnaire.

With their numbers and quality, it was reasonable that the Rhodoks expected victory against their "dragon." However, Tycon knew that most certainly, it would not be so easy.

Two tent groups of twenty waited outside the cave. Thirty-seven rested at the base of the mountain.

Nocking an arrow into his shortbow, he journeyed forward, inscribing the numbers into his memory.


Justus still felt out of place, walking alongside the Rhodok leadership.

He was certainly the youngest person there, and being new, the others held a keen interest in him. He answered all their questions: Where he grew up, how he got his title, about the ⌈Final Judgment⌋ skill he used on the Manticore.

It was fine, he supposed. It got his wandering mind away from his mixed feelings. He still felt Rena's death weighing down his spirits. He still felt like it was unreal, having his marriage proposal accepted by the most beautiful woman in the world.

Duplicarius Zehr had set off, scouting ahead. Optio Sixtus kept in the lead, his shield ready. He did not join in the idle conversation. As talkative as he was during the meetings, he stayed relatively quiet in a potential combat situation.

Justus thought that Sixtus and Zehr could be good friends...

Centurion Cyrac, even wearing his armor and gear, had somewhat dropped the strict Centurion act. He joked affably with everyone-- and it seemed to be... normal?

Though being treated as a curiosity by most-everyone was fine... one person in the tent group did not seem to appreciate his presence.

"You're not the first reckless Decanus I've met, Justus," Fortuna grumbled. "Take care of yourself. As much of a baby as you are, having to carry back a corpse is a waste of manpower."

"I understand. Thank you, Fortuna," Justus grimaced. She could have definitely phrased that more politely, but it seemed... she meant well?

"You will address me as Lady Fortuna! Or call me ma'am!!" She retorted.

Justus felt his mouth twitch. That... that was completely different from what she'd said the previous sun to Zehr, "A-alright, Ma'am."

Though most everything remained in darkness, Fortuna's enchanted orbs of light lit their path, illuminating polite smiles from Rhodoks who offered no verbal assistance. It seemed the half-elf had a certain privilege in the cohort.

The forward group had discovered that the Manticore's cave had stretched deeper into the mountains. Reasonably, the cavern system would lead them to their bounty...

A giant lizard had been spotted by an Iron-Rank adventuring company while they were hunting harpies or something. A lucrative quest had been issued for the giant creature's death and there was another company offering coin for its scales. The company desperately needed to be successful, in order to survive financially.

Justus very much liked having an honorable job, not living on the streets, begging for coin. He wanted very much for the mission to be successful.

As they moved deeper and deeper into the cool, humid caverns, Justus found that Fortuna's treatment was not only reserved for him. There were three Munifices and Fortuna harshly criticized them for... walking incorrectly? And for a host of other things that had nothing to do with the journey.

Growing agitated, he found a reassuring hand on his shoulder. It was the old Centurion, "Don't let her get to you, young Decanus. Fortuna's a good girl. She only acts impolitely when she's nervous."

Justus didn't believe him for a second... not with how Fortuna singled out Zehr the other evening.

"I heard that, you old thief!" Fortuna stomped towards Cyrac, stepping in front of Justus to do so. "These ears aren't just for show!!"

But... her ears were underneath her helmet? Elves were truly mysterious creatures.

Faintly illuminated, the one-eyed Cyrac gave Justus a wink-- or maybe he was just blinking, "Fortuna, I'm curious..."

"And who wants to sate your curiosity, you greedy old man?"

The Centurion continued, ignoring the girl's willful words, "The young Decanus is good friends with Duplicarius Zehr."

"Don't you think I know th--" The girl suddenly halted her steps, lost in thought.

The forward group continued walking, ignoring her.

Fortuna's quick sandaled steps hurriedly caught up, "You guys! When someone stops, you have to wait for them!"

"Incorrect, there's nothing wrong with the group being dispersed." Sixtus, in the lead, spoke aloud, his voice echoing back, "Though it's still advised you remain in the middle of the formation where it's most protected, Fortuna."

"See if I heal you, you stupid mushroom!" Fortuna hmphed.

That didn't seem fair. Justus thought it was good advice.

Concerning the reason Fortuna stopped, he was... a little curious. He didn't care much for Fortuna after he discovered her rotten personality, but... talking to the capricious girl would at least keep him amused.

"Why did you stop-- err... Ma'am?"

"It's not like I was thinking about that person!!" Fortuna shouted, her voice echoing in the cave a dozen times over.

The entire group, minus Sixtus, turned to shush her.

Justus pursed his lips. Fortuna was... very poor at hiding her feelings.

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