Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 713: Divergence

Chapter 713: Divergence

As soon as the Dementor entered the office, it rushed at Bart Crouch Jr., as though it had been prepared…

It pulled back its hood, exposing a highly rotten face, and the surface was covered with a layer of grayish, scabby skin, and no eyes or nose could be seen on its face, except for a gaping large hole where the mouth should be!

Evan and Snape opened their eyes wide and saw the Dementor point that mouth at Barty Crouch Jr.

Before they could stop it, something was obviously sucked away from Barty crouch. It was his soul! The Dementor had given Barty Crouch a fatal kiss and sucked his soul out.

Evan felt a chill in his stomach. It was the first time he saw a scene of a Dementor kissing someone, not to mention the discomfort caused by the Dementor itself, or the terrible picture in front of him. He suddenly felt cold; and fear was spreading.

Within a second, Bart Crouch’s soul had left his body and he was worse than dead.

He sat there with his head down, alive, but without any sound, a corpse with vital signs.

Evan suddenly understood why everyone said that Dementors were the most evil creatures in the world. It kissed Barty Crouch Jr. and sucked his soul out, which was eviler than the three Unforgivable Curses. Those killed by the Killing Curse, their souls could go to another world or choose to be ghosts. But Barty Crouch’s soul remained in the Dementor’s body and had become its food.

After it swallowed up the soul, it became noticeably stronger, turned to look at Evan and Snape, and inhaled hard…

It was greeted by a Patronus. Snape pointed his wand at the Dementor, angry… 

A powerful silver-white object emerged from his wand, disintegrating the Dementor that had just swallowed up Barty Crouch’s soul.

It uttered a silent mourning, unwillingly opened its hands and disappeared into the air.

After annihilating the Dementor, Snape’s Patronus continued to rush out of the door, as though to report to Dumbledore.

In fact, that was so bizarre, everything seemed to be planned.

Shortly after Dumbledore left, Barty Crouch Jr.’s soul was mysteriously sucked out, and then the Dementor that devoured his soul was wiped out by Snape and disappeared from the world as though it had never existed.

Seeing Fudge following in, Evan couldn’t help but suspect that the Minister was with Voldemort. How else could the matter be explained? It was a coincidence!

They needed Barty Crouch Jr. to give testimony that Voldemort had resurrected, but now he could do nothing. He was alive, but without soul!

As for the testimonies of Evan and Harry, the two were only minor children and no one would believe them.

At the very least, Fudge would certainly not believe what they said.

“Minister, Dumbledore said Dementors were not allowed to enter the castle,” Snape said angrily.

“I know, but I heard that the Death Eater planned the incident!” Fudge explained anxiously, looking at Barty Crouch on the chair, and then he suddenly became tough. “As Minister of Magic, it is my decision whether I wish to bring protection with me when interviewing a possibly dangerous…”

“You can keep these words till you explain to Dumbledore,” said Snape, disdaining to argue with him.

Snape’s attitude annoyed Fudge, and Evan had never seen him look so angry.

“I’ll talk to Dumbledore, but I don’t see any good explanation for this.” Fudge said aggressively. “The man on the chair, according to various claims, he deserves it, he seems to have caused several deaths! This even includes his father, Barty Crouch, a senior official at the Ministry of Magic!”

“Yes, Cornelius, he killed a lot of people, but he cannot now give testimony.”

Dumbledore, who got the news, walked in quickly, followed by Sirius, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, Madame Maxime and the Aurors brought by Fudge. They were all looking at Barty Crouch Jr., whose soul had been sucked away, and their faces were full of shock.

Dumbledore was staring hard at Fudge, as though seeing him plainly for the first time.

“Cornelius, he cannot now give evidence about why he killed those people.”

“Albus, what do you mean? It is obvious why he killed them,” Fudge glanced quickly over the people looking for support, but there was no response. He blustered, “He was a raving lunatic! He seems to have thought he was doing it all on You-Know-Who’s instructions!”

“Lord Voldemort was giving him instructions, Cornelius,” Dumbledore said. “Voldemort designed a plan to make a comeback. Just half an hour ago, the plan succeeded and Voldemort has been restored to his body.”

Fudge was shocked. He looked as though someone had just swung a heavy weight into his face. Dazed and blinking, he stared back at Dumbledore as if he couldn’t quite believe what he had just heard. A few seconds later, he began to sputter, still goggling at Dumbledore.

“You-Know-Who returned? Preposterous! Come now, Dumbledore, this is not funny …”

“We just heard Barty Crouch confess. Under the influence of Veritaserum, he told us how he was smuggled out of Azkaban, and how he planned a plot to help Voldemort to return.”

“See here, Dumbledore,” Fudge gasped, and everyone was astonished to see a slight smile dawning on his face, “You… you can’t seriously believe that. You-Know-Who … back? Come now, come now … certainly, Crouch may have believed himself to be acting upon You-Know-Who’s orders … but to take the word of a lunatic like that, Dumbledore…”

“Evan and Harry witnessed this process, and they were transported straight to Voldemort by the Portkey prepared by Barty Crouch. They witnessed Voldemort’s rebirth,” said Dumbledore. “You might as well go to my office; I’ll explain everything to you, including what we should do next!”

“You are prepared to take the two boy’s word on this, are you, Dumbledore?” Fudge’s curious smile lingered. He glanced at Evan, and then quickly looked back at Dumbledore.


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