Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Arc 5 Deadly Thief

Chapter 95

At 10 pm on March 21, 3021, Ling Huaan was half lying on the sofa listening to a song when suddenly there was a sound from the door, followed by the room door opening and Jiang Chengyan walking in.

Ling Huaan removed his headphones and smiled, Captain Jiang, youre back.

When he came home at night, he felt pleased to have the light of someone waiting for him, especially if that person was his lover. Jiang Chengyan was happy and helpless, saying, Huaan, your body is still not good. Why dont you go to bed early?

Ling Huaan sat up and waved at Jiang Chengyan with a smile. Jiang Chengyan removed his coat, hung it by the door, and walked over without hesitation.

Ling Huaan wrapped his arms around Jiang Chengyans waist and said, without Captain Jiangs warm quilt, its too cold to get used to.

The corners of Jiang Chengyans mouth raised, So youre with me just to use me as a warm quilt? Then you might as well buy an electric blanket.

How can it be the same? Electric blankets cant be kissed or hugged, and they cant do anything. Which is not better than Captain Jiang. The smile in Ling Huaans eyes gradually deepened.

Jiang Chengyans face was hot, and he retorted, youre not serious.

Being too serious with your beloved is an incomprehensible feeling, just like Captain Jiang. Dont you miss me after you havent seen each other for a day? Ling Huaan caressed Jiang Chengyans lips.

I want After being together for so long, Jiang Chengyan naturally understood Ling Huaans hints, but he just liked Ling Huaans initiative, so he pretended he wasnt aware of it.

Captain Jiang, can you not be slow? Ling Huaan bit his lips as punishment, stopped talking nonsense, and kissed him.

Suddenly feeling a chill, Jiang Chengyan reluctantly recovered, held Ling Huaans hand, and panted slightly, Huaan, dont I havent cleaned it up yet.

Captain Jiang has been tired all day. I just want to make you comfortable and get a good nights sleep.

He felt the strength on his wrist lighten, and the corners of Ling Huaans mouth rose. He liked listening to Jiang Chengyans moans while moving; he felt it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.


Translated by Cafe No. 20

After patting Jiang Chengyan, who was lying on his lap, and burying his whole face in his chest, Ling Huaan said helplessly, Captain Jiang, this kind of thing has been done so many times; why are you still shy? If your team members know their resolute captain is a shy cat

Jiang Chengyan looked up, his face red as if dyed; he gritted his teeth and threatened, Dont you dare!

Its not that I dont dare. Its that I dont want to. I dont want anyone to see such a cute appearance of Captain Jiang.

Whenever this happened, Ling Huaan would feel pity. It was a pity that his eyes were blind. Otherwise, he would have been able to see a breathtaking view.

Jiang Chengyan got up in embarrassment and said, Im going to bathe.

Ling Huaan followed and stood up, Captain Jiang, I havent washed yet either; lets go together.

Jiang Chengyans heart missed a beat; he smelled Ling Huaans refreshing body wash, but he said he hadnt washed yet, so naturally, he could understand his intentions. Jiang Chengyans face reddened, but he walked over to the extremely honest Ling Huaan and held his hand.

The corners of Ling Huaans mouth rose and interlocked their fingers.

Ling Huaan did not intend to do anything. After all, Jiang Chengyan worked all day, which made his heart hurt. He just wants to do a proper bath together, and of course, this rule is relative to doing a full set.

After turning off the light, Ling Huaan took Jiang Chengyan into his arms, rested his chin on his head, and asked softly, Captain Jiang, how is the investigation of Ma Xiaohans case?

The murderer has been determined, but he escaped and hasnt been found yet.

Ling Huaan was a little surprised and said, that fast?

En, Ma Xiaohan was poisoned to death, and his kidney was also removed after his death. We locked the suspect based on this. Such a professional removal operation cannot be completed quickly if theyre not a professional surgeon. We checked the surveillance video in the elevator. Zhang Wei, the suspect we targeted, entered the morgue again after sending Ma Xiaohans body into the morgue carrying a box in his hand, and about an hour later, he carried the box onto the elevator again.

If he was the one who removed the kidney, why dont he take the stairs?

The morgue is located in the basement first floor. There are no stairs, and it can only be reached by elevator.

What is the reason he did it?

Zhang Wei has a cousin who has uremia and is in the late stage. She can only wait for death if she cant get a kidney transplant. After waiting a year, he didnt find a suitable match, and seeing his cousin dying, he got that idea.

Translated by Cafe No. 20

So he has been looking for a suitable match among the patients, and Ma Xiaohan is the one, right?

Yeah. Its too selfish to harm an innocent person to save your loved ones.

Human nature is inherently selfish. It only depends on whether this selfishness has a bottom line or not.

Jiang Chengyan looked up at Ling Huaan, reached out and touched his eyes, and said, Huaan, do your eyes really cant be cured?

It cant be cured, its the price of becoming a spirit guide, just like Lin Shao cant walk. Ling Huaan held Jiang Chengyans hand and kissed it.

Then why do you want to be a spirit guide? Jiang Chengyan asked the doubts that were pressed in his heart.

