Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures



Evan did not clearly know about Dumbledores plans, but it was a must to ensure that Harry could stay with the Dursleys honestly during the summer vacation. Perhaps this was the main reason why he wanted Sirius to go to Norway during the summer vacation

But would things really be that simple?

Norway was one of the main Nordic countries of Europe. It was the traditional sphere of influence of Durmstrang and the area with the most frequent activities of vampires such as Caresius.

It was also very close to Alfheim, the kingdom of the goblins.

Before the establishment of Gringotts, the organization that spread all over the wizarding world in various countries, the goblins mainly lived in Alfheim.

It was said that it was a magical city deep underground in Northern Europe. It was completely built by the goblins alone, where they planted magical plants, used magma to forge weapons, and frantically collected gold and various treasures.

The goblins used gems and precious metals to build the city, and domesticated dragons and trolls to serve as city guards.

Wizards swarmed into the city from all over the world to trade with the goblins, and over time, it became very famous.

Of course, this was a long time ago!

Like the magical cities built by wizards, after the so-called Ragnark (the Twilight of The Gods) in the Northern European wizarding world, Alfheim was also destroyed, and the goblins lost their kingdom and were reduced to all parts of the world, and became a subordinate race of wizards like the house-elves.

For thousands of years, there had been goblins and wizards trying to find that underground city and obtain the legendary treasures of ancient goblins, but none had succeeded.

The terrible disaster also led to the collapse of the wizarding civilization in Northern Europe, which was devastated and never developed again. The Nordic region had since become the most concentrated place of Dark wizards, vampires, terrible monsters and various absurd legends.

This situation did not improve until eight hundred years ago when Durmstrang was founded. The schools permissive attitude towards Dark magic was also directly related to the unique local magical environment.

Looking at the creation process of the three major Schools of Wizardry in Europe, Hogwarts was originally founded by the Four Founders in order to change the structure of the wizarding world and better teach young wizards to master magic. Beauxbatons was established to protect the wizards and witches who were persecuted during the Witch Hunt in the Middle Ages.

Durmstrang, on the other hand, was different. It was created to better cooperate with the Nordic Vikings in plundering and colonizing other European regions.

The creation of this school itself carried a factor of war, coupled with the fierce temperament of the Nordic region, the dark and chaotic magical environment, and the influence supported by Germanys rise, making it the cradle of Dark wizards as well.

Historically, many well-known Dark wizards graduated from this school, including the first generation of the Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald.

Caresius said that their family was based in Northern Europe, intersecting with Durmstrangs sphere of influence.

Siriuss visit to Norway might be related to this matter. Since Voldemort had found a way to gain strong power through the vampire family, Dumbledore had to start investigating the matter and try to get in touch with those vampires.

Evan thought for a while and decided to wait for Sirius to ask him what he was to do in Norway.

He did not have the energy to worry about anything else now, nor could he go to the Nordic region to solve the problems of vampires and evil gods. He still had to go to Egypt this holiday. In addition to the mysterious magic mentioned by Dumbledore, it was also the area where the influence of Gringotts was strongest.

In order to obtain the treasures left by ancient wizards, the greedy goblins had probably turned over the entire Egypt.

To some extent, the power of the goblins in Egypt was stronger than that of the local Ministry of Magic.

They hired a large number of wizards as Curse-Breakers, and Rons brother Bill was one of them.

In addition, there was Karnak, a large School of Wizardry in Egypt. It was one of the eleven schools of wizardry in the world. It was said that the main building of the school was composed of a huge pyramid and an ancient temple.

In addition to teaching regular magic, it also combined a considerable number of ancient witchcraft from Africa and the magic inherited by ancient warlocks found in various ancient relics. Karnak had been at the leading level in the world in the study of ancient magical scripts and mysticism. If possible, Evan wanted to visit it.

At the end of the conversation, he handed the scabbard to Dumbledore to combine it with Gryffindors sword.

Although Evan had found it, in a sense, the scabbard and the sword were inseparable, and both belonged to the schools heritage.

After the scabbard absorbed too much power from the Cyclops, the seal that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had left on it and these forces reached a delicate balance. Evan could not use the scabbard as before, so it was better to hand it over to Dumbledore.

Then, Evan did not return to the Common Room. He just left a message to Hermione, asking Dumbledore to pass it on to her.

The current situation was extraordinary, and caution was necessary as the Ministry of Magic and the Aurors had started taking action against Hogwarts.

The sudden disappearance of Evan, Sirius and Hagrid had also caught their attention, and there was no need to give them a pretext to attack.

Dumbledore allowed Evan to go home early, just because he didnt want others to ask him what he had been out doing during that time.

Officially, he had been invited by Nicolas Flamel, accompanied by Sirius to study Alchemy in Beauxbatons.

As for Hagrid, he had followed Madame Maxime back to deal with some trouble caused by a dangerous magical creature.

The reasons were not that consistent, and they sounded suspicious at first, but there was no problem with the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore could provide sufficient evidence to support these claims.

You can go to the Order of the Phoenix Headquarters for the night, said Dumbledore, carefully placing the scrutinized scabbard into the cabinet. Evan, when you go home tomorrow, Hogwarts will not have holidays before about a week. You can go then to Miss Granger, and I suggest you go to Egypt by Muggle means.

Where is the Order of the Phoenix Headquarters? Evan nodded and continued to ask, Wont it be

He wanted to say 12 Grimmauld Place, but suddenly he couldnt remember it. It was the effect of the Fidelius Charm.

The Fidelius Charm was an extremely complex charm that could be used to conceal a secret inside an individuals soul.

The secret was hidden in the heart of the selected Secret Keeper, so it would never be discovered unless the Secret Keeper actively revealed it, as long as the Secret Keeper did not disclose it, even if the intruder stuck his nose to the window of their living room, he would never see them.

Another effect of this charm was that, like Evan now, he clearly knew the location of 12 Grimmauld Place, but he could not tell it to others, nor could he associate it with the Order the Phoenix Headquarters because he was not a Secret Keeper.

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