Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 134: Ginny’s gift

Chapter 134: Ginny’s gift

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 134: Ginny's gift

"Maybe I should open it in our room," said Ginny.

"No, open it here," Luna demanded. After all, she could not go into the Gryffindor common room.

"I can't wait that long, Ginny! Come on!" exclaimed Lyra.

"Okay, fine! Stop shaking me!" Ginny complained to her friend.

She undid the package, revealing an elegant black box with intricate gold designs.

"So pretty!" Lyra stared at the box in awe.

"It is…" Ginny was surprised. Even if this box turned out to be empty, it would still be the fanciest present she had ever received in her life.

"There is a letter on top…N? That seems familiar," Luna pointed at the top part of the box.

Lyra and Ginny observed it up close and immediately recognized that symbol.

"It can't be the same one, right?" Lyra asked. She had seen a symbol just like that one very recently.

"Nimbus?..." Ginny concluded. It was the same "N" that she saw on that box that Harry received.

"It seems like a small box for a broom though," Luna commented.

"Don't be silly, it can't be a broom. Maybe they also make other things," Lyra said.

"Let's see…" Ginny opened the fancy box with care. Her hands were shaking with excitement, wondering what could be inside.

"Whoa!" The three girls said in unison.

The sight did not disappoint them.

Inside the box, resting on a velvet cushion, was a golden chain. The metal was so well polished that it almost seemed to sparkle under the light.

At the end of the chain was a miniature broom.

"I stand corrected…there was a broom inside after all," Luna admitted defeat.

"You think this is real gold?" Ginny touched the chain.

"Mmm…" Lyra did the same. "It does seem like it." She did not seem very impressed with the gold; after all, she already had several pieces of jewelry made of gold. She was more interested in the broom itself.

Unlike the chain, the broom did not seem to be made of gold or any other metal.

"It looks like it's made of wood," Lyra pointed out.

"It seems a miniature of the same model as Harry got…I can even see the number, and I think there is something else written there," Ginny said.

"A perfect replica," Luna nodded. "But don't try to ride it," she advised.

"I wasn't going to! It's a beautiful necklace," Ginny seemed delighted with the present. "But I wonder who sent it…is there a note or something?"

"No…but, wait! There is a paper here," Lyra pulled a piece of paper that was stuck to the inside of the lid.

"Don't leave us hanging, Ginny is about to explode," Luna exclaimed.

"I'm not!" She huffed. "But please, read the note..."

"Let's see….place the broom on the palm of your hand and say the magical word…" Lyra said.

"What was that?" Ginny asked in confusion.

"That's what the note says." Lyra showed it to Ginny and glanced at the miniature broom.

"That sounds like instructions," Ginny pointed out.

"And what happens next?" Luna asked.

"It doesn't say what it does…but this magic word…I think I know it," Lyra said.

"Just try it then!" Luna urged her.

"Mmm..okay." Ginny took the broom necklace out of the box and placed it in the palm of her hand. "What was the word?"

"Is written down here…I think it's better if you read it yourself, just in case." Lyra handed the note to Ginny.

Ginny stared at the single word marked with a rectangle. "Engorgio…"

As soon as Ginny said the word, the small broom in her hand made a cracking noise and instantly grew in size, knocking several of the cups they had on the table.

"What!" The girls became startled.

"This is a real broom! It must have some sort of enchantment to make it small," Lyra realized.

Ginny stared at the broom in her hands. There was something written on the side of it. "Nimbus 2001…for Ginny…"

"Your name is engraved and everything; that's very impressive," Luna said. "But if I remember correctly, first-years are not allowed to have a broom in school."

Lyra gasped. "She is right, you need to hide it! If a professor sees it, they will take it away."

Ginny hurried to hide the broom under the table and glanced around the hall to see if anyone had noticed.

Luckily for them, the few groups in the hall were too busy in their own conversations to pay attention to what was going on elsewhere.

Ginny sighed in relief. "No one saw us…but how are we going to take it to our room? This is too big to hide!"

"Let me see that paper again." Lyra took the paper and read it again. "Here it is! There is a way to make it small again."

"How?" Ginny said with urgency.

Lyra showed her the paper and pointed at the lowest part. Another magical word had been marked with a rectangle.

"Reducio." As the words came out of Ginny's lips, the broom seemed to disappear for a moment.

"It worked!" Ginny said with excitement as she raised her palm up and showed them the miniature broom, still attached to the gold chain.

"That's amazing!" Lyra said.

"This is the best thing ever!" Ginny exclaimed with joy.

"A very useful gift…I wish we knew who sent it," Luna said. "The note doesn't say anything else?"

Ginny placed the broom back in its box and went back to examine the note. Other than the instruction to enlarge and reduce the broom, there was nothing there. But then, Ginny turned the paper around.

"There is something written on the back."

The girls leaned in to see the text.

"An easy-to-hide broom for a sneaky witch."

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