Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 728: Situation Analysis

Chapter 728: Situation Analysis

In the short term, Voldemort did not want to attract attention; neither did Dumbledore or the Order of the Phoenix.

Fudge and the Ministry of Magic, in particular, had now completely fallen out with Dumbledore and seemed determined to take measures against Hogwarts. If they knew what Dumbledore had planned to do with the giants, they would have plenty of excuses…

Therefore, the whereabouts of Evan, Sirius, Hagrid and Madame Maxime must be kept secret and could not be found out by the Ministry of Magic.

Although the disappearance of the four people would certainly arouse suspicion, as long as there was no sufficient evidence, Fudge could not make a fuss about it.

He was now bent on reforming Hogwarts education, and it was said that he had come up with a preliminary plan, which was being further improved.

Not surprisingly, when Evan would be back to Hogwarts again, he should see Professor Umbridge!

The four of them set out early. Evan had already bid farewell to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Colin, Gabrielle, Fleur and others last night.

Hermione had spent three days preparing a lot of information about the giants for him, almost filling up a school bag.

It included the legend of the Cyclops, giant wars, and the way the wizards and the giants got along. In order to reduce the reading time, she also kindly helped Evan draw the key points…

Hermione was very good at doing such things. She could always predict what the teachers would test them on and easily got high marks, and she had an equal talent for predicting what needed to be learned in face of danger.

Harry and Ron had been relying on her help over the years, so they hadn’t been too far behind in their results.

Although the focus of Evan’s trip was not on giants, in fact, looking at these things was really helpful for increasing knowledge.

What touched him most was Hermione’s relationship with him. She stayed up late every night for the past three days looking for information.

As for Fleur and Gabrielle, they would stay at Hogwarts until the end of the term.

After Evan had become Gabrielle to complete the second task, his relationship with her sister went further.

Fleur asked about Evan’s summer vacation plans. She was graduating this summer. She was going to have a good time around the world first, and then find a place to work. She preferred to come to Britain to improve her English.

After hearing that Evan was preparing to go to Egypt in the summer, she seemed to be planning to take Gabrielle to join him…

“Good morning!” Evan greeted.

When he walked into Dumbledore’s office, everyone else was already waiting there!

Professor Moody was also there. After his recovery, he agreed to stay in Hogwarts until the end of the term.

In fact, his teaching style was actually similar to or even rougher than that of Caresius and Barty Crouch Jr.

Moody’s skepticism was too heavy. Every class required students to be on the alert and be careful of the people around them.

To him, it seemed that no one could be trusted, and anyone might be trying to murder you…

Although the method was very rough, he still had the real ability to systematically conduct initial Auror training for the students to improve their actual combat ability and resistance to Dark magic. That was particularly important after Voldemort’s return.

Whether or not the young wizards believed that Voldemort had returned, they soon accepted the new Professor Moody.

Because of Evan and Harry, Dumbledore reconvened the Order of the Phoenix after Voldemort returned.

Their current task was to do their best to ensure that Voldemort was unable to implement his plan.

Voldemort needed to do nothing more than three things. The first was to figure out why he couldn’t kill Harry and why his wand did not work in the duel with Harry. In order to figure this out, he needed to get the prophecy of that year.

Snape must have mentioned it to him when he returned; telling Voldemort that the prophecy he knew was not complete.

In this way, when Voldemort did not want to show up, he had to lure Harry to the Ministry of Magic to get the prophecy.

As for the second thing, it was the greater power Voldemort needed to acquire from the power of the evil god.

Now that he knew the method from Caresius, the Order of the Phoenix had to act fast to gain an even superior power.

Evan and Dumbledore also wanted to get in touch with them, but the group of vampires disappeared suddenly. They didn’t know where they went, and could only wait for now.

Another method was the secret treasure of the Four Founders of Hogwarts. That treasure must be related to how to defeat the evil god.

The third thing was to regroup the troops and train the army.

Sirius and Evan had said that in the old days, a large number of people had been at Voldemort’s command: witches and wizards he had bullied or bewitched into following him, his faithful Death Eaters, and a great variety of Dark creatures, such as werewolves, giants, Acromantulas, and so on.

He certainly would not only take a dozen Death Eaters against the Ministry of Magic with thousands of staff members. Although Voldemort himself was very strong and no one was opponent to him, it was impossible to fight so many opponents at the same time.

Therefore, he had to train another army, a Dark army that fully obeyed his command.

At the same time, the Order of the Phoenix should regroup and recruit new personnel.

In Evan’s eyes, those original wizards were almost the elite of the Order of the Phoenix. Although he admitted that they were all strong and well-trained wizards, their number was too small, and the aging phenomenon was very serious…

Voldemort was “weak” now, but Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix were weaker than he was.

The most powerful force currently was undoubtedly Fudge and his Ministry of Magic, but they would not take any meaningful action.

It was too bad that Fudge, unwilling to believe the matter, had the target that was supposed to be on Voldemort’s back placed on Dumbledore’s instead.

All could only rely on themselves. Sirius had been running around these days, trying to make more people think that Voldemort really came back, let them be alert, even get them join the Order of the Phoenix, and stand at the forefront of the fight against Voldemort.

However, this was proving to be a difficult task, and few people were willing to believe them.

Evan had expected Hogwarts Magic to play a role in letting more people know about Voldemort’s return.

But it was clear that Fudge and his think-tank had anticipated that, and shortly after returning, he sent special reviewers to the newspaper.

Their only task was to check Hogwarts Magic for illegal content that was not suitable for publication. Lupin believed that it was illegal to do so and was protesting to the Ministry of Magic through normal legal channels… 

In order to ensure that HogwartsMagic would not be seized, Dumbledore kept them from publishing the article about Voldemort’s return for the time being.

That was the most troublesome part. They could not face the Ministry of Magic openly.


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