Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 716: The End of the Goblet of Fire

Chapter 716: The End of the Goblet of Fire

Before that, Evan planned to tell Dumbledore about it.

For a long time, he had been passively in touch with those vampires, waiting for either Caresius or Elaine to come to him.

Evan didn’t know where they were, and the owls probably wouldn’t work.

The place where the vampire hid was protected by magic and would not be easily found by outside wizards or animals.

As for their base camp, Evan speculated that it should be somewhere in northern Europe. Because Caresius once said that he had had a dispute of interests with Karkaroff and Durmstrang and had suffered losses, which indicated that their lair must be within Durmstrang’s sphere of influence.

But it was a big area, and the whereabouts of the vampires had been hidden in the dark…

“All we can do now is wait; Evan. I believe they will take the initiative to contact us. We are the only ones who can help them!” said Dumbledore, “but there are certain things we must do.”

After Sirius left, his eyes turned to Hagrid and Madame Maxime.

“Hagrid, I want to talk to you about contacting the giants!” said Dumbledore. “Madame Maxime… would you like to come to my office.”

“No problem!” Hagrid said hastily, looking expectantly at Madame Maxime.

“Dumbledore, if You-Know-Who does return, Beauxbatons and I will be your most loyal allies!” Madame Maxime said solemnly, “but before that, I must figure out everything.”

“I will explain everything to you!” said Dumbledore, and looked back at Snape. “Well, Severus, you know what I must ask you to do. If you don’t mind… if you’re ready…”

“I am,” said Snape.

He looked slightly paler than usual, and his cold, black eyes glittered strangely.

“Then good luck,” said Dumbledore, with a trace of apprehension on his face.

Evan saw Snape left without a word, and seemed ready to die.


After so many things had happened, the Triwizard Tournament would naturally not continue, and no one was in the mood to continue or watch the tournament.

On the champions’ side, Cedric was missing and it was unknown where the vampires had taken him.

Dumbledore had contacted his parents to explain the whole incident in detail.

Although Evan was sure that Caresius would not kill him, there was a high possibility he would make him become a vampire.

Thinking about it, the result might be even worse. The wizarding world was biased against Dark creatures like vampires.

If Cedric really turned into a vampire, that meant he could not return to Hogwarts, and people would not accept him. Looking at their attitude towards Hagrid and Lupin, it was obvious they would refute even more the vampires who were considered eviler than the half-giants and werewolves.

Krum had been hit by Barty Crouch Jr.’s Imperius Curse and was being treated. It would take a long time for him to recover.

During this period, he certainly could not take part in the tournament. The Imperius Curse had done a lot of damage to his soul, and Madam Pomfrey suggested he should be transferred to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for treatment.

Krum didn’t know what he had done under the lake. After recovering, he apologized to Evan, Harry, Ron, Fleur, and Gabrielle directly.

Everyone forgave him. Ron seemed to be particularly touched, and he told Krum a lot about the Imperius Curse.

He’d been attacked by Krum at the bottom of the lake, and then dragged by Grindylows into the weeds where he had been bitten severely, and his body was full of scars. He was now bandaged like a mummy, but his mood was still stable. However, it was also certain he could not continue to compete.

In Ron’s own words, he was fortunate that those things had happened while he was unconscious.

Otherwise, watching himself bitten by Grindylows, he would have gone crazy.

Fleur was the only champion intact. She followed Evan’s advice and did not approach that water area. But she was alone, and she couldn’t continue the tournament.

The Ministry of Magic’s opinion was to end the Triwizard Tournament as soon as possible. Fudge had completely broken with Dumbledore and Hogwarts. He was now estimated to be studying with his close friends how to deal with Dumbledore.

There were originally five judges. Mr. Crouch was dead, and his bones were later dug out from the front of Hagrid’s cabin. The Transfiguration used by Barty Crouch Jr. was very powerful, and they only found a pile of decayed bones. Due to the magic and the loss of bones, there was no way to restore his bones to their original appearance.

As for Karkaroff, he had disappeared leaving no trace. No one knew where he had gone, leaving only a group of confused Durmstrang students.

The only judge who opposed the cancellation of the tournament was Ludo Bagman, who had made a bet with the goblins, and put everything on Ron, hoping to make a comeback by this. Naturally he did not want the tournament to end like this. But no one listened to him at all.

After negotiating with many parties, Dumbledore personally cast magic to cancel the contract between the Goblet of Fire and the champions, but he said that he welcomed the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons to stay in Hogwarts until the end of the term.

Although the news of Voldemort’s return was not announced, the castle was inexplicably tense after that day.

Evan had the illusion that it was back to the days when the Basilisk was raging in the castle two years ago.

Panic and mistrust spread on campus, all kinds of rumors spread fast, and there were hundreds of versions of what happened after Evan, Harry and Cedric were taken away by the Portkey, each of which sounded to be true.

Evan, Harry and Ron remained in the school hospital, and although they were all right, Madam Pomfrey did not allow them to be discharged.

During this time, only a few people, including Hermione, Colin, and the Weasleys, were allowed to visit them.

According to Hermione, Dumbledore said a few words to the whole school during breakfast the next morning.

He just asked everyone not to disturb Evan and Harry, and no one was allowed to ask them questions or pester them about what happened after they had been taken away by the Portkey that day.

Dumbledore did not intend to keep it secret, and he was ready to publish the truth of everything at the right time.

That was not allowed by Fudge and the Ministry of Magic, but he had to do it.


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