Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 658: Caresius's Speculation

Chapter 658: Caresius's Speculation

Evan understood what Caresius meant, and there were contradictions and fights within vampires. 

Although he was a nominal leader, he couldn’t control the thoughts of all his people, coupled with Voldemort’s compulsion…

In this way, the vampire clan was likely to be so divided, one side completely falling to Voldemort.

No wonder Voldemort let Caresius sneak into Hogwarts, presumably to shelve him for a period of time and take advantage of the other vampires.

It was true, as Caresius said, that bad news came one after another.

The vampires were very strong, not inferior to the Death Eaters’ elite, and Voldemort, who got their allegiance, was stronger and more difficult to deal with.

“What are you going to do if they really join Voldemort?” asked Evan.

“To be completely loyal to the Dark Lord, they just made another choice and tried to solve the problem from another angle. Although I don’t approve of it, I can’t blame them and have no right to stop them,” said Caresius Shaking his head. “Evan, you still don’t understand what our family is facing. Remember that guy you saw in my memory before?”

“Of course!” Evan nodded, frowning and remembering the monster.

In the first lesson of Defence Against the Dark Arts, he used Protego to bounce back Caresius’s Legilimency, and saw a hidden memory in the depths of his mind. The old picture reappeared in Evan’s mind.

It was an endless abyss, surrounded by black stones.

The black rocks were unevenly stacked, and at the highest point there was an endless darkness.

In the infinite darkness, a huge alien monster was hidden, like a mixture of the world’s most terrifying creatures.

It was dark purple, made up of piles of rotten meat.

In the middle was a humanoid creature that could not be clearly seen. It could only be vaguely identified that there were many things like barnacles on it.

It showed characteristics of the familiar miraculous animals including dragons, basilisks, Manticores and so on. But these amazing animals were all specious. It was like someone was mixing the bodies of hundreds of amazing animals and chopping them. Then they casually put the pieces of meat together.

This kind of horror was like a nightmare monster. Once looking at it, it would be unforgettable for the whole life.

Evan had speculated that this might be a kind of evil god.

He also remembered that Caresius said that the monster was the fate he and his family had to face … a fate they had no way to escape.

“As you can see, that creature and the evil god on the statue are the same species!” said Caresius slowly. “But they are not the same. They’re fundamentally different … if I’m not wrong; it might be what the Dark Lord wants to be.”

WHAT?!” Evan was surprised. Voldemort wanted to become that monster. Why did Caresius say that?!

Evan paused and thought about it from another angle. That was to say, the terrible monster in the memory of Caresius was what a human had become.

It was not a pure evil god born from the chaotic void, but a product created by a wizard.

How could it be?!

This fact was too creepy. Humans could become evil gods!

However, it was not impossible. From the depths of the school, the relics of Slytherin knew that Herpo the Foul had once been transformed into an evil god with evil Dark magic. Finally, it had been divided into three different parts by Salazar Slytherin: the eyes, the brain and the body. The eyes had been destroyed, and the brain and the body were still missing. 

So, could the monster in the memory of Caresius be the body of Herpo the Foul?!

In other words, combining the clues in the words of Caresius, Evan thought of a more dreadful possibility…

“You’re very smart, Evan, but too weak, some things are not suitable for telling you,” said Caresius, without explaining the questions in Evan’s mind, “you just need to know what kind of enemies you might face if Voldemort succeeds. In the face of such a terrible monster, are you confident that you can defeat it?!”

Evan shook his head. He was afraid that no one could defeat the evil god, nor could wizards as strong as ancient warlocks. All they could do was to seal the evil god in the void at the cost of self-destruction.

“If that’s really the goal of Voldemort, we can stop him,” said Evan.

“You still don’t understand. There are things you can’t stop … unless you can kill the Dark Lord now!” Caresius continued, shaking his head and closing his eyes. “But this is Impossible. In this case, my people and I need his help. As things stand, only he can help us out of that terrible fate. Some people say it’s a curse left by Salazar Slytherin, but others think it’s a blessing…”

There was a moment of silence. Evan did not continue to ask, although he did not understand. It was clear that Caresius was not going to tell him all the secrets

Through this conversation, Evan learned a lot, but at the same time that had also raised more questions.

“Choose, Evan!” Caresius opened his eyes and said firmly, “Tell me, what are you going to do after you knew this? Do you want Voldemort to recover his strength according to the original plan, or stop him? Your answer will determine whether we will continue to cooperate…”

To stop Voldemort would be just to prevent his return this time, and procrastination could not solve the problem fundamentally.

As long as the Horcruxes still existed, he would not die.

Evan could not destroy all the Horcruxes now, and Harry had nothing to do with the fragment in his head.

Besides, Voldemort could continue to split his soul and make more Horcruxes if he wished. He was already mad enough.

Voldemort, who already knew some of the secrets of the evil god, would become even more terrible when he returned again.

At that time, Evan wouldn’t have any defenses and all his advantages would be lost.

But if Voldemort was not stopped and was allowed to return successfully, he would definitely use the evil god to do something.

From the words of Caresius, he might turn himself into an evil god and gain the ultimate power.

In the face of that fearful monster, Evan believed that no one could beat it!


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