Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch278- Ah… Interesting Really!

Ch278- Ah… Interesting Really!

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Harry walked over to the phoenix, giving the bird a gentle stroke on its fiery feathers. Fawkes leaned into the touch for a moment, then let out a soft, melodic chirp.  “Ah, Fawkes seems to be in an agreeable mood today,” Dumbledore observed with a small smile, folding his hands on the desk. “He’s quite fond of you.”

Harry shrugged, offering a slight smile. “He’s a good listener.”

Dumbledore chuckled softly, motioning for Harry to take a seat. “And how have you been, Harry? You seem to be keeping yourself busy.”

Sitting down, Harry leaned back in the chair, keeping his expression neutral but polite. “Same as always. Classes, studying, club, usual Hogwarts business.”

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes gleaming behind his half-moon spectacles. “I imagine you’ve been excelling in your studies, especially in certain... less traditional areas.”

Harry gave a light snort in his mind. "Less traditional areas" was Dumbledore's way of poking around without actually saying anything. It was a classic move—subtle, but Harry could see right through it. The words were like a flashing sign meant to bring up Knockturn Alley or something equally incriminating. Not that Dumbledore could actually see what Harry was thinking. Since the day he arrived at Hogwarts, neither Dumbledore nor Snape had ever managed to dig into his memories. Harry made sure to let them skim the surface, feeding them harmless thoughts—like now, where a sliver of his mind immediately conjured up an image of the Forbidden Forest, just enough to keep the headmaster guessing.

Dumbledore's smile remained, but Harry knew the old man was searching for clues. Harry let him look.

"Anything in particular you've been focusing on?" Dumbledore asked, his tone as casual as ever, though Harry could sense the curiosity lurking beneath the surface.

Harry leaned back slightly in his chair, keeping his expression light. "Oh, the usual," he said with a slight grin. "Arithmancy, Runes, and, of course, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Gotta keep up with the workload, right?"

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes twinkling just a little too brightly. "Yes, of course. I imagine you're already full with all new electives." There was a pause, just long enough to suggest something more was coming. "And what of your... extracurricular activities? Have you had much time to explore outside the castle?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, feigning confusion. "Outside the castle? You mean like Quidditch practice or something?"

Dumbledore chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, no, not Quidditch, Harry. I was thinking of... more interesting adventures. Don't let Minerva hear this, but back in my day, I would escape the castle through secret entrances every other night."

Harry kept his face neutral, though he could feel where this was headed. Classic interrogation tactic, Dumbledore was trying to get him to lower his guard by sharing his own tales of rule-breaking. Harry knew better than to take the bait.

"Outside of Hogwarts?" Harry responded casually, leaning back in his chair. "Can't say I've had much time for that lately. Between classes and dodging Umbridge's endless rules, it's hard to fit anything else in."

Dumbledore smiled knowingly, as if they were sharing some unspoken understanding. "Ah, yes. Professor Umbridge certainly has a way of making one feel... restricted." He leaned forward slightly, resting his chin on his steepled fingers. "But I find that when one is truly curious, they manage to find a way, even with the tightest of restrictions."

Harry gave a small shrug, as if Dumbledore's comment was just another passing remark. "Curiosity is fine, but it doesn’t exactly mesh well with the kind of watchful eye she’s been keeping lately."

Dumbledore nodded, the twinkle in his eyes never dimming. "Indeed. It would be quite difficult for any student to... explore these days. But Hogwarts is full of hidden places, as you well know. I imagine you've come across a few in your time."

Harry kept his tone light, casual. "A few. But most of the time, I’m too busy keeping up with everything else to go wandering."

Dumbledore’s smile widened slightly, his eyes locking onto Harry’s in that way that made most people squirm. "You’ve always been a busy student, Harry, no doubt about that. Yet, I hear you’ve been managing to balance quite a few... extracurriculars. It must be quite a challenge."

"Depends on the extracurriculars, I guess," Harry replied with a small grin. He wasn’t about to let Dumbledore lead him into a confession of any sort. "Quidditch is not that difficult, but it adds to my workload."

"Yes, yes, indeed," Dumbledore said, his tone shifting into something more thoughtful. His fingers drummed lightly on the desk, as if he were piecing together a story. "Oh, a funny thing I heard. Last year, a student made a rather unfortunate mistake, you see. They meant to say Diagon Alley but accidentally said Knockturn Alley instead. Found themselves in a shop down there—hardly a place for a young student to wander into."

Harry chuckled lightly, feigning genuine amusement as if the headmaster had shared a harmless anecdote. "That is quite the unfortunate slip of the tongue. Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley... they don’t even sound that much alike. Strange mix-up to make."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yes, rather strange, isn’t it? Have you ever been down that part of town, Harry?"

