Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 802: The Cataclysm and the Time-Turner

Chapter 802: The Cataclysm and the Time-Turner

Evan nodded, recalling the ominous silhouette of the terrifying monster descending into the depths of the ocean abyss.

He looked at Cronos, waiting for him to continue explaining. He preferred to delve into these unknown secrets rather than shuttling back and forth in time to save the world, participating in terrible wars, and correcting the mistakes of time.

Grasping more information could not only increase knowledge, but also help to improve his abilities.

Most importantly, there was little danger in doing so.

“As you can see, these powerful external entities that have arrived uninvited are not as simple as imagined,” said Cronos, looking up at the changes in the stars above, and explaining patiently, “They come from a variety of sources and structures and are very complex. Some of them, like the Titans, are guardians generated by the will of other planets, some are evil beings born from planets completely corrupted by ancient gods, and some others are the aggregation of other forces in the universe, even older than this planet and the Titans themselves…”

“Older than the earth!” Evan repeated in a low voice. “Are they monsters from the void?”

“Not exactly. The vastness and complexity of the universe far exceed our imagination, harboring unimaginable phenomena. If one day you have enough power, you can also have a look at other planets where there’s life,” said Cronos.

Evan clicked his tongue inwardly, unable to fathom the level of power required to accomplish such a feat.

“It is not impossible!” Cronos seemed to see what Evan was thinking, and he explained with a smile, “After the final battle, all the Titans who did not perish left this planet and embarked on a new journey, looking for a new planet where life could flourish. In the later stages of the last magical era, increasingly powerful human spellcasters also acquired this ability, and many people left…”

Evan looked at Cronos and suddenly remembered what the evil god had said when he saw him before in the Centaurs’ colony. He told Evan that the powerful ancient warlocks once chose to escape from their homeland to places where evil gods could not find them.

At the time, he had dismissed it as the ravings of a lunatic, but now he thought maybe it was really possible.

The information Evan got from Cronos and the words of the evil god corresponded, and he became more and more certain of the authenticity of the information.

What impressed him most was what the evil god once told him: ‘You have not suffered the pain of the collapse of the worlds, think you have defeated the evil god in the illusion, but do not know that you are entering another more terrible danger. Fear goes with you, never disappears, never ends…’

Now, upon reflection, the matter might be true, or even more terrible.

“These ancient and powerful external beings are different from Titans. Some of them, out of goodwill or other purposes, are willing to share the powers and spellcasting techniques they possess with humans, which also constitutes the distinction between spellcasters.”

Evan nodded again. It was like the wizards’ magic and the shaman power mastered by the African witch doctors which were completely different. If everything was as Cronos said, then the root was here. Humans had inherited different forces from different “gods”.

In Europe, wizards used wands to cast spells. Magic was divided into defensive charms, neutral spells and Dark magic, mainly including curses and Transfiguration. Besides, there were Herbology, Potions, Alchemy, Divination, Astrology and other branches.

In Africa, the witch doctors who mastered the shaman’s power were completely different from wizards. They were more proficient in curses and natural forces, and could communicate with the ancestors of the clan.

As Evan now knew, using the power of the shaman could even turn the caster into a soul-shaped animal, which was really amazing.

Needless to say about the more mysterious East, the casters there were said to be able to use jades to cast spells.

Evan was very interested in what Cronos said, which was not something that could be learned in books.

“The outsiders who are willing to communicate are only a part, and the rest represent chaos and evil. The entity you saw in the ruins of Ionia is one of them, and its existence heralds pure destruction.” Cronos continued, “After the final war, there was a scuffle between these outsiders and the creations of the Titans. The whole process lasted until the end of the last magical era. The uncontrolled and increasingly powerful forces finally attracted the attention of the ancient gods in the void, and the Cataclysm began!”

“The Cataclysm…” Evan murmured.

He remembered the relevant description he’d seen on the tablet found in the Sunken City, which mentioned the codex and the Cataclysm that would annihilate everything.

“Yes, in that Cataclysm, the ancient gods from the void colluded with those chaotic external entities in an attempt to break free and return to this world and completely corrupt the planet,” said Cronos. “That was the end of the war. This planet faced the greatest crisis and the most tragic war, and we paid a tremendous price …”

The price he said was the end of the last magical era, when all the powerful ancient warlocks disappeared.

Evan had been looking for information on this, knowing that some terrible things had indeed happened in the late stages of the ancient era.

“The last magical era was destroyed, and the level of human magic regressed significantly. At this cost, we ended the era of the domination of gods and demons on this planet. Without the guidance of powerful forces, they could not come here. This is the answer to what you wanted to know. Because of time, I cannot tell you in detail what happened in that Cataclysm,” said Cronos. “But the final result is related to our meeting now. The aliens known as gods and demons, along with the terrifying ancient gods in the void, only went into hibernation and are seeking new opportunities. They have never given up and must be stopped …”

The topic was back to the main theme again. In order to avoid the world from falling into the wrong timeline seen by Cronos, Evan had to do something. This was his responsibility. He had been involved in this protracted and terrible war.

“Evan, you have to find this Time-Turner and experience the events I have witnessed you accomplish in the future,” said Cronos, the light blue Time-Turner floating slowly in his palm. “I know what you are thinking, but this is not something I’m forcing you to do. It’s a choice you will make voluntarily in the future. You will soon understand…”

“Well, where is it now?” Evan sighed. Although still a little puzzled, he decided to get his hands on the Time-Turner first.

Even though he didn’t want to go back to the past to save the world or anything like that, there might be a chance that he would actually need this Time-Turner.

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