Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 293 - 293

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May the magic be with you. Enjoy!


Immediately after tea, we began sorting through a huge pile of copies of handwritten parchments and folios that contained the works of various transfiguration masters for which they had been awarded titles. At this point, according to Lady Greengrass, I have mastered the Transfiguration base fairly well. Now it's just a matter of practice to improve skills and increase strength so that there is enough for the exam program for the master's degree. To test these very powers, we used information from five exams from the previous years. As I was told earlier, they required a series of transfigurations of a certain complexity in the allotted period of time.

I completed the certification program for the master of Transfiguration by three-quarters if I did not strengthen myself in any way and did not use Hermione's spell - Resonance from the second wand. But at nightfall, I decided to check how the addition of hemomancy energy to transfiguration spells would affect - whether I could meet the standard, thereby compensating for the insufficient density of magic. Strangely enough, there was an effect, and if I added hemomancy energy in a reasonable amount, avoiding the formation of bloody magical circuits, then the certification program met the deadline. If I concentrated enough, thereby connecting Rowena's computing power to the process, the program was even easier. Back at the beginning of the summer, I was only doing the apprentice program, but there I was weakening myself to the level of an ordinary person...

Such progress made me wonder if hemomancy and Rowena could be considered part of my abilities. I mean, isn't using them a kind of... cheating? Before going to bed, I ran this thought in my head and came to the unequivocal conclusion that it isn't. It's as much a part of me as my arms, legs, magic, etc. After all, the masters of chimerology, who are engaged in improving their bodies, do not ask such questions? So it is here.

On the second and third days of my stay in Lady Greengrass's house, we were engaged in an analysis of the directions of Transfiguration, in which it would be interesting and useful to write a couple of scientific articles necessary for defending a master degree. In the end, it was decided to write about combined Transfiguration from living to non-living and living at the same time. The topic of such combining is completely unexplored, and my experiments and calculations where I combined organics and inorganics, transfiguring myself, would be very helpful in such a thing.

Of course, if you do not know the question, then such a topic will seem stupid because incomplete transfigurations from living to non-living, or when a mistake is made, are very similar. For example, the same Ron and Harry more than once in class made small mistakes. Their living subjects were transformed into all sorts of utensils, but not completely: soft woolen and squeaking glasses, chitinous buttons on legs, thorny boxes made of hedgehogs ... But this is completely different because, in fact, there simply changes the shape.

Simply put, if you cut open a squeaky woolen glass, you will see organs and bones inside. For this reason, McGonagall categorically prohibits applying Transfiguration to people and even pointing a wand at them - for this in her classes, you can get the dirtiest and vilest detentions until the end of the year.

The whole fourth day, we were preparing for the ritual, but even so, I noticed a certain concern of Lady Greengrass for several days, and even when she was carried away with preparing the potion, she looked somehow wrong. Closer to the evening, the large and spacious ritual hall on the second basement level was prepared, with a rather complicated scheme carved by magic on its floor. Understandable and, in my opinion, quite safe. The cauldron with the potion was moved here, and it had to brew for about twenty minutes more. I was only in a robe and underwear in case of transformation, the shape of which differs in size - it's a pity for the clothes. Of course, only the head was not covered with cloth.

"It's not the first day that something has been bothering you very much," I spoke in a flat voice to Lady Greengrass, who was looking thoughtfully at the potion in the cauldron.

Delphine looked up at me and was silent for a dozen seconds.

"There are a few minor problems. Of a personal nature. Don't worry about it."

With a shrug, I continued to study the ritual scheme, analyzing and memorizing interesting solutions in the rune chains. Perhaps something similar might be useful to me in the future.

When the potion was infused, Lady Greengrass used a scoop to fill a medium-sized cup with it and handed it to me.

"The procedure is as follows, Max. You drink the potion, stand in the center. You don't need to do anything else. If we achieve the desired effect and the transformation occurs, it will last eight to ten minutes. The ritual will be isolated inside, and if you lose yourself during the transformation, as a werewolf should, you won't be able to get out. In turn, I will collect all the data, and then we can analyze and understand the depth of the consequences to which your own research has led you. Questions?"

"Is there any chance that the transformation is final?"

"Absolutely not," Delphine shook her head. "Any transformation requires certain conditions to be met. For werewolves, it's a full moon. It was under the light of the moon that you noticed the change if I remember correctly?"


"So the full moon is one of the factors. Now is the new moon, and at least this factor is not met. When the energy from the forced transformation runs out, the factor that is not met will cancel the transformation. If it happens at all ... "

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