Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 853: Evan’s Broom Production Plan

Chapter 853: Evan’s Broom Production Plan

The rise of a wizarding family was not simple, and it involved many interests beyond the imagination of the world.

The social structure of the wizarding world was actually very complex, and it was not simply classified according to pure-blood wizards and ordinary wizards.

Like the Muggle world, the pure-blood wizarding families were a bit like the old aristocrats of European countries.

Only the glory of their ancestors could be remembered. In fact, they had declined and had little influence.

Now the real final say in the wizarding world was of those corporate plutocrats who had huge amounts of gold.

Why the Malfoys could influence the development of the wizarding world was not because their family was old enough and their pedigree was pure and noble enough, but because they had many industries under their name and controlled the economic lifeline of the British wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic and the authorities dared not offend them.

Of course, what was different from the Muggle world was that there were magical powers that exceeded the common rules of the world.

If they became powerful enough like Dumbledore, Voldemort and Grindelwald to be great wizards forming their own armies, they could break the balance and alter the entire structure of the wizarding world; which was what they had been doing all along.

While Harry examined the Moontrimmer, Evan was also looking at the Cleansweep series on the wall.

From Cleansweep One to Cleansweep Seven, it covered all the products in the early and mid-term of the Cleansweep series.

This was a well-known Cleansweep broom Company in Britain, founded in 1926 by the three brothers Bob, Bill and Barnaby Ollerton.

At that time, this broom made a new breakthrough in technology compared with previous broomsticks.

It had greatly improved safety performance, and could be assembled, the production speed was extremely fast, and the cost was also greatly reduced.

Since its launch, the Cleansweep had pushed its previous broomsticks into a dead end at an unimaginable speed. Within a year, it had occupied the mainstream broom market in the world, including sports brooms, household brooms and entertainment brooms.

The Cleansweeps became the main export product of the British wizarding circle at that time and successfully replaced the Silver Arrow Broomstick brand, marking the most glorious era of the British wizarding world.

Looking at the old newspapers of the time, almost one-third of British wizards were working for the Cleansweep broom Company.

It was not until the Comet Trading Company produced their first Comet 140 that the commercial myth of the Cleansweep was shattered.

The Comet Trading Company was established by Randolph Keitch and Basil Horton, both players for the Falmouth Falcons.

These two Americans developed a new Braking Charm and patented it. This charm meant that Quidditch players were much less likely to overshoot goals or fly offside, which increased the fun and fairness of Quidditch. It was an epoch-making charm in Quidditch professional competitions.

The broom with a Braking Charm became the broom of preference for many Quidditch players.

The Cleansweep missed the position of broomsticks for the game, and did not re-enter until more than a decade later, but it was too late.

In the following decades, the Cleansweep-Comet competition became more intense.

The two companies had introduced improved broom models, which had become the mainstream of the entire wizarding world, setting off the trend of broomsticks.

At the same time, other broom factories had sprung up all over the world.

The various models of broomstick brands were dazzling. They had different performances and their own advantages. Even the wizarding circles in some small countries regarded the broom industry as the hope of revitalizing the whole national economy.

Among them, it was worth mentioning that the French company launched two broomstick brands, the Tinderblast and the Swiftstick. They had super resilience and were loved by ordinary wizards. They were the first choice for entertainment broomsticks, though they had never achieved the top speeds of the Comets and Cleansweeps.

There was also the Shooting Star developed by a Japanese company, which was said to be the cheapest racing broom in the world, and it was also very marketable.

However, due to the saving of materials, the Shooting Star was found to lose speed and height as it aged. Therefore, it had always been the first choice for entry-level and could not be loved by professionals.

In short, although there were so many different broom brands around the world, the broomsticks used in official competitions had always been the Cleansweeps and the comets, and it had never changed.

These two companies had mastered the development trend of broomsticks. It was not until 1967 that the establishment of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company headquartered in Berlin, Germany, changed this situation. They shocked the world and were considered a sign of the rise of modern Germany.

Indeed, wizards had never seen a broom like the Nimbus 1000. The rigorous Germans combined the reliability of the old Oakshaft 79 with the stability of the Comet and the easy handling of the best Cleansweeps.

The Nimbus 1000 could reach speeds of up to a hundred miles per hour and was capable of turning 360 degrees at a fixed point in mid-air.

The Nimbus immediately became the broom preferred by professional Quidditch teams, and the subsequent models -1001, 1500, and 1700- had kept the Nimbus Racing Broom Company at the top of the field.

But considering the current demand and popularity of broomsticks, the Nimbus was actually much better than the Cleansweep.

Since then, the glorious Cleansweep had completely declined, only occupying a certain market space in Britain. But everyone knew that this was not the best broom, but just as a substitute for those who couldnt afford a Nimbus and didnt want to buy a Comet.

The Comet was better than the Cleansweep, they occupied the largest market share in the household brooms, and insisted on launching their own model of broom for competition every year, hoping to surpass the Nimbus and become the dominant broom market.

With long persistence, they finally launched the Firebolt the year before last.

This was the most perfect broom so far, representing the highest level of craftsmanship in the wizarding world.

The Firebolt had become the first choice of all Quidditch players dreams since its debut. Of course, the price was scary enough. Apart from the two teams in the Quidditch World Cup final and Harrys Firebolt, Evan didnt know who else owned this broomstick.

At present, the mainstream competition broom on the market was still the Nimbus 2000.

It was said that in order to compete with the Firebolt, they would launch the Nimbus 3000 this year, but it was unknown what it would look like.

Naturally, Evan would also launch his own brand of broomstick, and he planned to apply some of his alchemy skills to the broom.

This was what no manufacturer could currently do. He had a leading edge in technology, enough to crush other manufacturers.

The broomsticks in front of him gave him enough design ideas. Evan was going to take apart all the broomsticks here, and study the Charms and design concepts used in them. As for the mainstream brooms that were currently lacking, he could buy them all.

He was striving to design his own broom in the next month before the beginning of school.

Broomsticks for the game were the mainstream, and Evan was going to sponsor the Gryffindor Quidditch team first at the start of school to gain popularity, and then use these successful examples to persuade outside clubs to buy his broom.

The English Quidditch team had always been the worlds top level. Evan believed that as long as his broom was good enough, they would have no reason to refuse supporting a local broomstick brand, and this would create a considerable demonstration effect.

After gaining popularity on the broomsticks for competitions, he could expand into the household and entertainment broomsticks market, and even venture into the international market.

If all went well, Evan could even replicate the myth of the Cleansweep and the rise of the Nimbus series of the past and create a new business miracle.

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