Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 100: Harry goes on the field

Chapter 100: Harry goes on the field


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 100: Harry goes on the field

"Welcome to the second game of the Hogwarts 1992 league!" 

The cheerful voice of the commentator could be heard resounding all over the stadium thanks to the masterful work of magical runes on the place.

"I am Lee Jordan and I will be your commentator."

The students started to clap and cheer.

"This will be Gryffindor's first game of the year and it will be against no other than the former Champion, Slytherin! But do not lose hope, my friends, for this year the Gryffindor team came well-prepared with a brand new and talented seeker. Now with no further delays… let's watch their entrances!"

The audience cheered.

"The first team to hit the field will be Slytherin!"

The green-robed team came flying into the stadium. Their own selection of the spectator boxes started to cheer while the rest, remained silent.

They had not become more liked since last year. And many have accused them of cheating, but the acusations never go anywhere.

"And now…the team that will hopefully get a win, finally…" Jordan said with hope.

"Jordan!, keep it unbiased. I'm warning you." McGonagall was sitting right behind him.

"Yes, Professor. Totally impartial…anyone can win this game, but you know…Go Gryffindor!"

The player with the red and golden robes entered the field in a smooth flight.

Captain Olliver Wood was first, followed up close by the rest of the team. And the last player in the queue was Harry Potter.

"That's him!. There he is!" Lily Potter pointed from the stands.

"That's my boy!" James shouted.

"Mom, Dad!...lower your voices please." Lyra was feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"They are flying!" Holly shouted from her mother's lap.

"You think he is going to be okay up there?" Lily asked with concern.

On the other side of the field were the Slytherin stands.

"It is rare to see you here. I thought you had no interest in Quidditch." Pansy Parkinson was sitting in the center of the first row. Those were the best seats available. At her sides were Nott and Zabini and behind her were Daphne and Tracy.

"I don't have much interest…but I had nothing better to do today." Daphne said with disinterest, earning a glare from Tracey.

Daphne had dragged her to the game, not taking a no for an answer. Saying there was something she needed to see.

"What about you?." Daphne returned the question.

"Mmm… don't have much interest either. But I thought it would be a waste, buying these seats and not using them." Pansy shrugged.

"Buying them? what do you mean?. The seats are free for everyone." Tracey asked.

"You wouldn't know because you never come to see the games." Theodore Nott turned around to look a them.

"But the front row seats are all private. At least on the Slytherin side. Is just another way to show your status."

"And you know who was the owner of these three seats?" Zabini had a cruel grin on his face.

"I can already guess…" Daphne gave Pansy a passing glance and the girl had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Malfoy, right?" Tracey asked.

"Yes, Lady Malfoy took my father's first offer without question." Pansy chuckled.

"Can you believe that he tried to enter the team this year?. He wanted to be a seeker." Theodore Nott commented.

"Like they would let a second year with no experience in the team…he must have been dreaming that his daddy was still on the Board of Governors." Zabini joked.

"And now he doesn't even have a place to sit and watch the games. What a loser." Nott smiled.

"You guys are being a bit too harsh with Malfoy, don't you think?." Daphne looked at Pansy.

"Pff…please. He has been a pompous ass since the day I meet him. If anyone deserves to be taken down a notch, is him." Pansy said.

"I know that…but still. " Daphne knew Draco quite well, and how nasty of a personality he has. But she didn't like kicking someone who was already down.

"After how he treated me last year. He deserves at least this…trust me." Pansy told her.

Daphne had no retort to that. He was awful to her last year, there was no denying that.

"She is right, Daphne. Don't waste your time defending that guy. And instead, watch this game that you had so much interest in." Tracey's comment did not go over Pansy's head.

"Oh? so you did have a reason for coming here." Pansy gave Daphne an intense glance.

"You obviously have no interest in the game…could it be one of the players then?" 

"Shut up. I have nothing else to say." Daphne crossed her arms and sat back down, ending the conversation right there.

Pansy smiled.

"How interesting…"

Daphne gave her friend Tracey an upset look.

"Sorry…" Tracey whispered to her friend after realizing her slip of the tongue.

Meanwhile, the players had all flown into their positions and Professor Hootch was about to give the signal for the start of the game.

The bludgers were released first, followed by the snitch, and finally, the quaffle was thrown in the air.

Right then, Professor Hootch used a loud whistle to signal the start of the game.

"Here we go!." Jordan shouted on his mic. 

"The first game between Gryffindor and Slytherin has started…Go Gryffindor!"


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