Headed by a Snake

Chapter 235 Scoring Criteria (Part One)

Tycondrius narrowed his eyes.

Yes, it made logical sense to be attracted to older men.

An older male should theoretically be more established, with the social and financial clout to be able to provide for a family.

He also recalled reading somewhere that young females also matured faster psychologically, and thus were easier to connect emotionally to older males rather than younger.

Very well. Tycon nodded, content in his masterful understanding.

Gianna approached closer. He was tempted to take a step backward, to keep at a comfortable combat distance...

He could not. He refused to show weakness to his peers. However, he doubted that Gianna was going to attack him. She seemed like the type to challenge him openly.

...But why was she still looking at him, then?

"That's uh... that's good?" He offered.

Gianna fidgeted nervously, wringing her hands, "I... I like you, Zehr."

A sudden help erupted from a nearby bush. With that surprise and Tycon's inward panicking, he turned and smashed his face painfully against a soft-bark tree.

He immediately checked his nostrils for blood. Light injury-- suboptimal, but it bought him time to respond. This... this was not the type of challenge he was expecting.

No. He was not at all romantically interested in this woman.

Ah. Aughhhhh. Empty night! How did he... how was he supposed to--

Gianna's face had turned to concern, "Oh, by the Flame, are you okay, dear?"

AH! AUGHHHH! No! Zehr-- no, Tycon couldn't...

Tycon again turned away to hide his agitation, "I uh... I can't accept your feelings, Gianna."

He couldn't form any lasting attachments to the Rhodoks-- not with his long-term mission in mind. Tycondrius was merely utilizing them to take part in their Gold-Rank quest. Afterward, he'd be off to a different part of the Holy Kingdom... and it's not like he could have asked her or anyone else to defect to his own adventuring guild, Sol Invictus.

...Even if the trio did seem to have a high opinion of it.

The Shield Maiden's soft, ringing laughter managed to confound Tycon's rationale. He thought he was quite direct... did he need to change his verbiage?

"Six points, Duplicarius," She chuckled.

Tycon turned back with a frown, "Six points? Really... explain your scoring criteria."

He didn't know what the points were for, but six seemed like an unfairly low rating.

"Above average for being a gentleman," Gianna chided, "Minus a few points for being clumsy."

She tapped aside her lips, one of the Shield Maiden's idiosyncrasies, "Plus a few points because I got to see a new side of you-- and it was quite cute."

Tycon narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips to the side, "That sounds like I deserve more than six."

"That's what you get, though." Gianna smiled but said nothing more. Her expression was somewhere between amusement and unbelieving scrutiny.

"I'm... not interested in a relationship right now," Tycon insisted.

"Three points, not good enough."

Irritation burgeoned in Tycon's heart.

Gianna continued to smile, but her eyes closed to thin slits, "Are you gay?"

"No?" Tycon furrowed his eyebrows. Did that mean what he thought it meant? He... he didn't think he was? And if he was, was there something wrong with that? But that was beside the point...

He decided to mention one of his previous relationships, hoping to avoid the unfair interrogation, "I uh... there's someone else that I... like?"

No! Seven heavens and eleven hells! He should have delivered that line with full confidence! It was perfect!

He couldn't help his hesitation, though...

There was a particular woman he was thinking of, a certain princess belonging to the Kingdom of Alizeau. They shared many common similarities and conversed comfortably. He even had intimate relations with her-- though the exchange was mutually beneficial.

The princess was able to absorb his mana to refine and use in her sorcerous cultivation. His Iron-Rank mana was further tempered by his naturally arcane bloodline. In exchange, Tycon enjoyed several hours of carnal pleasure. He had lost the most precious member of Sol Invictus, at the time, and nothing short of that would have cured his mood.

But did he desire her romantically? Tycon wasn't certain. He had many goals he needed to achieve before he could settle down and consider raising brood.

Gianna was stifling a laugh, covering her hand with her dainty female hand, "It's okay. I didn't expect you to accept..."

This woman...

As the frustration welled in him, Tycon considered striking his face against the tree again. If this was part of her expectations, why was she oppressing him in this way?

He was placing all of his effort and care into being socially polite. He did not want to change the status quo of their tent group's dynamics.

"Oh. I see," Tycon replied coolly.

Yes. Confident, just like that. Tycon inwardly congratulated himself for achieving basic human conversation.

Gianna tilted her head inquisitively, "What's she like? The other girl?"

Ah, hm. Tycon pondered the thought... "She's gentle... a bit shy at times, but willful. She seems like she's lost, but she knows what she wants... and she'd do anything to achieve her goals."

Tycon smiled as the answers began to flow more easily, "She dresses in fineries, but she comes off as being impolite-- almost even uneducated, especially for one of her status."

He found himself smiling... and it wasn't forced, "She is... an honest girl. I find that to be an admirable quality."

"Ooooh. She sounds like a princess," Gianna mused. "That definitely sounds like the type of girl you'd like."

Tycon nodded in agreement, "She is, indeed, a princess."

That was an odd coincidence. Was the Shield Maiden familiar with Princess Aurala?

"Is she prettier than me?" Gianna asked.

Oh! That was an easy question, as well. First off, beauty was subjective and in an ever-changing state. A woman could have a beautiful smile, yet have an ugly temper. And second, there was only one 'correct' answer.

"No, of course not," Tycon smirked.

Next question! He was beginning to grow fond of the interrogation... as long as the questions remained easy to answer.

"Well, that's good." Gianna giggled, "I'm pretty proud of my boobs, you know."

Seven hells. He should have complimented her breasts, after all.


⟬ A few moments earlier. ⟭

"By. The. Flame. So Zehr's an older guy. I. Love. Older guys," Rena's breathing had turned erratic like she was a perverted old geezer.

Justus stared at Rena's back, noting that even in the moonlight, her ears were bright red, "Can we... y'know... stop hiding in the bushes and... talk to them?"

"No, we can't do that!" Rena scowled, "My Gianna has to get her heart broken in private! It's the least I can do for my bestie!!"

Justus frowned. He thought he was her best friend, "You're awfully confident. Especially with that flat chest of yours."

Rena hooked the back of Justus' neck with her arms.

Justus froze. The embrace was awkward. Was she jealous? He couldn't remember the last time Rena had hugged him... maybe when they were kids?

"Rena Special Attack: Knee Strike of Forgiveness," She whispered.


Rena's knee smashed Justus' crotch with the force and fury of a thousand kobold hammers, striking as one.

Justus cried. He laid on the dirt, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't move his body. He couldn't even scream. His entire existence was pain and suffering.

"I forgive you, Justus. Now keep quiet or I'll forgive you again."

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