Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 248 - 248

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Only when we passed the already empty Great Hall and found ourselves in the corridors of the castle, the conversation continued.

"You've ruined this young man's plans so badly," Andromeda remarked with a slight polite smile. "They didn't even ask on what basis you demanded something."

"He'll thank me later. Perhaps because of his youth, Bill believes that seducing the daughter of the head of the French DMLE is a good idea. However, one gets used to the amulet's effects. Five, six, well seven years, and then... It's difficult to imagine what will come of a family whose relationship is based on a magical influence somewhat similar to Amortentia. And Mr. Delacour himself would never approve of such a marriage simply because of the Weasley family's status, which means there would be no support. I'm sure that's exactly what Bill is counting on. From what I understand, all the Weasley children have a pathological aversion to poverty and run from it with all their might."

Nymphadora's sad sigh rang out from the side.

"And here I was hoping you would be normal since you're a Gryffindor."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you also think the Weasleys are Blood Traitors? Then are my mother and I traitors to you as well?"

"I don't accept that terminology at all, and the essence of the intra-family conflict, Mrs. Tonks..."

"You may address me by my first name," Andromeda smiled politely again. "Not forgetting to add 'auntie.'"

She seemed to be amused by everything that was happening, as well as the fact that she had a nephew.

"All right, Aunt Dromeda."

Nymphadora coughed, trying to suppress a smile and a laugh.

"And me, Cousin Tonks."

"I hear you, Nymphadora."

"G-r-r... You're on purpose, aren't you?"

"Absolutely. Anyway, regarding the Weasleys. By giving up their place on the lists of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and declaring that ordinary people are cool and interesting to them, they have thereby aroused the resentment of almost every wizard family, new and old. Some are already pure-blooded in many generations, some have just formed families and aspire to develop in the magical world, and they have rejected these values. But it would be fine if they just rejected. Merlin with them. But no, they are at the same time persistently gaining a reputation for being Muggle-lovers while not knowing anything at all about ordinary people, their way of life, and technologies. Neither here nor there. With the twins, for example, I get along quite well. Talented, enterprising, adequate enough."

"And what's your opinion of the other members of this family?" asked Andromeda, and we were already in the courtyard of the castle. There weren't many students - exams are underway.

"Ginny Weasley. Nothing much to say, we hardly ever cross paths. Ron Weasley. Greedy, stupid, terribly jealous. I can't call him a loyal friend either - he turned his back on Potter out of envy at the first opportunity, but later, he established a relationship. Why? Who knows. Charlie Weasley. He's a butcher and hypocrite. I haven't noticed any other qualities yet for lack of communication. Hopefully, the lack of communication will continue. Bill - not clear yet. I saw him in Egypt some time ago. Seemed friendly and outgoing. Since he works at Gringotts - quite talented and literate, but it's not the best solution - you can only get into bondage at goblins. His decision with the amulet and the veela confirms his shortsightedness, but determination. Molly Weasley. Scandalous hysterical woman, and she's just confirmed it. A thrifty housewife, judging by the reviews of others. Likes to command. Denies the obvious for the sake of who knows what. Arthur Weasley. Well, I didn't speak personally, but what can you say about the wizard, the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, who does not know anything about them, does not understand anything, collects plugs, and does not even know how to use matches? And yet, as a wizard, he's talented in charms. He could have achieved a lot."

"What do you think of us?" Nymphadora stepped forward, turning to face us.

"Not enough information," I shrugged.

And so we walked around Hogwarts, talking about all sorts of unimportant things. It turned out to be not at all burdensome for me to spend time with my relatives. Obviously, I shouldn't have expected Narcissa here because that would have meant admitting kinship, which would have raised many unseemly questions for her.

We returned to the Great Hall for lunch.

"How are we going to sit down?" I asked the obvious question as soon as we stepped inside. "Slytherin? Oh, there will be plenty of reasons to duel and just plain scuffle."

"Ha! No question!"


"Oh, come on, Mom. Well, can I have a couple of duels?"

"Hufflepuff?" I looked at the table of the House of badgers. I didn't have much to do there either.

"Can I go to my House table?" immediately asked Nymphadora and made a sweet face with her Metamorphic abilities.

"Go, Dora."


Nymphadora immediately rushed off to the elders of the House. They must have seen that pink miracle in their day.

"Gryffindor, then," I nodded, and Andromeda and I sat down in an empty seat.

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