Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 862: The Dispute

Chapter 862: The Dispute

Greyback? Evan had also always remembered the werewolf, not forgetting the fear hed brought to him and Hermione.

If he were to meet Greyback again, Evan would definitely make him pay a sufficient price in return for the past.

Hed used the Corrosion Curse to leave an indelible mark on Greybacks face before, and meeting him again, it would be more than that curse.

For this hopeless guy, there was no room to show mercy.

Three helpings of rhubarb crumble, followed by custard, and the dessert prepared by Kreacher, and Evan was soon full.

The conversation at the dinner table gradually calmed down. Harry kept touching his stomach, listening absently as Hermione was talking to him about her trip to Egypt, and Mrs. Weasley was asking about Bill from time to time.

Ron was yawning and staring blankly at the ceiling. Fred and George were leaning together and whispering. Beside them, Mr. Weasley was leaning back in his chair, looking replete and relaxed.

Tonks was yawning widely, her nose now back to normal.

Mundungus was still looking carefully at the silver plate in front of him, pondering.

Ginny, who had lured Crookshanks out from under the dresser, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, rolling butterbeer corks for him to chase.

Nearly time for bed, I think, said Mrs. Weasley on a yawn, and she stood up.

Wait, Harry! said Lupin suddenly, quietly looking around. I hope you and Evan could stay, Im going to tell you something about Voldemort and our current progress

The atmosphere in the room changed with the rapidity that could be associated with the arrival of Dementors. Where seconds before it had been sleepily relaxed, it was now alert, even tense.

Can I know, then?! said Harry hurriedly. I asked before, but they said Im not allowed in the Order of the Phoenix.

And theyre quite right, said Mrs. Weasley. Youre too young to know these things.

She was sitting bolt upright in her chair, her fists clenched upon its arms, every trace of drowsiness gone.

It has nothing to do with age, Molly. Evan and Harry have got the right to know whats been happening. They have witnessed the resurrection of Voldemort, said Lupin. In fact, after knowing that Harry was attacked by Dementors, Sirius wrote me a private letter, and he entrusted me to tell Harry everything. I took the time to come back tonight, just for this matter.

Remus, you know Siriuss character. Hes too reckless

In this matter, I think what he said makes sense, we cant hide it from them, if Lupin said.

Hang on! interrupted George loudly. How come Evan and Harry know the truth about everything?

Yes, its not fair, said Fred angrily. Weve been trying to get stuff out of you for a month and you havent told us a single stinking thing. Evan and Harry have just come and youre going to tell them both.

Youre too young, youre not in the Order! said Mrs. Weasley.

Evan and Harry are not even of age!

Enough, as your mother, Im responsible for you. You shouldnt know about this kind of thing, said Mrs. Weasley, her voice rising, her fists trembling on the arms of her chair. This is a secret of the Order of the Phoenix and should not be disclosed. Besides, I dont see any help in knowing these things except to make you think all day long.

Sirius has made up his mind to tell Harry these things, and if I dont, hell write to them, or come back from Norway right away. Personally, I think it better that they get the facts not all the facts, but the general picture from us, rather than a garbled version from others. said Lupin gently. Its very necessary to do this, Molly. Its better than keeping them in the dark. Theres a sentence in Sirius letter that I agree with:  Only through the tempering of challenges can we help them grow up. Excessive protection is not a good thing.

This was Siriuss feeling after seeing Evans performance during his trip to Sicily in Italy.

If it werent for the sudden need to contact the vampires in Norway, he would have even taken Harry on an adventure.

I dont agree with Siriuss concept. He acts too rashly and does not have the responsibility of an adult. Mrs. Weasley refused to give in. These children are not ready to meet the challenge. Its irresponsible to do this

Molly, youre not the only person at this table who cares about Evan, Harry, and these children, said Lupin sharply, On the contrary, I think its very responsible to tell them these things.

Well, Molly, Dumbledore also accepts that they will have to be filled in to a certain extent. Now that theyre staying at headquarters, we cannot prevent them from knowing the truth, said Mr. Weasley cautiously.

I think Evan, Harry and the children ought to be allowed a say in this, Lupin continued, Theyre old enough to decide for themselves.

I want to know whats been going on, Harry said at once, and the others agreed.

Evan wasnt really interested, he knew much more than Harry and the others, and more than anyone could imagine.

As for what he didnt know, he had just to ask Dumbledore or Sirius to get the answer. His situation was different from Harrys and they didnt have to hide anything from him.

In fact, there were many things about which they should ask Evans opinion, which would make things easier.

Well, said Mrs. Weasley, breathing deeply and looking around the table for support that did not come. Well, I can see Im going to be overruled. Ill just say this: Dumbledore must have had his reasons for not wanting Harry to know too much. I hope that the conversation in a while will pay attention to this. Now, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, I want you out of this kitchen, back to your rooms, right away!

There was instant uproar.

Were of age! Fred and George bellowed together.

If Evan and Harry are allowed, why cant I? shouted Ron.

Mum, I want to! wailed Ginny.

NO! shouted Mrs. Weasley, standing up, her eyes overbright. I absolutely forbid

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