Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 313 - 313

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May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


Jugson threw up his hands.

"Ah, indeed! I remember young Lord Malfoy imagining with great enthusiasm how he would watch the shame or torment of a certain Max Knight. Why don't you, Amycus, provide something like this?"

Without waiting for our answer, Jugson turned to the wizards in the hall.

"Duel! Ladies and gentlemen! Let's have some fun!"

It was worth noting that everything was going off etiquette, and the pretense of what was going on was obvious. The wizards took the news extremely positively, and in a record ten seconds, they dispersed to two opposite sides of the room, creating a kind of corridor.

"Max," Delphine looked at me, but I just blinked, saying: "It's okay."

Amycus and I stepped out into the middle of the makeshift corridor, and the wizards took out their wands and created a film of protection that would prevent a stray hit on them.

"Terms?" I asked, looking at Amycus.

"Up to the point of being unable to fight, surrendering, or losing the wand. Let's see if you're worth anything or if you're just throwing words to the wind."

I reduced the cane and put it in a special pocket of my vest. Like Amycus, I pulled my wand out of its holster, and we turned away from each other, taking ten steps apart. Turn, bow.

"We start as soon as the coin touches the floor," Amycus pulled out a galleon and, without waiting for my approval, simply dropped it, pointing his wand at me.

<Some kind of potion is being sprayed over there.>

Where exactly?

<Around Delphine. I guess she didn't notice... Oh, no, she did.>

My perception was at maximum, and I had already created as many as four outlines of different protective spells at the tip of my wand to make sure I didn't miscalculate. However, Amycus lazily launched a simple Reducto at me, from which I just dodged sideways.

<You'll have to play with him a little. The villains were convinced that the potion vapors worked. Delphine will probably try to find out more specifics about what's going on.>

I responded to Amycus with the same Reducto and even cast a spell to assure the wizard of his superiority. So we began lazily exchanging the usual spells to the quiet laughter of those around us. By the way, the Slytherin kids also appeared in the hall, led by Draco, who watched the duel with great curiosity and a smirk on his face.

A couple of times, Amycus used everyday charms such as tying a tie or a modified tying of shoelaces, and I had to no longer dodge, but catch them on a large hemisphere of Protego, so as not to show my ability to catch spells and charms on the tip of a wand ahead of time. The funny thing, and to some extent revealing the idea of Amycus, was that he repeatedly sent gluing spells into my hand with a wand so that I would definitely not drop the wand, thereby ending the duel. Does he want to prolong this and make fun of me?

Lady Greengrass, Jugson, and Rowle left the hall and did quite stealthily. When the door to the hall slammed shut behind them, Amycus cast a curious series of everyday charms, covered by a bright ray of Expeliarmus, which he also voiced. However, he kept his movements with his wand, and my eyesight was quite good at adjusting, so I deflected the Expeliarmus and the everyday charms, purposely missing the glue on my arm and Silencio. Feigning my surprise, I looked at Amycus in confusion, which made him chuckle.

"Now, I'll show you your place, brat."

Some wizards grinned quite a bit, especially Draco and his loyal comrades Crabbe and Goyle distinguished themselves in this regard.

"How about a little demonstration of Dark Magic? For example... Crucio!" a faint red beam flew from my opponent's wand, which I easily dodged and hit the wall far behind me.

"Stop jumping!" the wizard cried out. "Crucio."

But I dodged again. Then Amicus got a little angry and started throwing more serious spells at me, trying to either shatter the bones in my legs, or cause painful wounds, or boil the blood in individual organs. Multicolored and sometimes completely invisible rays kept "whistling" at my temple, but I regularly dodged. Amycus got tired of me constantly dodging everything, so he threw an Incarcerous at me. The construct unfolded on the approach to me, which looked like several intertwined ropes turning into a kind of fishing net. A triumphant smile appeared on Amycus' face, but I just activated the transgression, and the ropes flew through the black smoke.

Some wizards began to talk in amazement because this is a rather complex skill from transfiguration, and not everyone learns this discipline.

<Basically, you can finish. Your freedom of movement may be required. Our company has retired to a free room, but through the shadow, I feel other actors here and some kind of overwhelming magical effect — it's hard to start building constructs. With strong ones, it will work, but not in the current state of Greengrass.>

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