Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 120: Discussion with the Headmaster part 1

Chapter 120: Discussion with the Headmaster part 1


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 120: Discussion with the Headmaster part 1

"Why don't you take a seat? Headmaster. And you can put the wand down. As you can see, I am completely disarmed." Harry was able to get a closer look at the Headmaster's wand now.

It was made of some light-colored wood he didn't recognize.

'That's not the Elder wand…' of that, he was sure of.

Dumbledore stared at him with his calculating gaze for a few more seconds.

"Very well, I will put the wand down…but I will keep it in my hand, I hope you don't mind."

The headmaster took a seat in front of him.

He never asked Harry to leave his chair, so this one remained there.

Dumbledore's eyes moved around the room, maybe trying to figure out if Harry had taken something obvious from here until they stopped at Fawkes's perch.

"Fawkes…what happened to him?" Dumbledore asked with a hint of sharpness in his voice.

"He came to help me with our…ordeal. I really hope he can recover." Harry glanced at the plate under the perch.

"If Fawkes came to help you…he must have felt you were trying to protect the school." 

"Of course I was."Harry had a tone of annoyance at the implication.

"You thought I was trying to destroy Hogwarts or something?"

"My apologies, that came out wrong. I already knew you didn't have hostile intentions…but I cannot help but be wary…after what I have seen." Dumbledore admired.

"Did you go into the Chamber?." Harry asked.

"Yes….we followed your steps. Went into the sixth-floor bathroom, the Chamber, found the basilisk, and then followed the tunnel outside the castle."

"You only found one basilisk?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.


"I found four of them inside the chamber. One ended up being eaten by the big one. The other two remained in the Chamber…did you look into that big hole underneath? maybe it fell there."

"I- I will inform Severus to take a look..four basilisk you say? Dear Merlin…how is that possible?. And what happened to the biggest one?" Dumbledore could not help but shake at the mere thought of having four of those monsters underneath the school.

"I killed all four, including the big one…that one took a bit more effort and the help of Fawkes." 

"A bit of effort…I saw the… the hole that remained. What kind of magic did you use to create something like that?" There was a mixture of wariness and genuine curiosity in his face.

"To put it simply, a very powered-up version of an 'incendio'," Harry told him.

Dumbledore knew that Harry was not going to give him all the answers he wished for.

Harry noticed this.

"Even if I told you exactly how I cast that spell, you would not be able to create it, much less control it. I am the only one who can do it. "

"A bold claim…some would call it…an arrogant one." Dumbledore seemed dispersed with his answer. 

People had considered him the most talented wizard in the entire world. He was not used to somebody underestimating him.

"Let's move on, I'm sure there are more important things you want to know. But once we are done with this conversation, there is something I need to borrow from this office." Harry told him.

"You want something from my office?"

Dumbleforr frowned after hearing this. Inside this room were a lot of dangerous artifacts that he didn't trust anyone else to protect. 

He wondered what could this boy want from here.

"Let's leave that for later…go on, ask your questions...." Harry urged him to continue. As soon as he was done here, he wanted to take a shower and sleep for a few days.

"Very well…the one thing I want to know more than anything else is….who are you?" Dumbledore stared firmly into his eyes.

"That's a very philosophical question, Headmaster. But my name is Harry James Potter."

"Mmm…if I hadn't already seen your name written on Hogwarts arkstone, I would never have believed those words," Dumbledore admitted to him.

"You saw that?... I didn't expect you to go down there that early." Harry made a pensive expression.

"I went there last year. Also saw your little workshop." Dumbledore said.

"What made you go there so quickly?" Harry wondered where he had gone wrong.

"When we went to investigate the acromantulas attack. I detected the use of an apparition." 

'Those blasted detection spells again…I wish I had known more about them before.' Harry wanted to smack Moody on the head for not teaching him about that.

"You probably already know this, but apparating inside Hogwarts is impossible, except for the Headmaster. The only way to do it without destroying the wards is by inscribing one's name in that stone…" Dumbledore explained.

"So you went down there because of that." Said harry.

"It sounded impossible for someone besides me to gain access to that place. But I could not think of any other possibility, so I went…you can imagine my shock when I saw your name written below mine."

"Wait, is that why you had the paintings spying on me?." Harry asked.

"I needed to know what kind of person you were…you did not reveal much, but it didn't seem like you had bad intentions. So I limited myself to keep an eye on you from afar." Dumbledore's eyes moved back to his.

" I know your name is Harry James Potter. There is no chance to deceive the asktone, but it doesn't make it more believable for a boy of your age to do the things you do. So there is more to it…"

There was a moment of silence. Seeing that Harry was still silent, Dumbledore spoke again.

"I can take a wild guess and say that it involves…time travel, or perhaps something more…dimensional travel?"

Harry flinched.

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