Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 792: The Temple of Time

Chapter 792: The Temple of Time

As for why it was time, it was because other physical and magical attacks had no effect on it, and the god that sealed it happened to be in charge of time.

“The god of time?” Evan narrowed his eyes. The description was really interesting.

There was another violent shaking, and many of the still standing stone pillars collapsed, making a rumbling sound in the depths of the sea.

Evan’s eyes continued to look down at the records on the tablet:

It is born only for chaos and destruction. It is the root of all evil and means the destruction of all realms.

However, since ancient times, this stubborn creature has had no shortage of admirers. Its followers hope to get evil power from it and make themselves stronger. What’s more absurd is that there are stupid fanatics trying to control it.

Ionian wizards were among them, these arrogant fools who thought they were in control of everything.

They were blessed by the ancient gods, mastered the secrets of time, had powers that no mortal could have, and built this unique magical city on the Mediterranean, as well as many miracles beyond imagination.

Even the great city of Rome had to consult these wizards before making a major decision.

Arrogance blinded their eyes, the destruction of the city was imminent, and the cataclysm was about to begin…

Another large paragraph of text was missing, with only some meaningless words left. Evan skipped it directly.

It’s coming, I see it, my breathing is fast and I panic, my body can’t help but tremble…

It’s taller than the Cyclops of Sicily, and its shadow almost covers the entire city.

Like me, those so-called strong men trembled and knelt in front of it, shivering, and pleading, lest it would break them to pieces with its wave.

From today, Ionia will usher in a new destiny, whether it is destruction or immortality.

It promised to help these wizards conquer everything, and as long as they provided enough sacrifices, it did not hesitate to spread destruction and chaos throughout the world.

But I know that those despicable wizards have changed their faces in the dark.

They kept thinking all night, constantly researching and planning how to control the ancient creature they called, their “god”.

They came up with various ways to subdue it, and finally decided to use the gift of the ancient god, the powerful source of Ionia. They used powerful time magic to curb its power and absorbed magic from its body as the energy source of the whole city.

From the description that followed, it could be seen that the wizards of Ionia had once controlled this creature for a period of time, which was also the heyday of the city.

However, the situation quickly changed. The wizards did not completely control the barbaric creature and could not make it submit to their will. The result was just the opposite. The power of time magic used by the Ionian wizards was declining.

They had to weaken the summoning ceremony in an attempt to seal back part of this horrible creature, leaving only the remaining part as a source of their power. This idea was completely ridiculous and stupid. The weakening ceremony had allowed the creature to see a glimmer of freedom and completely get rid of the control of human wizards.

This glimmer of dawn was enough for it, it took the opportunity to break out of control, waving its giant sword, and the powerful wizards returned to oblivion, and then the big explosion destroyed the whole marvelous city on the Mediterranean and made it sink to the bottom of the sea.

Evan could see that at the last minute, a powerful wizard in Ionia had used a dark forbidden spell at the cost of the lives of the whole city, using a burst of power to activate the magic of time and re-seal the monster.

The record on the tablet was not over. There was still a large section below, and Evan continued to read.

After the Great War, the cataclysm was over, and the ancient existence was temporarily away from the world and returned to the chaotic time.

I’m probably the only survivor of Ionia. I want to record everything about this catastrophe, including the way to summon that creature into this world. If you dare to summon it, I will tell you without any concealment!

Evan frowned. The guy who had written on this tablet, whoever he was, after witnessing the big explosion and the death of all his people, was a little mentally deranged and confused. There were many grammatically incorrect and meaningless utterances. He’d even recorded the information that shouldn’t be handed down.

He briefly looked at the way to summon the monster outside. These things had no meaning to him.

Not surprisingly, this was a powerful Dark magic.

In addition to the powerful energy, there was also a need for human souls to strengthen the summoning ceremony. Thousands of years ago, in order to summon the monster, the wizards of this city did not hesitate to exterminate ancient clan civilizations in several cities and parts of Africa, seizing their souls to advance the ritual.

“Since souls are needed, where does the Harbinger of Doom plan to get them?” Evan couldn’t help thinking.

As though to answer his question, there was another violent vibration in the submarine space.

“Stupid wizards, dedicate your souls!” The monster shouted indignantly. “Welcome the return of the King of Darkness!”

As soon as its words fell, all the souls in the ruins of the city floated up slowly and poured uncontrollably into the abyss of the city center, as though there was a suction force that made them move involuntarily.

The dead had their faces covered with fear. They all kept their memories in front of them, as though they knew what had happened. They all tried to escape, or hide in a hurry.

Fortunately, the sudden attraction so far was not very strong, and the ghosts could still resist.

But as the magical ritual presided over by the Harbinger of Doom progressed, it would definitely become stronger and stronger.

“It’s not good to go on like this. Can we only fight him head-on?!”

Evan was reluctant to run to the edge of the abyss to fight the mysterious and dangerous Dark wizard, especially after the shadow of the monster outside had come into the world.

He had already registered with the evil god. If it was not necessary, Evan did not want some indestructible monster to remember him. Who knew if there were any crazy guys in this world who would summon it out somewhere else?

The codex on the tablet worried Evan. It didn’t say the final whereabouts of this evil book which recorded the methods of summoning many Dark creatures.

That thing was simply a time bomb. It was not certain when it would explode.

There was a last paragraph on the tablet, and Evan took a quick look.

I was going to send this tablet to Rome to warn future generations, but life is moving away from me at a speed visible to the naked eye. I can only bring it back from the temple to this ruined city. May God forgive my sins.  After my death, my soul will be completely annihilated. This is God’s punishment for me.

Newcomers, if you come here not to summon the creature, but to stop it, then go to the Temple of Time…


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