Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 254 - 254

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"What's going on, Dumbledore?" exclaimed Fudge, and the rest of the judges, along with the audience, were waiting for an answer.

"I have no idea, Cornelius, and I don't like it. Where did the boys go?" turned Dumbledore to the fidgeting Ministry staff who had actually orchestrated the whole thing.

"We don't know, Headmaster, Minister, sirs. Unfortunately, we can't trace the cup."

"That's not good."

When the unidentified man in the black hood released the already familiar beam of Avada at Max, no one made a sound. Everyone looked in shock, and only a lady who was unknown to anyone here whispered something, sitting next to Hermione Granger.

"He's alive. The contract," only Hermione heard. The realization of the catastrophe had not yet come, but it had already let go, allowing the girl to exhale.

"Lady Gr..." she wanted to address the unknown neighbor, but she only put her finger to her lips, returning to watching.

And on the screen, events were unfolding, one more terrifying than another. Fudge gritted his teeth and poured verbal crap all over Dumbledore, for which he got Silencio and a request to "not escalate." The headmaster, in turn, was quick to hand out instructions to the ministry staff and aurors who came running up and down.

Now the unknown and terrible ritual ended, and the one who was least expected to see appeared. Few of those present know what Voldemort looked like.

"What a theater of the absurd, Dumbledore!" Fudge jumped up and even threw off Silencio. "I won't leave it like that!"

The Headmaster merely brushed it off, unleashing an increasingly global fuss, directing the actions of the other wizards. Corporeal Patronuses scurried around and disappeared, delivering messages. Appearing, disappearing, reappearing. It was clear to all onlookers that something terrible was happening, but they couldn't take their eyes off the screen. And when others appeared around the wizard, unknown to many, in the familiar Death Eaters costumes, panic slowly began to set in.

The events on the screen stopped galloping for a moment, and the unknown and terrible, bald and noseless wizard walked next to the Death Eaters, clearly saying something. He kept talking and talking.

"Father?" involuntarily gave out Daphne, recognizing the man with the silver hand as her father. Astoria, on the other hand, remained silent, watching without emotion on her face.

Here began the duel between Potter and the unknown wizard. In truth, it could only be called a duel with a stretch. It was a mockery. An execution. It was obvious to everyone that this wizard was going to simply execute the Hero of All England in public. But no one could do anything - it was impossible to track or find. Nothing. It was as if what was happening didn't exist anywhere at all.

Here Potter finally decided to answer. Everyone froze in shock and hope, and anticipation as the two beams merged into one, beginning to form a translucent rainbow dome around the wizards.

It was at that moment that everyone was shocked by the sudden "revival" of Max Knight, who launched a whole swarm of very fast clots of spells toward the Death Eaters. Then, under the silence of the frozen breath of everyone present, Max went into battle transgression and swept in a black plume in front of the Death Eaters. He stopped for a moment, twisting, and a powerful blue flame burst from the ground. The golem got under the dome, to the audience's delight, and everyone could see how Max, in the form of black smoke, instantly burst under the translucent dome, breaking the connection of the two duelists. Then he rushed to Potter, taking him into a transgression, and a moment later, the Goblet of Fire literally burst through the fiery barrier into this flying black smoke, and both wizards disappeared again.

Less than a couple of seconds later, Max and Potter literally fell out of the void onto the patch of ground in front of the bleachers, but if Potter stupidly hit the ground, then Max twisted, landing on his feet. And on the screen, blue flames raged, quickly subsiding. Together with the flames, the unknown wizard raged, in anger throwing absurdly powerful spells. One such accidentally flew over the golem but was so powerful that it destroyed it.

The audience, as well as the judges, stared in shock at the wizards who appeared. Potter lovingly tried to hug the so familiar lawn of the Quidditch field, while Max rudely threw the cup to the ground.

"Fuck your tournaments," he said with feeling.

A young blond man in the black suit, the winner of the Tournament, took a couple of steps and collapsed unconscious.

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