Harry didn’t blink. "Knockturn Alley?" He let out a short, amused laugh. "Can’t say I’ve ever been there, Headmaster. Heard of it, of course. Doesn’t exactly have the best reputation, does it?"

"Ah, it certainly doesn’t," Dumbledore agreed, his tone light. "But it’s a place where one might find certain... items of interest. Magical objects with rather unique and peculiar histories."

Harry tilted his head slightly, considering Dumbledore's words carefully before responding with an air of indifference. "I suppose if someone were looking for those kinds of things, they’d have to be careful. It’s not exactly the friendliest part of town. But I wouldn’t know, really. Haven’t had much reason to go poking around there."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Harry’s face, as if searching for something hidden behind the boy's casual demeanor. "Of course," he said, his voice carrying the same easy warmth it always did. "I just thought it might pique your curiosity—someone with the spirit of an adventurer and an inventor, as you are. After all, Master Nicolas has nothing but praise for you in his letters. Quite the student of magical theory, I believe."

Harry offered a small smile, nodding as if accepting the compliment without really taking it to heart. "Nicolas is generous with his words," he said modestly, but with a slight edge of amusement in his tone. "I’m just trying to learn as much as I can."

"Indeed," Dumbledore replied, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. "Learning is a lifelong pursuit, and you’ve certainly shown a remarkable talent for it. But there are certain things one can’t learn from books alone, don’t you agree?"

Harry shrugged, keeping his expression neutral. "I guess it depends on the subject."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, his fingers lightly tapping the edge of the desk. "How are you finding your classes this year, Harry? Particularly Care of Magical Creatures. I understand Professor Hagrid has been... quite enthusiastic about his lessons."

Harry smirked slightly. "Enthusiastic’s one way to put it. We’ve had our fair share of interesting creatures, but nothing too dangerous—yet. Hagrid always seems to be pushing the boundaries."

Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he spoke. "Yes, that does sound like Hagrid. His passion for magical creatures has always been boundless, though I sometimes wonder if his idea of 'fascinating' is shared by the entire class."

"Depends on the creature," Harry replied. "Some of them are... well, let's just say they don't exactly inspire confidence. But it’s never boring."

"Never boring, indeed," Dumbledore said, his voice softening with a hint of nostalgia. "He does have a way of bringing magical creatures to life in ways few others can. And I imagine you’ve had the chance to interact with some rather rare creatures over the years?"

Harry nodded. "Thestrals recently. Half the class wasn’t thrilled about it, but they’re interesting once you get past the whole 'invisible unless you’ve seen death' thing."

"Ah, yes, Thestrals. Misunderstood, much like many creatures in our world." Dumbledore paused, his eyes drifting thoughtfully for a moment. "But there are rarer creatures still—ones that many wizards might never encounter. Have you ever heard of the Thunderbird, Harry?"

Harry's eyes narrowed slightly, though his smile remained. "Thunderbird? Can’t say I know much about them, Headmaster. They’re a bit more common in North America, aren’t they?"

"Yes, indeed," Dumbledore said, nodding. "A magnificent creature, really. Quite rare, though. They have the unique ability to sense danger and summon storms. There are few creatures as majestic." He paused, his gaze sharpening slightly. "In fact, did you know the Potter family was once guarded by a Thunderbird?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious but careful not to give too much away. "Really? I didn’t know that."

"Yes," Dumbledore said, leaning forward slightly. "Many years ago, your ancestors, the Potters, had a Thunderbird as a family guardian. It was said to be fiercely loyal and would protect the family from any threat, both magical and otherwise. A creature like that... it forms a bond with those it protects."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, playing along with the conversation. "That’s interesting. I never knew. Do you know what happened to it?"

Dumbledore’s smile faltered just a fraction, though his voice remained light. "Sadly, the Thunderbird disappeared many generations ago. The circumstances were never fully explained, but it is said that the bird left after the family no longer needed its protection. Perhaps it sensed that the time had come for it to move on."

Harry hummed thoughtfully. "That is interesting history, Headmaster. Thank you. I know so little about my family, and it’s always good to learn more."

Dumbledore’s face softened, as though pleased with Harry’s reaction. He stood from his desk, robes swishing lightly against the stone floor. “It is time for the Ministry meeting now, Harry. I will also be overseeing the Wizengamot session, so I’ll be present. If there’s anything you don’t wish to discuss or decide upon, you are under no obligation to do so. You can remain silent.”

Harry gave a small nod, knowing full well what was coming. The Ministry had been trying to use him as a pawn ever since the Sirius Black debacle, and he wasn’t about to let them dictate the conversation today. If anything, it would be fun to see how they squirm when he refused to play along.

"Got it. I'll keep that in mind," Harry replied, though he had no intention of being passive. If they pushed too hard, he would give them exactly what they deserved.

Dumbledore seemed to sense Harry’s readiness, he gestured toward the corner of his office. “Shall we?”


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