Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 661: The Room of Requirement

Chapter 661: The Room of Requirement

Evan talked about part of his conversation with Caresius, the suspicious figure he had seen in the corridor with Hermione last night, his doubts about the identity of Professor Moody, recent events in the wizarding world, the fear that Voldemort was recovering strength, and the ongoing plot at Hogwarts.

Although there was a lot of explosive news, Evan did not see any surprise on Dumbledore’s face. As he had expected, he had already known about this matter and was ready for it.

Dumbledore generally agreed and supported Evan’s countermeasures and promised to cooperate…

As for a few loopholes in the whole discussion, Dumbledore did not ask any question whenever that seemed logical.

Anyway, every time Evan raised his head, he could see the headmaster’s kind, encouraging smile, which seemed to encourage him to say more.

This feeling was really terrible! What Dumbledore had in mind … Evan did not know.

He tried not to look at him in his eyes all the time, because that was the key to Legilimency.

All in all, after a unified understanding and deciding on specific practices, Evan left the headmaster’s office.

He did not rush to the Great Hall downstairs for lunch, but walked straight along the corridor on the seventh floor and went to the wall of the Room of Requirement.

It was a blank wall with no portraits and decorations, opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet.

The Room of Requirement, also known as the Come and Go Room, could only be entered when a person had real need of it.

It was sometimes absent, but when it appeared, it was always equipped for the seeker’s needs.

To get into this room, you needed to concentrate hard on what you needed; going back and forth three times in front of that bit of wall, and the room would appear.

The Chamber of Secrets where Evan configured the potions was inside. Over the past year, he had been very skilled at how to enter the Room of Requirement.

After confirming that there was no one around, he walked back and forth three times in front of the blank wall. Evan thought in his mind that he needed a place to hide things. When he ran for the third time, the door appeared!

Evan pushed the door and went in. Inside was a room the size of a large cathedral, whose high windows were sending shafts of light down upon what looked like a city with towering walls, built of objects hidden by generations of Hogwarts inhabitants for centuries.

There were alleyways and roads bordered by teetering piles of broken and damaged furniture, stowed away, perhaps, to hide the evidence of mishandled magic, or else hidden by castle-proud house-elves.

There were thousands and thousands of books, no doubt banned or graffitied or stolen.

There were winged catapults and Fanged Frisbees, some still with enough life in them to hover halfheartedly over the mountains of other forbidden items; there were chipped bottles of congealed potions, hats, jewels, cloaks; there were what looked like dragon eggshells, corked bottles whose contents still shimmered evilly, several rusting swords, and a heavy, bloodstained axe.

Evan was here for the first time, shocked by what he saw.

This room had hidden the secrets of nearly a thousand years. There were countless illegal items hidden by Hogwarts students, hundreds of criminal results of illegal experiments, and countless secrets and useless sundries.

For Dark wizards and treasure hunters, this room was a paradise, a promised land.

But the whole process needed time … too much time. Even if Evan had a rough idea about it, it was difficult to find Ravenclaw’s Diadem.

“Accio Diadem!” He gave it a try and raised his wand. No use … nothing happened.

This room was protected by mysterious magic, protecting the things hidden here.

As for the essence and operation principle of the Room of Requirement, Evan had always been curious, who left this magical room?!

It could prepare the corresponding room and various props according to the person who needed it. The room was obviously not in Hogwarts Castle before, and it could not be identified by the map, but only existed in the user’s mind.

But these ideas could be embodied in the real world through the concrete manifestation of the Room of Requirement.

This room involved extremely high space magic and wishing magic, and Evan had not yet understood how it worked.

He even speculated that the Room of Requirement was connected to Hogwarts castle through the door, but in fact the noumenon existed in the void, that is, the space through which evil spirits existed and Apparated. Now just push the surrounding walls to enter the void world.

Of course, this was only Evan’s guess. Who knows what was outside the wall and whether it was suitable for human survival.

Space magic was a very profound and complex branch of magic, which had always been at the forefront of magic research.

Evan’s eyes skimmed through the piles of sundries and he walked into an alley between all this treasure.

After a few steps, he saw an embalmed troll, fifteen feet tall. It was packed in a huge glass bottle full of green potions like preservatives. Evan clicked his mouth. Whoever did this was certainly someone of insane impulses. 

He could imagine a crazy wizard who lived hundreds of years ago practicing anatomy with the corpse of a troll…

Next to the troll was a small pile of dusty books. Evan picked up the top one and looked at it.

It was the Code of Chivalry which recorded the code of conduct of knights in the late Middle Ages, as well as several practical combat techniques.

It seemed that a student from a family of knights had brought the book to Hogwarts.

He put down the book and picked up another one with a black cover.

It was also a book on martial arts, explaining spear throwing techniques with great detail. 

Evan put the book down, and felt something was wrong. He took out his wand and gently clicked on the book.


His voice just fell and the black ink on the book gradually disappeared and turned into red handwriting with terrible patterns.

This was a hidden black magic book; the black magic recorded above was called HellHowl.

This dark magic could actually produce a terrible howl in a person’s mind, making him feel more fear than ever before.

The spell itself could be categorized as a mixture of soul and demonic magic, which Evan had seen before in the library.

However, the records on the book in his hand were not exactly the same as those in the library. Key details were different. Evan could be sure that he would not get the expected effect if he used this magic in the battle according to the incantation and wand waving method in the book.

If not performed correctly, it would be a counter curse, which would hurt the caster’s own soul.

It was really terrible. Whoever left this book here was not kind at all…


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