Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 522

It seems they both had the same idea – Minerva and Severus – both wanted to use the lunch break to correct some of their summer assignments. As for Felix, he has much more free time than them.

Nevertheless, he sat in his armchair, holding a stack of papers and reading them.

For a while, the staffroom was silent, with only the sound of correcting papers. The three professors corrected differently: Professor McGonagall is the most rigorous and serious, the quill “rustle” sound rarely stopped, like the sound of fine rain on the grass; Snape is the opposite, he did not move for a long time, and then coldly with a lot of force circling heavily on the parchment, just from listening at that time, Felix was able to Roughly judge the level of the student, and how Severus was feeling …

Felix wrote down a series of page numbers at the end of the paper as an indication of what the student needed to re-understand. After a little more than half an hour, he stood up from his chair, straightened his body, and prepared to go out for fresh air. Snape, who had not spoken, raised his head, stared at Felix’s back, and followed him out of the staffroom.

Felix appeared in the yard, amidst the drizzle outside, and stood by a tall pillar. A broad eave extended high above the castle, and cast a large shadow, which concealed a small patch of bushes.

Felix squinted and gazed at the blurred view in the distance where students were hopping like rabbits in the rain.

Magic is magical and convenient. He couldn’t remember how many times this thought had flashed through his mind.

Snape is standing next to him at some point, and there are also students out in the yard for fresh air, but whenever they get close, they would meet Snape’s vicious gaze, and it allowed them some free space. The two men surveyed their surroundings respectively for any disturbance, and spoke at the same time –

“I heard you got a new wand.” Snape said.

“I heard you got a side hustle these days.” This was said by Felix.

Snape’s face stiffened for a moment, and then he said softly, “Our Headmaster truly trusts you … Then you should be wary of him, as this usually means that he has made some scheme that includes you.”

“You mean he intends to ‘use’ me?” Felix asked, he found something rather interesting, in the eyes of different people, Dumbledore’s image could be quite different, what about himself? How many faces does he have in the hearts of others?

“Use you…,” Snape repeated playfully, “if you mean being a pawn, with all your moves firmly under his control… your sort of right.”

“It’s scary ~ he wouldn’t have prophetic blood, right? But I remember he personally doesn’t believe in prophecy that much.” Felix said exaggeratedly.

Snape gave him a knowing look, “Our Headmaster is quite a skilled chess player, he will analyse you thoroughly before the conversation begins. Thereby making you believe that everything you do is of your own free choice, except it just happens to be what he desires too.”

Felix ignored the familiar sensation of what he himself seemed to be doing – preparing as best he could before the negotiation and not giving the other side a chance to say no. Those words sounded as if Snape was accusing him personally.

“Whining a lot, Severus.”

“Just being sentimental.” Snape said without looking at him, “So, the name of your new wand is ‘Elder Wand’?” Although it came out of context, Felix caught his point.

“That’s right.” He replied briefly.

“It is the work of Ollivander?” Snape pursued.

“Yes. He’s quite skilful.”

“But some people don’t think so.” Snape said gently.

Felix rolled his eyes, “Your part-time boss? I mean, don’t you think he’s being too strict-”

“Some people think,” Snape raised his voice, his dark eyes glued on the curtain of rain, “that this wand has long existed, and has been in the custody of the Ollivander family, which has recently found its new owner after a long time.”

Felix was slightly surprised, “Strange.” Voldemort misunderstood something? Felix’s mind worked fast, Voldemort’s previous image of retreating without a fight flashed before his eyes, he certainly had misunderstood something …

“The Elder Wand?”

Snape fell silent. Felix pondered, so, Lucius told Voldemort what had happened in the wand store? He carefully recalled the conversation with Mr. Ollivander all over again, and he is pretty sure he used that fairy tale name in a joking tone.

But who knows what Voldemort thought, he is not quite right in the head …

“It is true that there are various legends of powerful wands in history, the Elder Wand, the Death Wand, the Destiny Wand … The rumours about the Elder Wand are most exaggerated, and the process of their succession was bloody and cruel … Of course, not many people believe in them, and knowledgeable People will treat them as a story to listen to … but you can’t conclude from this that these powerful wands have never really existed.” Snape said in a low voice.

“Why do you say that the Elder Wand was passed down through a bloody and cruel process?” Felix asked, picking out a prominent part.

Snape glanced at him.

“Rumour has it that the only way to become its true master is to seize the wand from the previous owner. And that usually means scheming as well as bloodshed. There’s plenty of evidence to support this-”

“Do you believe this too?” Felix asked.

Snape didn’t answer positively as he continued, “Several powerful dark wizards throughout history have used their lives to prove their prestige. Of course, there is another faction that believes that it is all just a nonsensical coincidence, a false pattern drawn by later researchers who threaded their way through a limited succession of wand owners and inferred it in reverse order, and it is just rather a fanciful story.”

” What I’m holding is not an Elder Wand.” Felix said and smiled with interest.

“It doesn’t matter if I believe it or not, it doesn’t matter if I say it.” Snape brushed it off.

Felix was dumbfounded, he had a new understanding of what Dumbledore said before, how to control an enemy’s thoughts through intel? Simply by deducing what he did backward on the line, at least, in this case, Felix can conclude: that until Voldemort figure out whether the ‘Elder Wand’ is true or not, he would never dare to fight against him.

A deterrent effect brought by a fake Elder Wand is astonishing.

Even Felix could not help but feel a bit moved – just as Voldemort is wary of Felix, Felix is also wary of Voldemort. Two wizards of equal strength, far beyond the normal level, both valuing each other’s unconscious actions, thoughts and feeling is a perfectly normal thing.

Of course, he knew that the Elder Wand he is holding is a fake, but what if there is such a battle wand truly exists in reality, and he named his new wand after it implicitly, does this foreshadow anything? For example, he will eventually get the real Elder Wand?

But Felix quickly quelled this thought, he is not willing to believe the existence of an invincible wand, that can make any random wizard stronger.

Besides, the wand is only a temporary thing for him, he does not need to spend too much energy on something that is destined to be abandoned. Might as well study how to counter Voldemort’s Killing Curse, he now has at least three ideas – zooming magic to enlarge very solid things, seventh-level shield charm, and modified magical creature transfiguration. But it would take time to apply them flexibly.

Felix got lost in deep thought, he had been underestimating the zooming magic in the past, thinking only about how to shrink the target, but when he thought about it, it would be a good idea to zoom in the surrounding things.

He will carry some coins, stones, nails, and other things from now on, and when he encounters Voldemort later, he will throw them at him … or he can even throw rats and insects hahaha.

“Who’s there!” Snape suddenly shouted. He strode aggressively toward the shadows, with his robe hurling hauntingly.

Felix looked back just in time to hear Snape’s exasperated voice yell, “Fifty points for eavesdropping Professors! For each! Plus Detention!”

Felix blinked and moved a few steps to the side, now he could clearly see.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing together with their heads down, their expressions looked sickly, and Harry is holding a floppy string, the Extendable Ears invented by the Weasley twins.

The other end of the Extendable Ears is twitching at Snape’s feet, and Snape’s face twitched in anger with it.


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