Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 290 - 290

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We stepped apart to either side of the empty half of the hall, and Andromeda, coming to the edge of this zone, raised her wand into the air, creating a kind of barrier between the two parts of the room.

"Just like at home ..." she said faintly, and a logical question arose in my mind: Where on Grimmauld is the same hall? I've seen the other one. I'll have to ask Kreacher. "On the count of three. Three... two... one..."

Without noticing how the wand was in my hand, I caught a ray of non-verbal Stupefy on its tip, sending it back together with a thick blue Reducto beam. Nymphadora simply bounced off the trajectory of both rays, throwing Incarcerous and hiding behind a flying ball of threads — the materialized essence of the spell, a couple of transparent non-verbal Ictus, air fists.

Incarcero can mislead a wizard accustomed to transfiguration — reverse transfiguration charms or shields from material attacks do not work on these ropes since they are not actually real. It is also difficult to dodge because, in flight, they open up like fishing nets, and as soon as they touch the target, even with the very tip, the whole spell immediately hits the target. These thoughts flashed instantly, and I simply apparated with black smoke two steps to the side. The semitransparent clots followed me, and I again took them on Protego Duo with the tip of my wand, sending them back together with the Reducto rays. Nymphadora dodged to the side in the white smoke of transgression but a couple of steps further. I had to go into a transgression again, simultaneously throwing Bombarda into the floor in front of her, forcing her to go into a transgression as well.

We circled around the hall in a wild and fast dance of black and white smoke, keeping our distance. Throwing spells at each other that are not particularly dangerous but painful or disabling in case of a hit. Along the way, we tried to create obstacles and difficulties for each other. I used transfiguration, forcing Nymphadora into transgression from various dangerous objects, small and not so small, and then tried to catch her with energy spells that could pass through the transfiguration field of space. On the other hand, Nymphadora was ruining the local landscape with Bombardas following my first example, forcing me to move in transgression from the shards as well. Although, by doing so, she created material for me to transfigure.

After twenty seconds of combat, several things became clear. I forcibly slowed myself down to the level of perception and reaction of an ordinary person - this is not enough to quickly defeat a rather talented, judging by the reviews, junior Auror. Obviously, I'm pushing her slowly - the speed of the fight is gradually decreasing. However, we don't use overtly combat spells.

Having decided to speed up a little, I began to create Stupefy saturated with magic, sending five or six beams into a white fog, in which the figure of a Nymphadora could sometimes be seen. It was at this moment that Nymphadora sped up abruptly, almost immediately being next to me. She decided to enter a kind of clinch, using the fact that I was "distracted" by the concentration of oversaturation of Stupefy with magic?

A powerful Stupefy almost escaped the girl's wand, but I raised the speed to the level of Nymphadora and used one of Delphine's tricks - oversaturated with magic Reducto from the transgression. It creates the effect of a powerful shock wave. True, there are a couple more ways, but here you need to get out of the transgression — the transfiguration of space distorts some of the effects of spells.

Nymphadora flew out of the transgression like a cork from a bottle, hitting her back against the nearest wall and falling on one knee, put her hand to her head.

"Expelliarmus. Incarcerous."

A dim ray of the first spell disarmed Nymphadora, and the second bound her tightly and qualitatively.

"Hmm ... You can accelerate? Not bad…"

"Mordred..." Nymphadora said dejectedly, lying tied up on the floor and wincing a little from the pain in her head. "Well, almost… You shouldn't be able to accelerate!"

"I shouldn't be able to use transgression either. What made you believe that you know my limits? It is better to overestimate the enemy and win."

Having dispelled the binding spell, I helped Nymphadora to stand up and returned the wand.

"It was a pretty smart decision to catch me concentrating while I was oversaturating my spell. I would have done it myself if I was sure that the enemy could not accelerate."

"Yeah ... I lost to a schoolboy. Well done, Max," Nymphadora poked me in the shoulder with her fist.

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