Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 297 - 297

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May the magic be with you. Enjoy!


Severus Snape hated this day. He hated it like so many others in his life. In recent days, due to orders, requests, and other polite appeals, obliging him to voluntarily and compulsorily engage in the affairs of two influential wizards with exaggerated self-esteem, he was deprived of sleep, rest, and other needs so necessary for a living person. Moreover, this insane combat unit, better known as Bella, decided that her company was vital for him today. And why?

Because tonight is the night, Severus has to go to the Knockturn Alley to pick up ingredients and other supplies for the Lord. It was the night when the crazy bitch got tired of pestering everyone else and periodically running away in an unknown direction. It was that night she realized how wretched her nephew was as a wizard, and trying to teach him anything at all would only drive Draco to his grave. However, this will not upset anyone except Narcissa. Why is Maximilian an outstanding wizard and Draco a caricatured parody of him? Is the Malfoy blood so ...

"Severus, Severus..." Bella sang in a hoarse chest voice, wrapped in black clothes and a hooded robe. "Look what a squalor there is..."

She walked lightly as if she hadn't been in Azkaban for almost fourteen years. However, if you apply diagnostic charms, then your eyes will pop out of their sockets in amazement and move to the back of your head, to a permanent place of residence — it's easier to say what problems she does not have. However, they are all like that. The good thing is that at least they have not become weaker in terms of magical powers.

"That's not why we're here," Snape calmly tried to stop the witch. "We should come and get some... we shouldn't kill everyone, Bella."

The crazy lady still decided to try out some kind of curse on the unfortunate man and has already pulled out her wand.

"Sev, why don't you throw one curse at him, and I'll throw another and see what happens?"

"We don't have time for that," Snape said quietly without turning around, moving on through the narrow, dark alleys of Knockturn. It was surprising how their appearance frightened away the local regulars.

"Severus!" Bella's voice changed abruptly from playful to demanding. "Don't you dare leave me alone with my whims!"

The click of her heels on the stone-paved alley made it clear to Severus that Bella decided to keep up and caught up with him. Together, turning another corner and finding himself almost in complete darkness from the closely standing unkempt stone houses, Severus sensed something was wrong and pushed Bella behind his back with his hand while stepping into a small niche in the wall.

"Hands!" exclaimed Bella indignantly, but Snape only gestured: Silence. Attention. Danger.

They pulled out their wands in sync, and just at that moment, two dozen yards away, further down the alley, the stone wall of the house shattered as if from an explosion, and along with crumbs, dust, and large chunks of stone, the body of a wizard in dirty clothes flew out into the street. The light from the formed opening pulled out of the darkness a very quickly moving black figure in a robe, which immediately appeared next to the unfortunate man and grabbed him by the chest with one hand, lifted him into the air.

"Noooo!" cried the wretched man.

His skin began to crack, and a dim red light pierced through those cracks. Severus recognized him - it was he and a group of the same bastards who supplied human internal organs for experiments. Humans and nonhumans. They were werewolves themselves, but that made little difference.

The red light escaping from under the cracks in the unfortunate man's skin seemed to turn into trickles of liquid, quickly flowing to where the mouth should have been under the impenetrable blackness of the hood of the figure holding him.

Another figure in rags ran out of the opening in the wall — the accomplice of the werewolf that was drying up in the grip of the unknown and began to crumble into ashes, scattering in a non-existent wind. The accomplice tried to escape but absurdly stumbled over the fragments of the wall. He didn't see that the figure in black had already finished eating and paid attention to him, waving his hand. The unfortunate man was literally knocked into the stone road and, for a brief moment, he saw Severus and Bella.

"Run, you fools..."

Obeying the gesture of the black-clad unknown's hand, the second unfortunate man instantly flew into the air and found himself in the unknown man's death grip. Severus logically assumed the same fate awaited him.

"Let's go," he whispered quietly to Bella, who was fascinated by what was happening.

Without waiting for a reaction, Snape was about to leave the crazy bitch here, but imagining the punishment from the Lord, he changed his mind, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her away from the alley. They had only walked a dozen yards before the figure of the unknown man in black appeared in front of them. Snape's reaction wasn't bad, and the first thing that came to mind was...

"Avada Kedavra," Severus breathed out the spell in a calm voice, pointing his wand at the unknown, but he dodged the almost close-fitting Avada in a smooth motion.

Bella swung her wand, but suddenly the wand slipped out of her hands, as well as out of Snape's. Neither Severus nor Bella saw the figure move before they were paralyzed by its mere touch. The unknown man leaned slightly over the frozen woman's face and froze as if examining.

"You look worse than a muggle bum..." the unknown man spoke in a deadpan voice. "Not only to kill, even to stand next to you is disgusting..."

With a sudden twitch of his hood, the stranger hissed in Parseltongue and apparated away. Snape and Bella stood in a daze for a few more moments, but it passed quickly.

"What the hell?!" Bella screamed, beckoning her wand from the pavement with a gesture. "That's me?! That's with me?!"

"Crazy. What is she thinking in this situation?" resented Snape in his mind, thinking in passing, "Why not actually take the Lord's order from the dead criminals? Better than Cruciatus, anyway."

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