Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 231 - 231

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The office was illuminated by a soft yellow light at this evening time, creating a pleasant feeling of coziness and comfort. Dumbledore was leaning against his table, and a large crowd was sitting around in armchairs, sofas, and chairs. Madame Maxime was sitting in a separate chair, and she was hugging protectively by the shoulder a lovely-looking eleven-year-old girl who looked so much like Fleur, both in the face and with her long hair of a warm blond hue. Next to her stood another girl from the French delegation. It was this brunette who had gone to the ball with Krum. I must admit that his preferences in girls are pretty good. This girl in her mauve uniform looked quite feminine and attractive but without excesses. Once again, I noticed that our school uniform was designed so as not to show anything about the girl.

There was Karkaroff, too, in a brown coat and hat. Isn't it hot for him to walk like that? Ludo Bagman was almost jumping up and down, wanting to tell everyone everything. Percy Weasley stood aside in place of Crouch Sr. and looked stern, pedantic in every detail of his closet, and still wearing some black hat because that's what the rules say. In the shadows on a chair sat fake Moody, tapping his prosthesis on the floor and leaning on his staff. His artificial eye found me immediately, but he didn't show it. In the other dark corner, Professor Snape was standing, and next to him, sitting in a chair, Madam Pomfrey looked anxiously at the assembled children.

"Ah, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore cheerfully threw his arms out to his sides. "Come in, have a seat."

The headmaster pointed with his hand to two vacant chairs, next to which Professor Flitwick was sitting on another similar one.

Ron was literally stiffened by such a group of wizards, and on stiff legs, he proceeded to the offered seat. Pale and agitated.

"Good evening," Hermione remembered to greet everyone and got a nod in return from everyone except Karkaroff. He only gave a distasteful glance and snorted quietly.

McGonagall stood behind the backs of her students' chairs, and I tried to get into a position where I could see everything.

"So, now that we're all here, it's time to get started," Dumbledore stepped back from his desk. "Dear children. Our magnificent organizers, represented by the staff of the Ministry of Magic, have chosen you as the 'stolen jewel' for our champions."

"What?!" blurted out Ron, eliciting disgruntled looks from everyone present. The boy was immediately embarrassed, blushing, and staring at the toes of his shoes.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore smiled at him calmly. "Exactly. It requires practically nothing from you to perform this role."

For a while, everyone was silent. Only Fawkes made a sound while sitting on his roost.

"Are you familiar with the Stasis charms?"

The students shook their heads in the negative, except for Hermione and the older Frenchwoman.

"It is these spells that will be cast upon you. You will feel nothing as if you blinked, and the next moment you will wake up on the shore of the lake. Nothing to worry about. All imaginable and unimaginable safety precautions have been thought of and will be observed. And now I would like to ask you, Madame Maxime, to tell young Miss Delacour briefly about the charms and calm down the girl's possible worries. To you, Mademoiselle Dubois, such explanations are unnecessary?"

"Oui, Monsieur Dumbledog," the brunette nodded with a smile.

"Minerva, would you please explain to Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley?"

McGonagall nodded, and Hermione gestured that she didn't need an explanation, so the professor began to say something quietly to Ron, who nodded like a dummy.

"While the esteemed Madame Maxim and Professor McGonagall are instructing, I would like to ask our Potions Master and Healer Madame Pomfrey to examine the children for contraindications and possible additions to the charms."

Snape stepped out of the shadows without much desire and targeted the Frenchwoman first. Madam Pomfrey, on the other hand, headed for Hermione. And so they walked from one to the other, making waves with their wands.

"Everything is fine. Healthy," replied Professor Snape shortly. "No potions have been used."

"I agree with the professor," nodded Madam Pomfrey, and they returned to their seats.

"I don't understand," Karkarov said displeasedly. "Why am I here?"

"You and the ministry officials from the judges are here for a simple thing," Dumbledore smiled. "So that you won't have any doubts about the quality and safety as well as the integrity of the process."

"Tsk..." Karkaroff turned away from the window, but there was nothing to look at in the darkness.

"So, children," Dumbledore looked intently and kindly at the "kidnapped." "Now, I will personally, on my own responsibility, cast the Stasis charms on you, and then the rest of the judges will make sure the charms are proper and correct. Who shall we start with?"

"Let's start with me, Headmaster," Hermione nodded bravely.

"All right, Miss Granger."

Dumbledore walked over to Hermione, who was about to get up, and with a negative gesture asked her to remain seated.

"Let me tell you a little trick, Miss Granger. I think it will be useful to others as well. There's a good chance you'll wake up in the water. In order not to panic for the first seconds, you will now imagine how you are swimming on a cloudy morning in cold water. It's not very pleasant. There's damp and wetness all around, the sound of light waves, and the hum of the crowd in the stands nearby."

Hermione, who had closed her eyes, clearly imagined it, and the headmaster moved his wand silently along the girl's body, and she went limp.

"That's it," he spoke. "Now, when Miss Granger wakes up, she won't be too surprised by the water, morning, and noise."

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