Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 818: Explorer Hotel

Chapter 818: Explorer Hotel

The gods and ancient relics in Egypt were beyond imagination, and the magic left by ancient warlocks was spread throughout the country.

This was a beloved tourist destination for Muggles, who came to Egypt to experience the vicissitudes of history and the changes of time.

At the same time, this country was also greatly favored by wizards.

A wizarding organization headed by goblins from Gringotts collaborated here with the government to dig for lost treasures and magic.

In private, there were many wizards who hoped to gain strong power, exploring the ancient ruins of Egypt.

Nicolas Flamel was probably the most successful example. He had explored Egypt several centuries ago, seen the revelation of the ancient prophet Abraham in the desert, and finally got the Book of Abraham. He learned the top-tier Alchemy from it and started his 600-year legendary life.

Evan was not as greedy, and did not seek the treasures and magic left from ancient times.

This was a purely purposeful trip. He and Hermione came here to see the Emerald Tablet, hoping not to encounter a terrible evil god or some unknown monster

I did some research beforehand, said Hermione, taking out a thick pile of parchment. Ive listed all the sites worth visiting in Egypt. There are hundreds of them, and Cairo is just a small part of it.

Looks good! Evan looked at the dense records on it. Hermione had really made a lot of effort.

We certainly cant go to all these sites, can we? But there are several places we must visit, such as the Great Pyramid, the ancient Egyptian Gringotts, Karnak, the Nile Dam, the Egyptian Museum, the City of the Living and the City of the Dead, and said Hermione, and she suddenly put down the parchment and turned to look at Evan carefully. Evan, Voldemort is back, everyone is preparing for the coming war, but the two of us are traveling to Egypt, isnt it a bit out of place?

Theres nothing wrong with it, Hermione. Dont worry about Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Were not here just for sightseeing. Alchemy is very helpful in defeating evil gods, said Evan, holding Hermiones small hand, and pulling her to him. I told you before, this trip will help you learn Animagus, you have all that it needs, and you can start tonight

The two of them discussed Animagus again. While passing through the customs, Evan and Hermione had a little trouble.

Seeing that they were only two children and were not accompanied by adults, the Egyptian official intended to stop them. But Evan solved the problem with the Confundus Charm, and the official, confused, let them pass.

When they went out, Bill Weasley was already waiting for them.

He looked the same as before; cool, tall, with long hair that he had tied back in a ponytail and an earring with what looked like a fang dangling from it.

Bill was wearing a set of sky blue clothes, not wizard robes, nor the typical Muggle attire. His clothes would not have looked out of place at a rock concert. His boots were made of dragon hide.

How are you, Evan Hermione? said Bill enthusiastically, waving to them. How was your trip? Flying through Muggle tools is an unforgettable experience. What do they call these things? Big brooms?!

Hello, Bill! said Hermione politely.Its not a broom, but an airplane. Its an aircraft that generates thrust through the engines power unit and flies in the atmosphere. Its a bit like a car. Its all science

Science, its amazing. Ive just been studying this stuff, Bill replied, looking at a taking-off plane through the huge glass window. I usually use the Floo Network to return to England. I may try this tool next time.

He obviously inherited some of Mr. Arthur Weasleys qualities and was interested in Muggle things.

Wed better get out of here first! said Evan as he saw that many curious Muggles were scrutinizing them.

Come on, Ill show you Egypt, said Bill, leading Evan and Hermione out. Ive arranged a place for you to stay. You know, in Egypt, wizards dont fly with brooms, we usually use flying carpets.

As they walked outside the airport, Bill asked them about the situation in Britain. It seemed that he intended to return to England to fight Voldemort.

When no one was around, he Disapparated with Evan and Hermione.

With a bang, Evan saw himself appearing in a hotel full of a mixture of ancient Egyptian and Arabic styles. It was different from the gray and dirty Inns in the Wizarding world of England or France.

The space here was large and bright, full of unique exotic charm, with snow-white marble on the ground, shiny bronze gates, huge and quaint stone carvings, colorful curtains and tapestries on the walls, and valuable decorations everywhere.

In front of the hotel, directly facing it were the three huge pyramids and the Sphinx.

Whats this place? asked Hermione, looking at the huge stone pillars carved with hieroglyphs in the hall.

The Explorer Hotel, said Bill. It was a palace in ancient times, belonging to a pharaoh of the 17th Dynasty. Now its run by Gringotts goblins. Its very popular. All the wizards who travel to Cairo stay here. Ive reserved two rooms for you.

We may need to book two more. We have friends to come, Fleur and Gabrielle from Beauxbatons, said Evan.

He looked around with satisfaction. Obviously, the goblins were far more reliable than wizards in management.

Oh, you all met during the Triwizard Tournament, right? Id already taken the leave to watch the final task. Ron becoming a champion was truly an unexpected turn of events, said Bill. I never expected so much to happen

They walked to the front of the counter, where stood three goblins wearing scarlet and gold uniforms.

Like the goblins of Gringotts, they all had a smart dark face, pointed beard, and extremely long hands and feet.

When they came over, the goblins bowed to them.

How can I help you, sir? said a fair-grade goblin, his face full of wrinkles.

Im Bill Weasley. Ive booked two rooms with you before, said Bill.

Yes, there is indeed a record of the appointment, said the goblin, taking out two gems that shone with golden light. These are the keys. The rooms are on the west side. Do you need me to lead you through?

Well, theres no hurry, we need two more rooms.

I apologize, Mr. Weasley, all the rooms have been booked out, and the earliest available reservation is for next month, said the goblin with a wrinkled nose, You know, many people have been coming here recently due to the newly discovered ruins

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