Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 206 - 206

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Hermione, in her blue tracksuit, came out of the fenced-in nook, and we began another practice of transfiguration for speed and accuracy in transforming various objects into other objects while actively moving and dodging. Well, I had to dodge.

We decided to go to the Great Hall for dinner, so we changed into our school uniforms and left the hospitable dungeons through the second exit from the Chamber of Secrets.

At one of the corners of the castle's empty corridors, a familiar white cat came running out to meet us. I knew it was Delphine having fun, but Hermione didn't.

"Oh, kitty..." Hermione appeared beside the cat in a flash, whose eyes seemed to read, "And how could I have forgotten that they were coming here?"

The resistance was useless, and the cat quickly ended up in the girl's arms. Now she went with us to the Great Hall.

"I wonder if that's someone's kitty?" Hermione gently scratched the cat behind the ear. "Maybe I should keep it."

"Well, try it," I shrugged, chuckling mentally. "If she doesn't run away, then she likes that kind of thing."

As we approached the Great Hall, the number of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang students loitering back and forth increased. We were all slowly moving toward the tables since there wasn't much time left before dinner began.

"Miona, take a seat. I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay," the girl nodded, taking a seat next to Lavender and Parvati. The girls, of course, paid attention to the cat and immediately began to whisper about something, chuckling. I returned to the hall entrance, and as soon as I saw the twins, I went to intercept them.

"I have a job for you," grabbing the guys by the elbows, I quickly led them around the corner.

"You beat our brother..."



"I don't want to sound like a little kid, but they started it."

"That's why we have nothing against it," the right twin replied, but both nodded. "So what happened?"

"Smuggling? Not today..."

"No, no. I just need two assistants on a simple but important matter."


"You do know there's going to be a Yule Ball, right?"

The twins looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Oh, well, now you know. Invite a lady, something else... In general, we need to work proactively."

In the end, we made a plan. According to the twins, if you decide to do something with aplomb, do it the way only you can and in a way that only makes sense in your performance. So we made a plan, and for most of the evening, the three idiots were running around the Forbidden Forest, trying to lure and convince the unicorn to take part in the adventure. Unfortunately, the unicorn refused. So they stood there in the already darkening evening woods, a little frozen and annoyed.

"Well, in short, we have one guy…" the right twin spoke.

"... he is always for any activity."

"And?" I asked as we looked around the edge of the forest.


"Oh, guys," I shook my head, and we headed for the castle. "Our plan sounds a little crazy and delirious."

"Don't worry, young knight-champion!" the right twin clapped me on the shoulder.

"Believe the hardened merry fellows and jokers!" the second twin repeated the action.

"Sometimes craziness and delirium..."

"...just what you need to get from a lady..."

"...a positive response."

Upon reaching the House common room, we were immersed in an atmosphere of celebration and merriment - Gryffindor was honoring Potter. Maybe me too, but the twins and I were a little late, and therefore Potter became the main star. There were plenty of snacks and sweets, butterbeer, juices, and even tea for those who especially wanted a similar drink to go with the cake.

"Open up! Open up!" the students chanted.

Potter stood on a stool in the middle of the common room, staring dazedly and smiling at the guys who surrounded him. Here he reached to open the egg.

"Cover your ears, guys," I whispered to the twins, and out of the corner of my eye, I noted Hermione on our couch, who was about to do the same. Remarkably, she had a white cat on her lap, covering her eyes.

The twins didn't ask any questions, simply covering their ears. Potter opened the egg at that moment, and a horrible high-pitched screech spilled across the common room. It was even a little painful and so unpleasant that almost everyone crouched to the ground, covering their ears. Potter quickly realized to close the egg and stared at it, along with the others, with incomprehension.

"Good clue," Seamus declared in silence, clearing his ear with his little finger.

Despite the strong acoustic attack, everything was back to normal in just a brief moment, and the celebration continued.

"Ok, where's our photographer..." one of the twins looked around as we stepped back a little to the corner. "Ah, I see him! Colin!"

A curly-haired boy, always carrying a camera, turned to us, waved his hand, and quickly ran up.

"Hi Fred, George, Max," he smiled cheerfully. "Can I take a picture of you? For a memory."

"Sure..." grinned one of the twins, and they put their hands on my shoulders without talking, posing for a photo.

"More pathos," I said, taking a handkerchief from my pocket and transfiguring it into a big two-handed claymore, simple but pretty. Resting the point on the floor, I put my hands on the grip. It was at chest level.

"Oh!" rejoiced Colin, immediately taking a couple of pictures. "Cool! I want to do that, too."

"Learn transfiguration," canceled the spell, tucking the handkerchief into my pocket.

"We have a case for you," one of the twins took over the conversation. "We need a volunteer for a little performance with transfiguration."

"Um... Okay!" nodded Colin cheerfully. "A Galleon for participation and five if you need to transfigure me. But only in the proven way."

"Certainly proven, Colin! Who do you take us for?!" left twin pretended to be offended.

"The Weasley twins, I guess," Colin nodded, making the boys laugh.

After the guy agreed, the twins moved on to discuss the details of the plan and the components available.

"So, do we have potions for stabilizing consciousness in a transfigured form?"

"We do."

"The spell for the right transfiguration?"


"House-elves for support?"

"I'll arrange it tonight."

"So-o-o... Max. Do you need something?"

"No, I'll get it myself."

"Fine. Let's get to work, then."

"Guys. Why did you agree so easily with such a crazy idea?"

"Because it's crazy? Also, it's an occasion to promote some of our products..."

"...and invite the girls along the way."

"Everything's clear with you. How did you end up in Gryffindor? Enterprising like Slytherins."

"Not from a good life, our friend knight."

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