Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 108: More threats?

Chapter 108: More threats?


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 108: More threats?

"What is it?" Asked Daphne.

"This door is still locked…" Harry glanced at the other part of the door where the locks should have connected. It was all bent and deformed.

"It looks like it was hit many times from the inside until it broke," Daphne commented.

"So that's it then!" Lyra seemed to realize something.

"The basilisk must have woken up and has been hitting that door since then. Then, it finally managed to break it open during the day of the Quidditch game!" 

"Then why did it stay here?" Ginny asked.

"Huh?" Lyra tilted her head to one side. She had not thought that far ahead.

"The Quidditch game was almost three days ago. If that creature has been trying to escape for two months, why would it remain here after opening the door?" Daphne replied.

"Ah…that's right." Lyra realized.

"Maybe he just liked it here. It has been living here for like a thousand years, right?...oh, but then…why did it want to escape all of a sudden?."

"We are missing something."

Harry observed the walls of the corridor. It was filled with cracks, and they seemed very recent. 

Something was definitely trying to escape the chamber, but he didn't think it was this basilisk.

"The answers should be ahead. "

He went past the circular door and ventured further until he reached the core of the chamber.

"What is this…" He needed a moment to process what he was seeing.

The three girls approached too and then…they saw it.

Lyra and Ginny screamed at the sight while Daphne looked to be ready to throw up at any moment. 

"What in Merlin's name happened in this place?" Harry still recalled very vividly the pristine look the inner chamber had. With its pools of water and intricate statues.

This chamber was in a state of absolute chaos. Giant cracks decorated the walls, and there was not a single statue that remained intact, including the massive bust of Salazar Slytherin that served as the entrance to the basilisk nest.

But the most disturbing part where the blood stains and the pieces of flesh and bones that were scattered everywhere.

"Ugg….the smell…" Lyra covered her nose.

"It looks like there was a war in this chamber…and many had died in here." Daphne took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose.

"How many basilisks were locked in here?" asked Ginny with horror.

"There was only supposed to be one. According to the myths at least." Daphne answered.

'There was only one…of that, I have no doubt. If Salazar had kept more than one in here, they would have killed each other many centuries ago. Then where did the others come from?' He had no answer for that a the moment.

"Harry, what do you think?" Asked Daphne.

"I think we should…" He suddenly heard some movement coming from the cracks in the walls.

The charm he used before to enhance his hearing was still active.

"Something is approaching. Get back into that corridor!"

"Something?...you mean more basilisks?" Lyra asked with dread.

Daphne took hold of Lyra and Ginny's arms before dragging them out.

"Come on!, we would only get in the way!"

Harry managed to spot two basilisks coming out of the cracks in the walls before closing his eyes again.

"This makes little sense but fine…I'll kill all of you, come here!." He walked forward and allowed them to close the distance. 

His question will have to wait until the chamber is clear of dangers.

The two snakes hissed while slithering closer to him.

His spare wand appeared on his left hand. 

'The transfiguration from before is not going to work in this open space…I'm going to have to get creative.'

He still has the seven arkstones as a last resource, in case he needs to cast something big or his reserves become depleted.

But he still had other ideas. 

He was about to start when he heard a familiar cry coming from above.

From between a giant crack in the ceiling, a ball of fire descended and went to attack the of the basilisks.

"Fawkes…you came to help me again." Harry smiled after recognizing the new arrival.

The basilisk on his right was now busy with the phoenix. So he could focus on the left.

"This makes things easier."

Harry used both wands to conjure six giant blades in front of him.


He flickered both wands in the basilisk direction.

The beast had just finished descending the wall when it found itself pierced by the swords. Each blade was over six feet long and became completely embedded into its flesh.

While the one on the left was dying, the one fighting the Phoenix let out a painful shriek.

Harry opened his eyes slightly and watched through the shadows as Fawkes destroyed its eyes.

Harry waited for a few more seconds until the left-side basilisk died, he then conjured a ghostly-looking hand that grabbed one of the blades from the dead creature and pointed it at the other snake.

"Move!" Harry shouted.

The Phoenix followed his command and flew up, just in time to avoid the incoming sword. 

The basilisk opened its mouth and showed its fangs in an intimidating manner. 

But was instead received with a blade through its skull.

The sword pierced the snake's head and embedded it in the wall, pinning the creature in the process.

Harry was now starting to feel tired. 

Conjuration takes a heavy toll on one's magic, much more so than transformation. 

The Phoenix cried again and flew to his side until it landed on his shoulder.

It then stared at Harry intensely, like it was trying to figure out if he was injured.

"I'm fine…thank you, my friend," Harry told the Phoenix. 

"What is going on?!"

"What was that cry?!"

"Can we open our eyes now?"

The there girls were still in panic.

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