Ling Huaan was silent and said, Because I want to see my dead father.

Although Ling Huaan said it lightly, Jiang Chengyan still feels his sadness. He hugged him and softly said, Huaan, dont be sad; you have me now.

Since my father passed away, my mother seemed to have changed and ignored me. To get her attention, I became well-behaved and sensible and took the initiative to learn to do housework. Unfortunately, even though I cut an apple for her, she didnt give me a second look. At that time, I was very upset, ran out of the house alone, and sat in the park often to cry. Suddenly, a tall man sat beside me and asked me why I was crying, and I said I missed my dad


The tall man looked very vicious and didnt look like a good person, but Ling Huaan at that time didnt avoid him. He needed someone to comfort him too much. He looked at the man with dim tears in his eyes and said, Uncle, are you a bad guy? Then take me away, I dont want to go home anymore.

The tall man remained expressionless and said, Why dont you want to go home?

Because my mother doesnt like me anymore, and my father is gone. Wuuu wuuuu, uncle, I miss my father. Little Ling Huaan cried very sadly.

The man reached out and touched Ling Huaans head, his movements seemed a little stiff, as if he had never done such a thing before. I can let you see your Dad, but you have to promise me one condition.

The mans non-gentle movements made Ling Huaan wholly put down his guard, took out a few coins from his pocket, and said, Uncle, I only have five yuan now, but I still have a little pig, and there are a hundred coins in it, is that enough?

The man looked at the coin in Ling Huaans hand and said, I dont want money.

Ling Huaans big eyes blinked and asked in confusion, Then what does uncle want?

The man touched the corners of Ling Huaans eyes and said, I want these eyes of yours.

Eyes? Ling Huaan subconsciously ducked back, looked at the man in fear, and said, Uncle, I want to go home, my mother will be worried.

Dont you want to see your dad?

Ling Hua paused, his little face full of tangles, and said, But, but I cant see without my eyes, and my mother will dislike me even more.

Xiao An, the things you beg for will never belong to you. Only when you become stronger can life be up to you. Do you understand?

Ling Huaan shook his head and said bluntly, Uncle, I dont understand what you said.

Your dad misses you so much, dont you want to see him?

I want but Ling Huaans face was full of struggle, and he said, Uncle, will it hurt if you dont have your eyes?

No. You just cant see the original world, but you will have a new life, are you willing?

Does it really not hurt? Ling Huaan was still a little unsure.

It wont. The man was surprisingly patient.

Okay, where will uncle take me to see my dad? Thinking of seeing his father, Ling Huaans eyes brightened.

Right here.

The man opened and closed his mouth, chanting the incantation silently. After a while, three men appeared in front of Ling Huaan, one black and one white, and Hua Yan, his father, stood in the middle.

Dad! Ling Huaan looked at Hua Yan in surprise and rushed towards him.

Hua Yans expression was obviously startled, and he reached out to pick him up, hugged his small but warm body into his arms, and said excitedly, Xiao An, its you.

Dad, where have you been? Why didnt you go home? I miss you so much! Ling Huaan hugged Hua Yans neck tightly and cried out in grievance.

Hua Yan felt uncomfortable but couldnt cry. He gently patted Ling Huaans back and said, Xiao An,  Dad is going to a far place and will not be able to come back for a long time. But your mom will accompany you. Xiao An should be obedient and grow up well, okay?

When Dad was not here, Xiao An was very obedient. I sweep the floor, wipe the table, and even peel apples, but mom doesnt like Xiao An anymore. Wuuu wuuu, Mom doesnt love Xiao An anymore. Dad, dont go, okay? Ling Huaan hugged Hua Yan tightly, crying and telling his grievances.

Ling Huaan cried sadly and was tired, so he fell asleep in Hua Yans arms. When he woke up, Hua Yan was already gone. Then, when he went back home, his eyes were already blind.


Jiang Chengyan hugged Ling Huaan painfully, frowned, and asked, Who is that man?

Ling Huaan patted Jiang Chengyan on the back soothingly and said, I found out later that the man was Yan Jun1, and the one who brought my father was Hei Bai Wuchang.

Yan Jun? Jiang Chengyans eyes widened in shock. Yan Jun, the God of the Underworld, appeared in the human realm and met Ling Huaan.

Yes, Yan Jun, that fierce-looking man is Yan Jun. I was as surprised as you when I found out about it.

Then why did he meet you and choose yo to be spirit guide?

I asked him later, but he didnt answer.

Later? So that means Yan Jun returned to you after you lost sight?

En. I was only five years old then, and I saw all kinds of terrifying ghosts every day. If it werent for him who was always with me, I would have gone crazy.

Staying with you all the time? Jiang Chengyan was even more surprised and completely confused.En, he stayed with me for five years, and when I got used to this kind of life, he disappeared. Yan Jun is like another father to me, and I am very grateful to him.

Jiang Chengyan hesitated and said, Huaan, have you ever thought that your life might not be simple?

Ive thought about it. But it turns out that Im just an ordinary person. If Captain Jiang doesnt sleep now, I must do something else.



  1. /Ya Jun = king of hell
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